JC/CC Priest Camping

May 4, 2024
Guards need to be added to JC and CC. JC is worse off than CC, but the location is 24/7 priest camped by one guild. JC is a critical location for the game. You can simply not advance some character builds without the books located at JC. Since Henrik decided to make JC a blue priest, SV has done nothing to offer any protection in both areas. If it's going to stay a blue priest it needs a few guards. I've posted a video below of my truly engaged interaction every time I try to go to JC. This has been happening for over a year now.



Active member
Dec 2, 2023
Easy fix for spawn camping :

Have a giant sphere around the priest, when we enter that proximity we can just spawn on the spot.

This would allow guardless towns to remain guardless, and act as a significant blow to spawn camping.

Lastly, you could also make living players visible within the priest's sphere, so you can choose a spot where the enemy players aren't. I'm talking like.. A sphere the size of the town or bigger.
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May 4, 2024
Easy fix for spawn camping :

Have a giant sphere around the priest, when we enter that proximity we can just spawn on the spot.

This would allow guardless towns to remain guardless, and act as a significant blow to spawn camping.

Lastly, you could also make living players visible within the priest's sphere, so you can choose a spot where the enemy players aren't. I'm talking like.. A sphere the size of the town or bigger.
Solves literally nothing. You have a select group of degenerates hell bent on their only gameplay loop being to kill undefendable naked players spawning at a priest. This is the definition of griefing. If this were a red priest I would say who cares, but it's not, it's a blue priest.

SV has even added task issuers to JC/CC. You can't even engage with these systems at these locations due to the endless killing.
I'm asking for one or two guards at these locations. Not lictors or anything extreme but something to delay even for a couple of seconds the onslaught of attacks. We literally have random POIs with more guard protection than these supposed camps. It makes no sense.
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Active member
Dec 2, 2023
Solves literally nothing. You have a select group of degenerates hell bent on their only gameplay loop being to kill undefendable naked players spawning at a priest. This is the definition of griefing. If this were a red priest I would say who cares, but it's not, it's a blue priest.

SV has even added task issuers to JC/CC. You can't even engage with these systems at these locations due to the endless killing.
I'm asking for one or two guards at these locations. Not lictors or anything extreme but something to delay even for a couple of seconds the onslaught of attacks.
How does it solve nothing? They'd have no idea where you spawned in? They can't cover the entire town unless they have like 20 people watching every angle. At that point, you just spawn elsewhere.

You want to access something in that location, and they won't allow you. That is kind of how it goes in JC. Same as kranesh.

It is by design that it is like that. You'll probably never convince them to put guards there, since it goes against the intended design of those areas.

I hate spawn camping too, and it is a problem, but the solution isn't guards imo, that is going too PVE carebear.

Trust me when i say : I KNOW about being spawn camped. I'm a solo red player who is kill on sight for most guilds, and i actively try to PVP with everyone i come across. I am probably one of the most spawn camped players on the game. My only way of spawning IS in unguarded areas since i have destroyed my rep in every blue town. So i know the pain.. But i wouldn't trade it for guards; we just need better spawn mechanics that don't have you literally locked in place in a tiny proximity around the priest.
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May 4, 2024
How does it solve nothing? They'd have no idea where you spawned in? They can't cover the entire town unless they have like 20 people watching every angle. At that point, you just spawn elsewhere.

You want to access something in that location, and they won't allow you. That is kind of how it goes in JC. Same as kranesh.

It is by design that it is like that. You'll probably never convince them to put guards there, since it goes against the intended design of those areas.

I hate spawn camping too, and it is a problem, but the solution isn't guards imo, that is going too PVE carebear.
Guards are extremely easy to kill. It will cause the players doing the spawn camping to constantly be engaged in combat, lose standing, and lose weapon/armor durability. Right now there is no punishment. I'm all for a hardcore game but this isn't hardcore. You're not even allowed to play.


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
Guards are extremely easy to kill. It will prevent the players doing the spawn camping to constantly be engaged in combat, lose standing, and lose weapon/armor durability. Right now there is no punishment. I'm all for a hardcore game but this isn't hardcore. You're not even allowed to play.
You can't be spawn camped if they don't know where you are.

