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  1. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Bears vs Horses

    "We still want horses to be the premier MC pet" - Henrik
  2. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Mounted Skills Decoupling (PTR+)

    The PTR patch and the soon to be live patch have decouple the ground skills from their mounted counter-parts. This is all good and well, but there is an issue with the game right now regarding the foot vs mounted specialties. In game we have foot fighters that are 50% proficient in all mounted...
  3. MortalEnjoyer42069

    The alavarins being able to run and heal so easily needs to be balanced better

    Blunt damage scales very nicely at end game level armors. Even an Alvarin is highly competitive with blunt weapons. Even more so if they have blunt trinkets. The +22% Blunt/+22 HP is the best return on investment in the game for rings and really allows the Alvarin to conquer most combat situations.
  4. MortalEnjoyer42069

    The alavarins being able to run and heal so easily needs to be balanced better

    You've never played/fought against/as a war club alvarin have you?
  5. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Mana is never full on login, why?

    I've been reporting this since alpha. Still never addressed.
  6. MortalEnjoyer42069

    The alavarins being able to run and heal so easily needs to be balanced better

    "We want to change the game away from speed is king." - Henrik Regarding changes from MO1 to MO2. Proceeds to make MO2 speed is king.
  7. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Pets Have Ruined the Game Completely

    @Emdash Dude you are correct, don't listen to this idiot. There is a stamina penalty range with unique ranges for foot and mounted. Sure, being at the strength requirement you can pull the bow, but it isn't ideal. I only watched mouth breather demo mans video for a few seconds. If he has aiming...
  8. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Pets Have Ruined the Game Completely

    I literally don't care, you're all the same. Clout chasing degens. The build has been around for years. not months. You came here to search your name. lul wut. I hit that narcissism spot on.
  9. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Pets Have Ruined the Game Completely

    God I hate Demoman with a passion. The guy is the sole reason we hear "Arcane Archer" like he created people using Mounted Archery and Mounted Magery. Cringe ass narcissistic "content creators". Also, this build sucks, just like his invented "Arcane Archer" build sucks. Dude has no idea what...
  10. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Game is too Soft

    Exactly. I also drastically disagree with large resource loss. If resources are that valuable to the player they should use a town or TC bank. That shit literally can't be looted. Houses are not intended to have the same functionality as banks given that you can place them anywhere on the map.
  11. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Risen Tuar Dog

    What the fuck SV? No one at SV was like wow, that's a lot of stamina, hp, turning, defense, speed, small hitbox, damage. Taur Dog/Black Bear
  12. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Psy Fighter

    Because it's bad. Attribute point cost is too high for it to be viable even on humans. Even at around 100 psyche you're still getting clapped by high intelligence mages, not to mention that they can still mindblast you for 36.
  13. MortalEnjoyer42069

    New Flux Farm problem...

    I saw another Russian doing this the other day. Untagged of course. How are they doing this?
  14. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Bears vs Horses

    Right now bears (includes taur dogs) just straight beat horses in mounted engagements. The bears have smaller hit boxes, are faster, have higher baseline defenses, high much higher HP, turn tighter and faster, and have similar stamina to that of horses. In a 1v1 trade with a horse vs bear you...
  15. MortalEnjoyer42069

    JC/CC Priest Camping

    I'm perfectly fine with programming, but SV is incompetent. You are asking them to create a new system. They have failed to create simple systems in the past in a timely manner. Seriously STFU at this point. I've been playing MO since 2008. Don't talk to me about spoiling shit or carebear stuff...
  16. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Let Me Change My Face/Hair/Tattoo Already! MY GOD!

    This functionality already exist in the game. The method/blueprint just needs to be exposed to the player through item use. This is 5 minutes of work tops and could be patched into the game very easily.
  17. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Let Me Change My Face/Hair/Tattoo Already! MY GOD!

    I agree. It could be a nice gold sync too.
  18. MortalEnjoyer42069

    JC/CC Priest Camping

    I disagree with your idea, but if SV went with it they would need to develop an entirely new game system. This takes time that they don't have.
  19. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Login Servers Constantly Broken

    This seems to be the case. I have not had the problem since. Thank you for looking into this matter.
  20. MortalEnjoyer42069

    JC/CC Priest Camping

    Guards are extremely easy to kill. It will cause the players doing the spawn camping to constantly be engaged in combat, lose standing, and lose weapon/armor durability. Right now there is no punishment. I'm all for a hardcore game but this isn't hardcore. You're not even allowed to play.