Search results

  1. MortalEnjoyer42069

    JC/CC Priest Camping

    Solves literally nothing. You have a select group of degenerates hell bent on their only gameplay loop being to kill undefendable naked players spawning at a priest. This is the definition of griefing. If this were a red priest I would say who cares, but it's not, it's a blue priest. SV has...
  2. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Pets Have Ruined the Game Completely

    I agree that the pets need stamina, but they also need a predictable block direction like we had in the first game. I'm not asking for the pets to be center PARRY able, but center BLOCK able. Additionally, the pet pathing right now is insane. Chasing players up the side of mountains, across...
  3. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Pets Have Ruined the Game Completely

    I agree. I just got attacked by two necro players. I was taking damage from four sources. Mortal has become the game of perpetual uneven and unfun fights.
  4. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Thymoricals Ban is Concerning

    Probably got dunked for RMT. Get fucked loser.
  5. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Login Servers Constantly Broken

    What gives?
  6. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Gold and Item limit when leaving haven should be removed.

    Haven is the tutorial region for a reason. There is no full loot PvP in Haven. I don't like this idea.
  7. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Pets Are Too Strong.

    I just got clapped by a mage pet combo. It was not fun. The mage didn't even cast on me and I wasn't able to kill the steel armored taur dog while I was life leeching. Shit is broken and cheesy.
  8. MortalEnjoyer42069

    JC/CC Priest Camping

    Guards need to be added to JC and CC. JC is worse off than CC, but the location is 24/7 priest camped by one guild. JC is a critical location for the game. You can simply not advance some character builds without the books located at JC. Since Henrik decided to make JC a blue priest, SV has done...
  9. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Game is too Soft

    I have recently discovered something troubling. The server is suffering from time drift. A timer that I was tracking was off by a whole 6 hours! What's more troubling is that this seems to imply that SV has set actual timers on houses instead of setting a date in which to execute decay/delete/etc.
  10. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Combat keybinds.

    I agree. The community has been asking for this since alpha, but I guess it's beyond SV's abilities.
  11. MortalEnjoyer42069


    Real Money Trading was one of the downfalls of MO1 and history is repeating itself with MO2. It is very easy to tell what groups of people are engaged in this behavior. RMT not only destabilizes the in game economy, but it also hurts player adoption and retention as you cannot effectively fight...
  12. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Game is too Soft

    The housing decay timers need to be changed. I was watching a house that was decaying for over a week. The house never fell. The owner returned and rebuilt the house. Why is the decay timer so long? If you run out of money for upkeep, which is two months by the way, the house should decay in 24...