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  1. MortalEnjoyer42069

    The Death of a great game. A sad tale.

    TLDR. Read some. Sounds like you're sad that you don't pvp and/or suck at it. Ok bye
  2. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Mortal Online 1 question

    The MO1 server is the chat server for MO2. If you don't believe me look at the IPs for MO2.
  3. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Attack Charge Flash

    I hear you and agree overall. I could careless about 1v1s taking forever. The game is more than a fighter 1v1 duel sim. All people complaining about 1v1 can get bent.
  4. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Special Stream Event - Wednesday 24th of July at 8 PM CEST

    I hope its the flash charge removal patch.
  5. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Load Stutter

    This did not work.
  6. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Load Stutter

    I don't know what it is and I quite frankly don't care. Please for the love of all that is good, end the stutter on log in. MO2 is the only game I play that I have to start it and wait 30 minutes before I play for my swings and blocks not to frame drop out of existence.
  7. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Accessibility changes @Robmo

    I appreciate this feedback.
  8. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Attack Charge Flash

    Bump. I'm not letting this issue die. I'm tired of getting dunked by low ping players that can't even block normal attacks properly but just spam blink charge to win fights. The game was better without it. EDIT Like seriously Henrik WTF do you expect me to do in this situation. Hypothetical...
  9. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Where is lykiator?)

    Hello comrad. The easy marshland lykiator location are south east from jungle camp at the same jungle level. The location for the stalker lykiator is south west of jungle camp on one jungle level lower.
  10. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Use the Mastery System to Phase Out Trinkets:

    I don't agree at all. Mage armor is basically naked. I'm not going to comment on the rest of what you said. I hope you don't take this the wrong way but we are playing different games. You want low investment to beat and compete with high investment. Never going to happen.
  11. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Can you extract rock oil from anything?

    You answered your own question.
  12. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Use the Mastery System to Phase Out Trinkets:

    I would like to see unique options in the mastery tree rather than buffs we already have access. I don't understand your points. Any naked player with low HP will get one shot, trinkets or builds change nothing about this. If you have an issue with lances, block down. There is no such thing...
  13. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Trinket System Modification

    I recommend several changes to the trinket system. Gem Effectiveness Change Upgrade max damage rolls to... 3% - Red Coral 5% - Amethyst I know there are multipliers that effect the rolls, so adjust the multiplier to whatever would result in these percentages, with damage as an example...
  14. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Test Server Steam Listing

    Please make a new steam entry so that we can quickly swap between the PTR and the live game quickly. Examples below.
  15. MortalEnjoyer42069

    [POLL] mastery system progression

    I voted PvE as I believe the system needs to be open to all players. There are some players that cannot compete in PvP and removing a portion of the game from them to experience is not inclusive gameplay and will drive players away from the new system and ultimately the game.
  16. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Reduce glory amount to reach max clade level

    I leveled two characters from 8-20 in three days. Again, you guys just suck. 8-20 is about 75K glory. New mastery system is 1.5M for 110.
  17. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Reduce glory amount to reach max clade level

    No. It's not a mega grind, especially with the new task system. You just suck.
  18. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Mortal Exodus:

    You can use even less assets due to "space".
  19. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Attack Charge Flash

    Yeap and that's exactly why I hate it. I cant fight euros. I just lose. No surprise there though. Zero ping Lordus whispering in Henriks ear ruining the game. Any suggestion from euros needs to be thought long and hard about.