So that resolves the spawn camping part. What you have an issue with is not being able to access the area without people killing you. Which is an entirely separate issue.

Again, the devs want those places to be difficult to access. It is by design.

They've put things most classes would need, books etc, in jungle camp.. They've then purposely put no guards there. They know what they're doing. They want you to suffer when you go to these places. It is an intended feature. They want you to sweat when you set foot in places like that. They want it to be dangerous.

I was at first annoyed by these design choices, but i realized it was because i was too used to the safe environments granted by other games. It is entitlement brought about by so many hand holding games. Like, yes, it is unfair, but it is supposed to be unfair.

This game IS unfair. It is supposed to be unfair to a degree.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Eh, camping is w/e. It's a fear tactic haha. They don't want people to get there and get set up. It's like clearing out horse spawns. SOME OF US ALREADY HAVE MATS THERE HUEHUEHUE.

What they need to do to fix camping in general is make it so that if you die, each time you die, you can't res at the closest priest for a certain (increasing w/ each death) amount of time. Spawn camping doesn't help anyone. I think that would also benefit a lot of other areas of pvp gameplay where people do the opposite of spawn camping, which is like res rushing haha.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
And to believe that a significant portion of this community would actually want all guards removed from the game 😂


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
And to believe that a significant portion of this community would actually want all guards removed from the game 😂

Nah, nobody does lool, like 1%. And to be fair, I even thought it was stupid in MO1 when people were like remove guards. It's really what is keeping MO from being completely ridiculous. However, guards in MO1 weren't gonna sticky you or hit you for 80 ranged. Some might, but the majority of them were just like pressure bots. They added way more elite guards and elite guards seem a lot stronger than before. You could ride your mount thru guards before, but elites would eat you alive.

Guards are useful to dissuade and I don't even disagree with the idea of putting SOME guards around extraction devices. But having them on the road, in the grave yard, that's just kinda weird. If there were patrolling guards, there shouldn't be many and they should be patrolling a wide area. We (We? I assume haha) want realism! Who is paying all of these guards who are just standing by each other. It's ridiculous how many guards there are from any logical standpoint. Considering that there are a lot of well placed elites, too, it's just like... what's the point.

You like the guards in this game opposed to MO1?

I think it should be possible to get a hit on someone without getting caught by guards. Not everywhere, but in each town, it should be possible to catch someone slipping. That was a big part of MO1.

I was killing people @ Fab extraction and people were trying to kill me @ Bakti extraction in MO2 beta, but at some point they were just like moar and moar guardzzz.

I still remember when I played w/ oykd the last time. He went in on someone in the GY (not knowing, cuz he hadn't played for awhile) and next thing we both got elite guarded in duli GY. We 'only' had on Pansar ranger, but the escape was futile. He was like r u fukkin kidding me, elite guards, then he was like "this game is dead to me." lol And tbh I understand what he means. It's dumb.

That being said, people camp as a precaution. Plus most people won't camp you forever. Stick around until more people come, have some mettle if you really wanna get it in. They already made JC priest blue, didn't they? lol. Fuck it.


Active member
Feb 25, 2022
Nah the tribes of the jungle protect jungle camp and the jungle. its just the way it is , make friends ... youl find the natives of the reagion quite friendly if you approach them in bakti or mohki.
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Active member
Feb 25, 2022
Nah, nobody does lool, like 1%. And to be fair, I even thought it was stupid in MO1 when people were like remove guards. It's really what is keeping MO from being completely ridiculous. However, guards in MO1 weren't gonna sticky you or hit you for 80 ranged. Some might, but the majority of them were just like pressure bots. They added way more elite guards and elite guards seem a lot stronger than before. You could ride your mount thru guards before, but elites would eat you alive.

Guards are useful to dissuade and I don't even disagree with the idea of putting SOME guards around extraction devices. But having them on the road, in the grave yard, that's just kinda weird. If there were patrolling guards, there shouldn't be many and they should be patrolling a wide area. We (We? I assume haha) want realism! Who is paying all of these guards who are just standing by each other. It's ridiculous how many guards there are from any logical standpoint. Considering that there are a lot of well placed elites, too, it's just like... what's the point.

