PvE Server


Feb 12, 2022
I share those sentiments as a mostly pve player who enjoys exploration, crafting, and micro-tinkering for fun. But I wouldn't even be here if the game didn't have full loot non-consensual pvp.

In fact, I was mining the other day and almost fell asleep when all of a sudden a pig grunted nearby in an area that didn't have pigs. I woke up instantly and fully alert, it was just a player with a pet pig walking past.
Yeah I agree. This game would be pointless without full loot pvp, or pve servers keeping the pvpers and pvers separated. It's the heart and soul of the game. There are games which do PVE better, have quests and a storyline. This game isn't that. To make PVE the focus and take PVP out of the equation would make the entire game pointless.


Feb 16, 2022
honestly it sounds like you're looking for a different game, which is totally understandable


Feb 26, 2022
I don't think that a PvE server is the right way to go. I like the idea of the alt servers, and I hope that at least one sticks around forever.

However - even though I am a greifer at heart, and I will happily spend all day sitting on top of the graveyard fence and headshotting anyone who lets their health get below half, I actually do have a soft spot for farmers, carebears and whales.

I think that people who want to avoid PvP should have ways to do it. I've come up with a few ideas over the weeks how it could be implemented - and most are straight from Ultima Online.

1) Hiding (and spotting) skill / invisibility potions. See a zerg cresting the hill? Too many MA to run or fight? Pop a 5g invis potion and wait until they move on.

2) Level 4 speed for horse. Give horses an 'overworked' speed that permanently decreases their max health by 20% or so each time you use it. Use it three times on the same horse and they go lame afterward and can't go above speed 2 from that point onward.

Any other ideas?


Feb 16, 2022
Any other ideas?

Hireable NPC bodyguards. i'll pretend that this could actually be implemented without breaking 5 things.

sidenote, I actually believe that a PVE-only game (single player or not) with similar systems to MO2 could be really fun and successful. A smart AAA publisher should make this happen tbh.

but it's insanity to come to this forum and try to push for the devs to literally alter the design document of their own game, post-launch.


Feb 26, 2022
sidenote, I actually believe that a PVE-only game (single player or not) with similar systems to MO2 could be really fun and successful. A smart AAA publisher should make this happen tbh.

I would agree if crafting took 20x as many materials as it does currently. As it stands, it's very obvious that the resource gathering system was designed in such a way that if you go out to gather for a day, you can gear yourself all week for fights.

If PvP was disabled in Mortal 2 with no mechanics changed at all, every player would catapult themselves extremely quickly into endgame gear and content, which is very not good.

Games are about the journey, not the destination. It's easy to forget that sometimes since people are inherently (yes even you) selfish and are inextricably drawn to power and being 'on top'. In the end, it'd be wise to remember that this is how we're spending our time. If a noob in fullgrain leather has a fun night slaying zombies with a couple dudes he just met, I'd say that has far more value than being the guy who farmed alone all night to make a tungsteel sword while watching anime on his second monitor.


Feb 16, 2022
sure yeah, the systems would have to be tweaked, at the least.

Games used to be more about the journey. Most still try or pretend to try, but I remember a time when the idea of a tangible 'quest reward' was not really a thing. MO2 has done an excellent job of reminding me how i fell in love with rpgs in the first place. This game is ALL journey pretty much (that is not the same thing as saying it has enough content though). And isn't that what some of us have always been looking for?


Feb 26, 2022
This game is ALL journey pretty much... ...isn't that what some of us have always been looking for?

The 'MMO' I was playing prior to Mortal is called 'BatMUD' and is very much like Mortal in its philosophy and scope, only it has three decades of development behind it. It's a shame that MUDs are only for very specific people or else for people who grew up playing them, because I think much of the 'hardcore' crowd would dig them.

That being said, playing a text-based game is not for the faint of heart. If you lack imagination, reading comprehension or quick thinking you will struggle. Mortal 2 to me feels very much like an incipient MUD without as much thinking involved. Which is very nice. I'm excited to see what the developers do with the world.

Not so excited to see what the entitled little nitwits have to say about it all.


Feb 16, 2022
played plenty of single player text adventure games in the 80s, and an old, ASCII graphic pseudo-MUD called Land of Devastation back in the 90s dial-up days, but never a true MUD

MO2 reminds me of a time when rpgs forced the player to really take responsibility for all of their choices, and therefore gave the player a greater sense of ownsership and accomplishment.


