Multy clients


Active member
Apr 5, 2021
Henrik in Discord this morning that the game will also launch on Epic Games store. This means that, if you purchase your accounts 1 on Epic 1 on Steam, 2 characters will once gain be playable once the game is on Epic Games store. This will bring multi boxing back, although in a round-about way. However, since EAC is currently blocking the game from opening while other games are open, there's a chance that having 1 MO2 instance open blocks the second.

Overall, they are creating a pay-to-win environment in that the best crafters will be those who are able to afford multiple computers + multiple accounts. If you don't think the big competitive guild players are all going to do this you are kidding yourselves. There will be even less of an even playing field because of the 1 character per account + EAC implementation changes. It's a mess, and you guys need to look past the promise of '1 character per player' and understand what it really means for the game long term.

The game is incredibly boring with 1 account, the game is far more fun and even more involved with multi-boxing, just like @Albano Dravaes said in his post above me.

They have made the 1 character per account rule to increase profits, removed multi-boxing, which in turn will not only decrease the multiple characters per player profit, but also the thousands of players who will get bored (who may find the game fun with 2 characters at a time) and not play anymore.

A solution needs to be found, and it needs to be clarified going forward if it's there intention to not allow multi boxing (and competetive players will have multiple PCs) or if they are looking into solutions to play the game as it was before EAC changes.

PS The 70 for impeccable profession point change does nothing if it doesn't effect material lore (which is more than likely does not).


New member
Mar 14, 2021
The game needs the broker or a mailing system ASAP. Very difficult to play solo currently.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
I have crunched the numbers, I am interested to see if you come to a different conclusion than I did. So please spell it out here.
You can do a Human with 100 Int and proper Clades and Have full armor Crafting including Cronite and Ogh, Full weapon Crafting Cronite and Ogh, and still have points left over for some butchery in 2 of 3 animal categories of your choice, but probably choosing between Mammalia, Reptilia, and Arthropoda, including butchering textiles and scales. you can even do 3 animal categories if you settle for less zoology lores and just deal with lower yields when butchering your own stuff. Obviously there's room there to fit it to your needs. I Wouldn't personally spend the extra primary on Cronite and Ogh until some point in time where I'd actually be crafting it, until then i'd probably use those pts and fill out zoology lore more if needed. If you don't use hilted weapons, you can drop those and put the points somewhere else...There's literally a ton of stuff you can do if you just think about it and don't just throw your hands up in the air and cry like a baby that 1 character isn't enough for crafting....kick rocks
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Apr 30, 2021
You can do a Human with 100 Int and proper Clades and Have full armor Crafting including Cronite and Ogh, Full weapon Crafting Cronite and Ogh, and still have points left over for some butchery in 2 of 3 animal categories of your choice, but probably choosing between Mammalia, Reptilia, and Arthropoda, including butchering textiles and scales. you can even do 3 animal categories if you settle for less zoology lores and just deal with lower yields when butchering your own stuff. Obviously there's room there to fit it to your needs. I Wouldn't personally spend the extra primary on Cronite and Ogh until some point in time where I'd actually be crafting it, until then i'd probably use those pts and fill out zoology lore more if needed. If you don't use hilted weapons, you can drop those and put the points somewhere else...There's literally a ton of stuff you can do if you just think about it and don't just throw your hands up in the air and cry like a baby that 1 character isn't enough for crafting....kick rocks
Are you keeping 100 effective skill levels in your lores? I am assuming the crafting change that allows impeccable at 70 still needs full lore?
My human hybrid will take over the world!