You like the guards in this game opposed to MO1?

I think it should be possible to get a hit on someone without getting caught by guards. Not everywhere, but in each town, it should be possible to catch someone slipping. That was a big part of MO1.

I was killing people @ Fab extraction and people were trying to kill me @ Bakti extraction in MO2 beta, but at some point they were just like moar and moar guardzzz.

I still remember when I played w/ oykd the last time. He went in on someone in the GY (not knowing, cuz he hadn't played for awhile) and next thing we both got elite guarded in duli GY. We 'only' had on Pansar ranger, but the escape was futile. He was like r u fukkin kidding me, elite guards, then he was like "this game is dead to me." lol And tbh I understand what he means. It's dumb.

That being said, people camp as a precaution. Plus most people won't camp you forever. Stick around until more people come, have some mettle if you really wanna get it in. They already made JC priest blue, didn't they? lol. Fuck it.
i do think guards are a good thing but they do need to be toned down in meduli and fabernum. a couple elite guards near the bank in meduli i understand but the GY guards are way to strong and the guard towers as well they should just be weaker. i get that the guard towers are a deterent to reds but they shouldnt make it impossible if a group camped the npc and it respawned every 10 minutes or somthing that would be good enough in my opinion.


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
Eh, camping is w/e. It's a fear tactic haha. They don't want people to get there and get set up. It's like clearing out horse spawns. SOME OF US ALREADY HAVE MATS THERE HUEHUEHUE.

What they need to do to fix camping in general is make it so that if you die, each time you die, you can't res at the closest priest for a certain (increasing w/ each death) amount of time. Spawn camping doesn't help anyone. I think that would also benefit a lot of other areas of pvp gameplay where people do the opposite of spawn camping, which is like res rushing haha.
See, i disagree with this approach for one key reason :

If you're a criminal with zero rep, you're only able to spawn at places without guards. I could run across the map to the next priest and the same thing happens. I mean, if people wanted, they could lock a player out of the game in that position, with enough numbers. That should never even be a possibility.

I honestly feel it is more an issue of the proximity to the priest and simply knowing when someone has spawned in. If they can't see you, and they don't know whether or not you've spawned, they won't even begin to attempt spawn camping, because they wouldn't know if they were simply waiting for nothing; and so they wouldn't wait at all.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Nah the tribes of the jungle protect jungle camp and the jungle. its just the way it is , make friends ... youl find the natives of the reagion quite friendly if you approach them in bakti or mohki.
It is not protecting, its gate keeping. A protector only kills known enemies or greefers, not every single person they dont know. Thats called gate keeping and greefing indiscriminately.

Happens in every unguarded town in the game and its why those towns are always empty except for the no life gatekeepers that sit there all day just to monopolize the area. Its absolute cancer for the game.
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May 4, 2024
See, i disagree with this approach for one key reason :

If you're a criminal with zero rep, you're only able to spawn at places without guards. I could run across the map to the next priest and the same thing happens. I mean, if people wanted, they could lock a player out of the game in that position, with enough numbers. That should never even be a possibility.

I honestly feel it is more an issue of the proximity to the priest and simply knowing when someone has spawned in. If they can't see you, and they don't know whether or not you've spawned, they won't even begin to attempt spawn camping, because they wouldn't know if they were simply waiting for nothing; and so they wouldn't wait at all.
I disagree with your idea, but if SV went with it they would need to develop an entirely new game system. This takes time that they don't have.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
See, i disagree with this approach for one key reason :

If you're a criminal with zero rep, you're only able to spawn at places without guards. I could run across the map to the next priest and the same thing happens. I mean, if people wanted, they could lock a player out of the game in that position, with enough numbers. That should never even be a possibility.

I honestly feel it is more an issue of the proximity to the priest and simply knowing when someone has spawned in. If they can't see you, and they don't know whether or not you've spawned, they won't even begin to attempt spawn camping, because they wouldn't know if they were simply waiting for nothing; and so they wouldn't wait at all.

There's no way to keep it from happening. The timer would at least stop the loop. It would prevent a lot of griefing, too. Cuz like I said iirc the priest at JC is not a red priest anymore, so you could ostensibly go red camping someone who was camping you earlier. All they have to do is turn their flag back and they are able to MC you forever. Being able to kill people and know they won't be coming back for a time would change the whole dynamic.

