Why do you think this doesn't apply to MMO's? If they are charging you $$, it's not your job as a consumer to give them excuses when their product doesn't work. We aren't talking about an in-game bug. People literally can't get past the login screen to access what they paid for. You could comparatively make the same excuse for any software. There is always something more complex out there, but that doesn't mean they don't or shouldn't share the same industry standards. If this was F2P I wouldn't say anything but it's not.I was in beta for 3 days and I voted no. Although what you say applies to all other products, complex MMOs are not one of them, especially done by indies. So buckle up and grab a pint of patient, or eff off and we'll just kill each other.
The bar has dropped so low for game releases. The reason it keeps happening is because we let it happen. It's a bad look for the industry that this is happening so close to the heels of the New World catastrophe.
The best way to get these awful releases to stop happening is for more consumers to raise hell when it does happen and demand their money be returned. There isn't much incentive to make sure your release is going to go well if you know most people won't be able to get that money back.
We've fallen into this crazy place where it's considered normal and we just go with the punches. That's crazy to me.
I work IT in the health industry and if this crap happened in my field, physicians and patients wouldn't be looking for excuses on my behalf. I also wouldn't expect them too.
The game industry is the only place I know of where software that flat out doesn't work is considered ok. "Just be patient, eventually it will work. We don't know when or have an ETA but don't complain. It's all part of the process. Just restart your client every 30-40min and you should get in eventually. No? Well it worked for other people... If you don't have time to do that then just chill out and try again tomorrow and the next day after that. No point in complaining.". <--That's absolutely crazy but it's also common responses I see.
I want to like this game but I also want my money back until it's a working piece of software and then I can decide if I want to try it again or not. The tutorial was nice and all but I wouldn't even give $5 for it let alone $40 if that's all I get to see before being forever stuck in the queue.
Anyhow, those are just my opinions and I'm done ranting.