New member
Dec 1, 2020
You can do a Human with 100 Int and proper Clades and Have ...(snip)

But what about those of us who don't want to be human, want to escape the current world of humans and be an Alvarin or Huegar? Or a half-breed? We do lose out on all those lovely lore bonuses. That's ok, but again it gimps us even more. And on some days, I want my human, or maybe I want an Oghmir... The idea is it's a fantasy and I really don't like the idea of being shoved in a small box to do just one thing all the time. And yes, if you are a weapons crafter, you are doing one thing since you aren't able to make armor or potions.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
But what about those of us who don't want to be human, want to escape the current world of humans and be an Alvarin or Huegar? Or a half-breed? We do lose out on all those lovely lore bonuses. That's ok, but again it gimps us even more. And on some days, I want my human, or maybe I want an Oghmir... The idea is it's a fantasy and I really don't like the idea of being shoved in a small box to do just one thing all the time. And yes, if you are a weapons crafter, you are doing one thing since you aren't able to make armor or potions.
You can still do most of this on a non human, they're just the most efficient at it. I don't play human myself but still plan to do full weapon/ armor crafting, and I'll just buy materials, or gather carcass and pay someone to process, or trade armor and weapons for more materials or gold to buy more resources...or any number of things because that's all pretty standard stuff anyone can do

So I guess from here on out the forums are just going to be a place where people bitch and moan that they can't do every single thing at the highest efficiency and have no real choices that need to be made in the game?


Well-known member
May 30, 2020
You can do a Human with 100 Int and proper Clades and Have full armor Crafting including Cronite and Ogh, Full weapon Crafting Cronite and Ogh, and still have points left over for some butchery in 2 of 3 animal categories of your choice, but probably choosing between Mammalia, Reptilia, and Arthropoda, including butchering textiles and scales. you can even do 3 animal categories if you settle for less zoology lores and just deal with lower yields when butchering your own stuff. Obviously there's room there to fit it to your needs. I Wouldn't personally spend the extra primary on Cronite and Ogh until some point in time where I'd actually be crafting it, until then i'd probably use those pts and fill out zoology lore more if needed. If you don't use hilted weapons, you can drop those and put the points somewhere else...There's literally a ton of stuff you can do if you just think about it and don't just throw your hands up in the air and cry like a baby that 1 character isn't enough for crafting....kick rocks
You have mis-figured, or left something out. There aren't enough points for all of that. Even making level 70 armor and weapons it takes 1461 points to do all that you mentioned. Plus you have to play a gimpy full or part tindremene to do it.
Will making level 70 gear affect the durability?
If you wanted to leave off the butchery and lores you could maybe do it, but that leaves you relying on being able to buy mats and that may be a frustrating endeavor.
Of course a person who just wanted to make a very limited selection of things can, but that isn't what a crafting oriented, or a guild leader, for two examples, will need from the game.
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Well-known member
May 29, 2020
You have mis-figured, or left something out. There aren't enough points for all of that. Even making level 70 armor and weapons it takes 1461 points to do all that you mentioned. Plus you have to play a gimpy full or part tindremene to do it.
Will making level 70 gear affect the durability?
If you wanted to leave off the butchery and lores you could maybe do it, but that leaves you relying on being able to buy mats and that may be a frustrating endeavor.
Of course a person who just wanted to make a very limited selection of things can, but that isn't what a crafting oriented, or a guild leader, for two examples, will need from the game.
You can most definitely do the armor/weapon crafting with that build with points to spare for something else, including the butchery, but like I said you need to make some choices if you try to do the whole thing, but that's definitely not a "limited selection".

You probably included stuff you don't actually need, or the character builder is off...idk and I don't really care, my point was you have room for 2 and sometimes 3 trades if you know what you're doing, which is 100% true...and like I said I'm not trying to blow smoke up your ass or trying to be an SV apologist.
...I'm just trying to make a point that there is a lot of room to do multiple trades on one character, and that SV has been designing and changing things to accommodate the 1 character limitation and not actively designing around trying to get people to sub more accounts, which is what a multitude of you have been saying, and that's a patently false accusation.

Secondarily, what are you even trying to say..."crafting oriented"....picking up 2-3 trades is exactly what a "crafting oriented" person would do, and that's more than most people would have had on 1 account in MO anyway if they were at all interested in anything other than crafting, counting PvE or dumb point to try to make.

