Disable All Building on every Myrland Server


Jan 24, 2022

StarVault I think you made an excellent decision today for the sake of long-term community health and satisfaction, to shard Myrland until the other continents are out and ready for use. However, allowing the "main Myrland" to have player-built structures while every other Myrland is disabled for building is just unfair. Even if we can server-hop with lots of gold and resources, all that is going to happen is another gigantic, insulting queue to the main server to try and claim the best spots for land and of course the castles.

It's a terrible way to start out the territory and land claims in a persistent world, rewarding only those players willing to sit through excruciating queues and causing a disruption in how the early game of Nave "should have been" that could last potentially for years.

I see no reason why you should not simply disable building all-together. Keep it flat and fair across the board. No player-built structures until you are able to steer the ship back to the "one world" vision. You don't even have proper siege or demolition mechanics implemented so this shouldn't be a big deal anyways. Disable all building until things are more stable.



Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I Disagree. Those people deserve their place to fight over trash and dupe, exploit, sit in 18 hour queues. Who is to say which server is the real Myrland, won't that be decided after the pop of them gets up? We know MO1 got ruined by TC, and who knows what it will do to MO2. The world is so 'open' and beautiful without even having houses. I do support more camps, as I said, due to sheer size, and of course more mobs. Beyond that? Who cares? Let all the minecraft kids get in on main server. GLHF. Come to the open world pvp server and play. And if people wanna come in with their empire building guild and try to gain mats in the open sever, we should band together and stomp them out. Say go back to your safehouses, bud. This is real deal MO here. :D


New member
Jan 30, 2022
Hard disagree- We need to allow mainlanders to build up. This is the purpose of the game. Build up gold and resources and stockpile them while you can safely now. You will be better suited to handle land ownership later on.
"should have been" ??? - the territory and alpha spots have already been claimed for the most part. There is plenty of room from what I have observed while online.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
37.76655478735988, -122.48572468757628
There was an argument (somewhat cogent) that housing was absolutely needed at realease
due to the SIZE of the world that would have PvP in it.
IF that was ever true, then it could still be true, but if it is, do you turn PvP off as well?

I really don't know any of these answers.

It does seem to me like nothing gets people outside city nodes like having their casitas in the countryside to work, store stuff, and log out in.