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  1. Kyllike

    Out of Memory Crash / Leak?

    Are you both in performance mode? DLSS on? - Could you post in-game setting info?
  2. Kyllike

    [BUG] Corrupt spell doesn't prevent NPC bandits from healing themselves with bandages

    I thought I had seen this when Grinding. Sounds like a good bug report.
  3. Kyllike

    Biggest issues I'm having - Bug Report (Haven Freeze / Crash)

    This sounds like an overheat or external process hitting your ram cpu or disk load. Please look into external sources of this. Setting the exe to run as admin in the properties seemed to help some that had passively scanning programs. Another helpful tool would be to run a perf mon in the...
  4. Kyllike

    MO2 urgently need AFK-timer kick and anty macros system in place.

    afk kick timer could be implemented if needed. currently it would dissuade users from logging in at all if they could not play at the time that they exit the queue. Lets say you got in a 3AM and just want to sleep for an hour and play when you wake up, you are FORCED to play right then...
  5. Kyllike

    Please let us build on the temporary myrland

    Have you stocked it, secured it, chests, guards, preist? Solo players will have to take some time to do it. Making seperate instances will lessen the strain on hoarding gold and deeds for those who want to build and also breed a better economy on the markets for those without housing.
  6. Kyllike

    Game crushes

    Have you checked for programs possibly trying to scan the game files? Try adding an exception to the folder if you have a passive scanning viral protect, or right click the mo2 exe and set it to run as admin(seemed to help for some)
  7. Kyllike

    Inventory when exiting Haven

    not allowing mass exits of gold is good - the economy would be TRASH if haven players had full inv swapping, you would also see mass guilds alt spamming to push out exports from haven constantly.
  8. Kyllike

    Make Instances F2P until Sarducca

    It is not a requirement to build your own house, this is a social game - some people will have a house in your spot. Just ask to help them and contribute to a village.
  9. Kyllike

    Disable All Building on every Myrland Server

    Hard disagree- We need to allow mainlanders to build up. This is the purpose of the game. Build up gold and resources and stockpile them while you can safely now. You will be better suited to handle land ownership later on. "should have been" ??? - the territory and alpha spots have already...
  10. Kyllike

    lets face it.... this is not going the right way.

    Did someone leave you on read recently?
  11. Kyllike

    Mages - Rough Spot am I insane or just a bad take.

    the /s is for sarcasm, I am sorry you cant kill things faster than foot fighters with your build.
  12. Kyllike

    Mages - Rough Spot am I insane or just a bad take.

    mage was insanely easy to level. Solo bandits in haven easier than melee and have an easier time reading books to up skills from high int. I do not believe you need to improve the magus at all, just keep adding more spells and the previewed content. PVE - you are doing it wrong if you aren't...
  13. Kyllike

    [Suggestion] Remove ingredients list from meal name

    By the same information - you should be asking to remove ALL descriptions on items.
  14. Kyllike

    Startmenu high GPU-Usage

    why not just minimize or push to another desktop(windows 8 and above).
  15. Kyllike

    Extra content suggestion - Ancient system

    This is a great suggestion for a Guru or Master push for crafters and people taking their swordsmanship seriously.
  16. Kyllike

    Content Creators and Lessons From the Recent Past

    An auto-logout option for afk players could be a solution if macros did not exist or could be checked. This takes time to implement that the dev team has no cycles to make at the moment. This was already brought up and answered. Server caps were never really explicitly announced where they?
  17. Kyllike

    Compensation for Queue Issue

    Because of restarts and updates being pushed, also - if your computer closes out, there is no mechanic to save your spot.
  18. Kyllike

    Queue Exploit

    EAC is a kernel program that looks at read memory, vm use, input to memory and any injection. I am talking about a packet scan that updates what is sent.
  19. Kyllike

    Queue Exploit

    What is to stop someone from sending a packet with a lowered timestamp to the server and gaining access first? Does the login server take a snapshot of the time on server side? or is it relying upon the packet timing? There was a theory craft I read on a separate forum that had information...