Thirdly, the only guild leader in this game that would feel the necessity of needing more than what is provided in a build like this is a guy leading a guild of not a guild brother....or does all his members not do anything with those free 1200 crafting points?


Well-known member
May 30, 2020
Does crafting level 70 affect the durability of the gear?

You can make weps and armor at level 70 if you don't use cron or ogh (not sure how bad that will be in MO2) and depend on someone else for nearly all of your materials. It would seem like a worse choice than combining butchery and armorcrafting to me (which thing I did in MO1 as well.)

What I was calling a crafting oriented person, would be like a "master crafter" who would want to be able to make all types and use all materials.

You have never been a guild leader, I guess. The guild leader is the one everyone comes to when the other crafters in the guild are offline, playing another game, unsubbed, or a fight or dungeon expedition is imminent.

You may be right in that now some guild members will make crafters who didn't before, remains to be seen.


New member
Apr 30, 2021
You have mis-figured, or left something out. There aren't enough points for all of that.

There definitely are enough points. I have it on my human hybrid right now. Full armor crafting (4*60), full weapon crafting (5*60), and six material lores (6*80) for 1020 points. Which leaves exactly enough points for two zoology primaries (2*90). If you make any of the trade offs he mentioned you can pick up the butchery table and/or a 3rd zoology primary.

Or instead of Butchery/Zoology you can make trade-offs and pick up bowery. Or you can make no trade-offs and pick-up Botany and Shield Crafting.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
Does crafting level 70 affect the durability of the gear?

You can make weps and armor at level 70 if you don't use cron or ogh (not sure how bad that will be in MO2) and depend on someone else for nearly all of your materials. It would seem like a worse choice than combining butchery and armorcrafting to me (which thing I did in MO1 as well.)

What I was calling a crafting oriented person, would be like a "master crafter" who would want to be able to make all types and use all materials.

You have never been a guild leader, I guess. The guild leader is the one everyone comes to when the other crafters in the guild are offline, playing another game, unsubbed, or a fight or dungeon expedition is imminent.

You may be right in that now some guild members will make crafters who didn't before, remains to be seen.
With this system every member is a "crafter", or can be without effecting their combat in any if you've got people you play with who refuse to do that ...that's on you and them to figure's the not the system failing you, that's you both collectively failing together.


Well-known member
May 30, 2020
There definitely are enough points. I have it on my human hybrid right now. Full armor crafting (4*60), full weapon crafting (5*60), and six material lores (6*80) for 1020 points. Which leaves exactly enough points for two zoology primaries (2*90). If you make any of the trade offs he mentioned you can pick up the butchery table and/or a 3rd zoology primary.

Or instead of Butchery/Zoology you can make trade-offs and pick up bowery. Or you can make no trade-offs and pick-up Botany and Shield Crafting.
The post that you are quoting me from is when I responded to his post in which he listed a bunch of stuff including Cron/Ogh lore. He later amended it down.

Does having crafting level only 70 affect the durability of gear?

With your build, with only skinning, you aren't able to get any of the higher tier animal materials. Can't get all of the usual material lores.
I am well aware that if you are willing to sacrifice and be only able to make a part of what is available that you can make both weps and armor.
I, and many others will not settle for only being a low tier limited crafter and so will have multiple accounts.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
The post that you are quoting me from is when I responded to his post in which he listed a bunch of stuff including Cron/Ogh lore. He later amended it down.

Does having crafting level only 70 affect the durability of gear?

With your build, with only skinning, you aren't able to get any of the higher tier animal materials. Can't get all of the usual material lores.
I am well aware that if you are willing to sacrifice and be only able to make a part of what is available that you can make both weps and armor.
I, and many others will not settle for only being a low tier limited crafter and so will have multiple accounts.
Go ahead and run a 2nd account then, the point is that it is your choice to do so, and it is something you "want" and not something you "need" know the difference don't you? Doesn't seem like it.