Feb 26, 2022
It's funny that you mention a sense of ownership and accomplishment because just yesterday I was watching the general MO2 Discord and the people there were talking about how complete patch notes are a necessity in modern gaming.

I don't think that the playerbase is displaying a sense of ownership if they expect and demand that any new changes to their hobby be explicitly detailed to them in an itemized list before those changes ever take hold. Some of these people are the same people who hold the 'hardcore' banner high, too, which seems a little ironic to me.

Then again, I think everyone including myself is a moral hypocrite, so I'm not surprised by their attitude.

In BatMUD, one of my favourite things to do was to visit old (old) locations and search for secret rooms. Some of the dungeons in BatMUD have been created 20 or more years ago by people who have since moved on from the project, and any secrets those locations hold (unless old players have remembered them) are basically lost to time. There is a sense of secrecy and guardianship in BatMUD over secret items, locations and other rare things, which is sort of like MO2. I call this practice 'digital archeology'. I've had game nights with very clever people in BatMUD where all we did was hang out and try syntax after syntax on a secret panel or hidden button in some out of the way location. It's not often that we found a way into some dusty piece of ancient code, but it happened once or twice... I wonder if there's anything like that in Mortal currently, or if there will ever be.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
37.76655478735988, -122.48572468757628
I wonder if there's anything like that in Mortal currently, or if there will ever be.
In MO currently, I know of one lever that was public knowledge before it had a function. There are surely a (small) number of other items and locations about which one may speculate as to a future purpose.

Will there ever be more things to figure out? We'll see.

The early years of the first Mortal Online game were home to guilds, my own foremost among them, that investigated every hint of a mystery. Not every investigation led nowhere, or only to a placeholder, but many of them did. 'Maybe this time will be different. '


Mar 19, 2022
I think a pve server wouldn't be necessary if they handle murderer more harshly give them harsher consequences for there bad decisions. and fix the bug being able to report counts asap..


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
I think a pve server wouldn't be necessary if they handle murderer more harshly give them harsher consequences for there bad decisions. and fix the bug being able to report counts asap..
I dont think its a matter of giving more harsh consequences to murderers. I think its giving more incentive NOT to be. Why do you assume killing someone is a "bad decision"? Maybe to you it is, but this is a sandbox and each player should be able to judge what is good or bad.

People always bash murderers in a game so heavily focused on PvP. Yet there isn't really any reason not to. Farming rep is easy enough to let us do as we please.

If we added a basic system like the Paragon/Renegade and had different tiers with different buffs/debuffs then I think you'd see quite a difference. Until then...there is too much reward to kill whoever we want. Reputation as it stands currently is just an annoyance and creates an unfun game loop of running parcels from point A to point B.

Side note: parcels are quests for all you anti-questers. They are very boring, generic, quests.


Mar 19, 2022
I dont think its a matter of giving more harsh consequences to murderers. I think its giving more incentive NOT to be. Why do you assume killing someone is a "bad decision"? Maybe to you it is, but this is a sandbox and each player should be able to judge what is good or bad.

People always bash murderers in a game so heavily focused on PvP. Yet there isn't really any reason not to. Farming rep is easy enough to let us do as we please.

If we added a basic system like the Paragon/Renegade and had different tiers with different buffs/debuffs then I think you'd see quite a difference. Until then...there is too much reward to kill whoever we want. Reputation as it stands currently is just an annoyance and creates an unfun game loop of running parcels from point A to point B.

Side note: parcels are quests for all you anti-questers. They are very boring, generic, quests.

The game is based on realism set in a sandbox mythical medieval world.
All through civilisation Law and order/Justice has been a thing. Murdering someone has always had consequences.
In this game they just aren't Harsh enough.
Yes its a pvp game no disputing that but it is also an open world sandbox game with other options and playstyles. its not call of duty pvp.
Mindless ganking and murdering Is boring if you ask me and many others, but I also understand It is also fun in certain situations.
I played a murderer in ultima online for many years and I also accepted the consequences of my choices. I also enjoyed the order/chaos pvp choices.
I would make the murderers think twice before they kill mindlessly as new players on the receiving end of it isnt a good look for the game to keep players playing.
I think Murderers should be red and only allowed into lawless towns they should have to spend time repenting as a ghost with fear of stat loss if they rez to soon and after killing to many people in a row of course. Just my opinion and I am sure others would agree :)
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