The player intentionally placed the house there knowing it would block a door. I don't see why we should reward stupid even if SV forgot disabling build structures there. Fact is though I can glitch into a tree an kill trolls with long bows from the tree, just because I can do this doesn't mean I should be doing this, some times the easiest fix to someone doing something stupid is just smacking them over the head until they realize they aren't going to get away with it or be rewarded for it.I think it sounds like they didn't intend any buildings to be near the front side of the keep.
But regardless how close it was, it was not in the wall, it was not inhibiting access to the gate, so the game greenzoned the area for a non-keep owning guild, that usually means that someone in development decided the area was buildable and labelled the area as such, in this case it sounds like it was an oversight where they forgot to prohibit access to that area, and that is okay, they can fix the oversight or mistake, but why not move the house to a nearby OK area instead of deleting it? There was no bug/exploit used to create the house, the house wasn't hacked into place, it was normal in-game functions that put the house there.
Let's use a different example, if we talk to the statue that transports you from haven to myrland, it had restrictions put on it for items that could be allowed over to myrland, it clearly would limit the amount, but bags allowed for these same restricted items to be brought over, clearly another oversight by developers and I don't knock them, they are a small team and are not perfect. From my understanding there was a good amount of items that were brought over this way before the bug was fixed, clearly the bag was exploiting a limitation of the game, but let's say the players didn't know, they thought the bag due to the mechanics allowed them to bring the items over, shouldn't the items be deleted?
If players who did this wonderful bypass are not having the items deleted , why is a house being deleted for being placed within an unrestricted zone?
It be one thing if the guy placed his house in an empty field an SV deleted it because they decided they want a camp in that field, but no that not were this individual decided to place his house. He decided that it be a good idea to place it right in front of a door to a keep so he could grief people intentionally, an he decided he was in the right doing so just because SV didn't restrict building access in that spot. Well it SV game they make it clear they aren't going to reward people for doing stupid shit just because they decide to playing dum.
Also players who exploited the bag glitch had their entire banks wiped an some were even banned. So Idk were you source is coming from saying people weren't punished when they were, or that people did this without realizing it was an exploit. Obviously anyone who did that knew they were exploiting, that like printing out the wrong label for produce you self weighted an claiming you didn't know you labelled it wrong.
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