New member
Apr 30, 2021
The post that you are quoting me from is when I responded to his post in which he listed a bunch of stuff including Cron/Ogh lore. He later amended it down.

Does having crafting level only 70 affect the durability of gear?

With your build, with only skinning, you aren't able to get any of the higher tier animal materials. Can't get all of the usual material lores.
I am well aware that if you are willing to sacrifice and be only able to make a part of what is available that you can make both weps and armor.
I, and many others will not settle for only being a low tier limited crafter and so will have multiple accounts.

I am aware which of your posts I am quoting, and I am aware which of his posts I am corroborating. Everything he listed was (more or less) accurate.

The detailed list I gave you includes Master Alloys as one of the 6 material lores (i.e. highest tier crafting) . I was simply supplying the basic numbers to help you understand that full armor and weapon crafting can (easily) fit on one character with no lore compromises, including Master Alloys as I've just explained.

Since we are talking about alt accounts....I'm surprised you are ignoring the versatility of parking one (1) alt account across the map with the ability to craft the best Weapons and Armor in the game. Not only can this build be a hybrid (i.e. versatile) but it can outfit your entire guild with armor and weapons.

If you want to make one alt account with 100 Weapon Crafting and one alt account with 100 Armor Crafting so you can ghost them both across the map and do much less efficiently with two (2) alt accounts what you can do more efficiently and effectively with one (1) alt account, that's up to you.

I thought you were legitimately asking KermyWormy for help on how this could be done so I thought I would be helpful. I suspect now you are just being obstinate and don't care that it can be done but want to make some point? Feel free to clarify, because I'm really lost by what you are trying to get from this thread.

Please make as many alt accounts as you feel necessary (even if it's twice what you need). It's all more money for Star Vault and I think that's great.


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
I like the unique character per account idea, I think encourage the interactivity from players. You can't do no more a one guild player guild (or Is much difficult, If you have a Monster PC i.e.) and you need others guildmates with all the various professions to make a competitive guild.


Well-known member
May 30, 2020
Go ahead and run a 2nd account then, the point is that it is your choice to do so, and it is something you "want" and not something you "need" know the difference don't you? Doesn't seem like it.
I want to be able to make armor and gather/butcher animal materials on the same character, so I won't be also making weapons if I want to be able to use all material types.
It qualifies as a need if it has to happen in order to meet a goal. I am not trying to say it is the only way or that what you are doing isn't fine for you, it just doesn't fit my plan because of the sacrifices required.

I am aware which of your posts I am quoting, and I am aware which of his posts I am corroborating. Everything he listed was (more or less) accurate.

The detailed list I gave you includes Master Alloys as one of the 6 material lores (i.e. highest tier crafting) . I was simply supplying the basic numbers to help you understand that full armor and weapon crafting can (easily) fit on one character with no lore compromises, including Master Alloys as I've just explained.

Since we are talking about alt accounts....I'm surprised you are ignoring the versatility of parking one (1) alt account across the map with the ability to craft the best Weapons and Armor in the game. Not only can this build be a hybrid (i.e. versatile) but it can outfit your entire guild with armor and weapons.

If you want to make one alt account with 100 Weapon Crafting and one alt account with 100 Armor Crafting so you can ghost them both across the map and do much less efficiently with two (2) alt accounts what you can do more efficiently and effectively with one (1) alt account, that's up to you.

I thought you were legitimately asking KermyWormy for help on how this could be done so I thought I would be helpful. I suspect now you are just being obstinate and don't care that it can be done but want to make some point? Feel free to clarify, because I'm really lost by what you are trying to get from this thread.