I think all players should have safe access to towns. I dunno why people can't plan a proper ambush on people RIGHT OUTSIDE THE TOWN. They wanted to be able to attack reds in town, which is luls. It completely fucks with so many mechanics. If you just let people in towns, there is no problem. However, the camping issue will not change.

It's effectively the same issue you deal with as a low rep player trying to spawn into a town.

The only thing I can see rep sys being for anymore is to keep people who are like horse griefing etc out of town.

Edit: but yea if you could spawn in an area and hide, people would have to camp with spiritists haha. They would find a way.


Active member
Feb 25, 2022
JC isnt a town its a camp it doesnt have alot of other things all other towns have. yes it has some books that can only be purchased there but same goes for other locations and dungeons in the world. listen if you wanna be in the jungle its helpful to be friendly with the savage tribes that exist in it. same goes for the sands and koto. thats just how the game is , make friends with the people and gain access. if you dont plan on being friendly with the tribesmen or being beneficial to the jungle and its inhabitants your going to get a fight. the natives of the jungle protect their dungeons and spawns... hell there was a war waged against a guild who was destroying a horse spawn location by building on it , the tribes of the jungle protect their inhabitants.
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Active member
Dec 2, 2023
I disagree with your idea, but if SV went with it they would need to develop an entirely new game system. This takes time that they don't have.
An entirely new game system?

Not really. How familiar are you with coding?

Also, you laughed in my other thread because you're salty i disagreed with you. Sorry, but your method is just antithetical to the design of the game.

There are MANY carebear games out there with guards in every town. If you want that, you are spoiled for choice. Don't come to this game and try to soil it with your PVE carebear mindset.
May 4, 2024
An entirely new game system?

Not really. How familiar are you with coding?

Also, you laughed in my other thread because you're salty i disagreed with you. Sorry, but your method is just antithetical to the design of the game.

There are MANY carebear games out there with guards in every town. If you want that, you are spoiled for choice. Don't come to this game and try to soil it with your PVE carebear mindset.
I'm perfectly fine with programming, but SV is incompetent. You are asking them to create a new system. They have failed to create simple systems in the past in a timely manner. Seriously STFU at this point. I've been playing MO since 2008. Don't talk to me about spoiling shit or carebear stuff. You have no idea what you're talking about.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
To avoid priest camping they can simply add a 30 second respawn timer after you’ve clicked on the priest. During the countdown you are able to move around in ghost mode as per normal, and go find a spot where to spawn. After 30 seconds you spawn wherever you are.

That way it would be much, much harder for anyone to come and find you even if they know you are respawning. They would pretty much have to guess where you’ll spawn unless they have a spiritist. Even a spiritist wouldn't be able ti keep track of multiple people respawning all going in different locations.
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Active member
Dec 2, 2023
I'm perfectly fine with programming, but SV is incompetent. You are asking them to create a new system. They have failed to create simple systems in the past in a timely manner. Seriously STFU at this point. I've been playing MO since 2008. Don't talk to me about spoiling shit or carebear stuff. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Great argument "No idea what you're talking about".

Doesn't matter how long you've been playing, it doesn't mean you've figured out what is good for the game. It takes a very specific mindset to do that, which is outside the purview of simply playing the game.

You have to be able to look at the game as a whole picture, instead of just your eye of the needle experience.

The game is MEANT to be frustrating in places. You're not supposed to be having fun non-stop. You need those frustrating moments to make the success sweeter, that is the trade off.

You feel that emotion as you move up to jungle camp to get what you want, that fear and tension someone may attack and kill you. You just so happened to have that happen, but think of how good it would've felt if you'd succeeded. The relief. If you knew you were safe, you'd have felt nothing.

You're coming here for those high and low emotional spikes, and they work in tandem.

Honestly, i'd ask yourself why you're even playing the game if you need guards in every town and camp. You have so many alternatives.

The only reason i can think is that you enjoy the positive spikes without realize that it comes at the risk of a massive negative down turn. Again, looking at things through your experience as opposed to how everything works in tandem.