Please make as many alt accounts as you feel necessary (even if it's twice what you need). It's all more money for Star Vault and I think that's great.
Do you know, is durability affected by only having crafting level 70? I don't seem to be able to get an answer, you already have crafting level 70 so maybe you know.
If you have only 6 material lores and have master alloys then you are without one of the other usual ones.
I wasn't asking Kermy for help, but wanted to know what he had calculated and what he had to leave out to fit both weps and armors. He just didn't want to get specific.
I already have my characters set, with crafting level 100, since I think at level 70 damage weight and durability is still less because they haven't fully patched the crafting changes yet.
I put tier 1 extraction on my weapon crafter as I find it handy to be able to crush granum and saburra and make the low tier weps that fit the bill here in Beta. My armorcrafter is able to butcher the animal mats for armor and still make metal armors.
The character type that is the most unable to combine crafts on is the extractor, it still takes all the points to be able to extract and make the various types of metals, it may mean that metal is very expensive and hard to get.
As a side note, it is going to be a lot harder to level up the metal lores on armor and weapon crafters, so that is one benefit to your hybrid build, only having to do it once.

On a more general note; We will be paying more and getting less, and that is a problem for me. If MO2 was a lot better it might balance, but it is not.


New member
Apr 30, 2021
Do you know, is durability affected by only having crafting level 70? I don't seem to be able to get an answer, you already have crafting level 70 so maybe you know.
Sorry, I meant to answer this. Yes durability is affected. No other stats are supposed to be affected, but I haven't been able to compare anything I've built on a level 70 side-by-side with a level 100 yet to confirm.

If you have only 6 material lores and have master alloys then you are without one of the other usual ones.
The 6 material lores I have are: Animal, Scales, Metallurgy, Master Alloys, Petrology, Textiles. I don't think I am missing anything, but this build only uses 1020 profession skill points so I have room to pick up anything I missed.

I wasn't asking Kermy for help, but wanted to know what he had calculated and what he had to leave out to fit both weps and armors. He just didn't want to get specific.
I sent you all my skill calculations in the post above. I also mentioned the build (human hybrid) so 103 str, 95 dex, 96 con, 100 int, 15 psy.

I put tier 1 extraction on my weapon crafter as I find it handy to be able to crush granum and saburra and make the low tier weps that fit the bill here in Beta. My armorcrafter is able to butcher the animal mats for armor and still make metal armors.
Sounds good to me. Whatever works for your goals, guild, play style. I like the idea of self-sufficiency, but in this game there's no way you can reach armor + weapons + cooking + alchemy + extraction, + butchery so you end up needing people at some point, which I love even more. I'll happily give up self-sufficiency to play an MMORPG where there is an economy ,trade, and player interdependence. I suck at economy and trade so I'll just be supporting and relying on my guild mates.

The character type that is the most unable to combine crafts on is the extractor, it still takes all the points to be able to extract and make the various types of metals, it may mean that metal is very expensive and hard to get.
Yup. Extracting is a b*tch. I think an Oghmir foot fighter (10 int) can't fit everything. I had to make an Oghmir fat mage to fit everything on 1 character and use 1133 profession skill points. A human foot fighter (10 int.) will probably have no trouble due to the lore bonus, but then you don't get the Oghmir clade gifts. With 400 points in Alchemy, Alchemical Dissolvents, Alchemical Mineralogy, and Alchemical Contraptions I guess you could drop the Fabricula and save 100 points but I assuming you need material lore for catalysts then you need to sink at least 300 points into alchemy/alchemy lore. You could also dump the blast furnace/greater natorus depending on whether you have access to those. I don't know what full butchery with al the zoology would look like, but it seems full extraction is the most point intensive profession.


Active member
Jan 14, 2021
One character slot was done to make more money off of an already tedious product. Maps even bigger now, and you still won't be able to be self sufficient unless you now pay two subs and 80$.
All skills are flexible. You can drop your skills and up others at any time. Its going to take time but anyone can be self sufficient. Time-frame / factor sucks. But I support the 1 character per account. I hate managing more than 2 characters...feels unreal to me. Multiple personality RPGs are starting to blow IMO.
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