Multy clients


Active member
Dec 2, 2020
How dare you Moebius. I live in a fantasy world and believe this game is a huge improvement over the original your cold hard reality posts are making that belief difficult.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I like the one character per account idea very much! I agree to @Speznat: You have to think about your action in this system and you can't just delete the character and create another one with another name. Most player will read special crafting woth hundreds or even thousands of gold and long playing time to get the books. Such a character will never be deleted.

But the primary point restriction in the crafting section is bad and directly leads players to buy a second account. 1200 points is not enough. I would like to get about 2000 to delete the second account.

Btw, I know about a way to start two instances of MO2 on the same PC at the same time, but I would never install such a software. It's pretty simple to use two steam accounts on the same PC and starting only one of them but switching easily without need to log out the first and log in the second. And it's even easier to use another machine, e.g. the old gaming PC, with a second steam account and run it with lowest settings via remote desktop (or some better software) for a crafting account.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I like the one character per account idea very much! I agree to @Speznat: You have to think about your action in this system and you can't just delete the character and create another one with another name. Most player will read special crafting woth hundreds or even thousands of gold and long playing time to get the books. Such a character will never be deleted.

But the primary point restriction in the crafting section is bad and directly leads players to buy a second account. 1200 points is not enough. I would like to get about 2000 to delete the second account.

Btw, I know about a way to start two instances of MO2 on the same PC at the same time, but I would never install such a software. It's pretty simple to use two steam accounts on the same PC and starting only one of them but switching easily without need to log out the first and log in the second. And it's even easier to use another machine, e.g. the old gaming PC, with a second steam account and run it with lowest settings via remote desktop (or some better software) for a crafting account.
Doesn't MO2 run in a VM? Shouldn't be that tricky to set it up... Not quite sure what you though about when you said you would never install such a software. But a VM isn't shady at all, and I'm not aware that there is any rule which forbids running MO2 in a VM.


Active member
Apr 5, 2021
Right now you have to use emulator software to run 2 Steam clients. If easy anti cheat is implemented, which is the rumor, this will be impossible. So to play more than 1 character type, you will have to log in a separate account or have multiple computers. I don't have an issue with 1 character per account, as long as we all agree that it was just a way for Starvault to generate additional income. I do have an issue with the way the accounts are handled and only 1 account playable per computer at a time if easy anti cheat goes into play.

it seems to me like they made these changes for income, and are going to cut income dramatically by implementing these changes. I simply do not think there is enough content in the game, nor will there every be, for this game to have 1 character per account with no ways to play different play styles. Players are going to get very bored of either playing the same thing over and over, or being caught in the reroll-to-meta.
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Active member
Apr 5, 2021
Doesn't MO2 run in a VM? Shouldn't be that tricky to set it up... Not quite sure what you though about when you said you would never install such a software. But a VM isn't shady at all, and I'm not aware that there is any rule which forbids running MO2 in a VM.

It does right now, they may be adding easy anti cheat which blocks VM entirely


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Doesn't MO2 run in a VM? Shouldn't be that tricky to set it up... Not quite sure what you though about when you said you would never install such a software. But a VM isn't shady at all, and I'm not aware that there is any rule which forbids running MO2 in a VM.

MO1 has been blocked in a VM about one or two years after release. MO2 will be blocked for sure.


Jul 17, 2020
Only one character is to force interaction with other players. On the old system I didnt need anyone, but now I do. It is a risk. Not enough player and game dies, but enough means more alive game. More real and less game. It is a good move hopefully.


Active member
Apr 5, 2021
Only one character is to force interaction with other players. On the old system I didnt need anyone, but now I do. It is a risk. Not enough player and game dies, but enough means more alive game. More real and less game. It is a good move hopefully.

This simply doesn't work in the real world. Forced interaction with players ultimately leads to worst game experience for many players. An example would be spending days finding someone to refine metals for you as you don't have it on a character, or finding a bow crafter in your specific part of the world. The game is far too spread out and playerbase too small to maintain this level of theory that player interaction and non-self sustainability is truly a good decision long term.

And guess what: there's no way to prove this model, as the original game allowed self sustainability through multiple characters. It's all theory that 'forced interaction' leads to a better game. What it DOES do is increase profits, which is ultimately the reason for this decision.

When we get into highly refined products, such as high level alchemy or breeding, it will get even worst, as there are very few of these players anyway & they will mainly focus on supplying their guilds. The more in-depth the game goes, the more the system will show its flaws due to heavily limited skill points. And many people will get bored with the game and quit due to lack of varied play styles and no easy way to try out a different character build.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Only one character is to force interaction with other players. On the old system I didnt need anyone, but now I do. It is a risk. Not enough player and game dies, but enough means more alive game. More real and less game. It is a good move hopefully.

At weekends there is a decent population. But when I e.g. log in at early EU afternoon on a workday... Whole city's are deserted and I can't see a single soul.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2020
with enough population and a reasonable broker system, most of what we did in mo1 with multiple characters for self-sufficiency can be supplanted with trade. Will there be enough population for this? unknown. Will the broker system be robust enough to handle trade volumes in the quantity that we want? not if they copy/paste the old mo1 broker. sv really needs to get someone to take a hard look at the in-game economy to make sure the spice continues to flow

of course none of this addresses the desire for multiple playstyles, which would require a second account and likely multiple machines if you want to multi-box with eac. Not being able to multi-box isnt a deal breaker for me, but not having access to multiple playstyles is a real downer

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Active member
Sep 22, 2020
Not being able to multi-box isnt a deal breaker for me, but not having access to multiple playstyles is a real downer


Agreed, this is the main issue, I think it would be silly for SV not to address this issue, playing the same combat role becomes stale. There have been multiple ideas thrown around, SV just needs to step up and implement one.


Active member
Dec 2, 2020
I'm sure they will sell you another slot someday when the game starts to die out maybe even offer a FTP option.


Active member
Mar 23, 2021
I think the main reason for 1 char is reputation. They should just make 4 slots and all the chars have the same name and rep.
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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
I like the one char per account philosophy because people are now more responsible for thier actions.
with many chars per account many people would log to an alt char and grief the hell out of other poeple.
Ah yeah that reminds me...I left out the addition of a family name that is linked to all your characters. Could also just be done with the surname.
Would this be 1200 points across the account or on one character like could each character have 300 points?
Boulder characters and farm hotspot logging might still be an issue
1200 across the account. Hotspot logging would still be a thing, and potentially bolder holders yeah but we don't even know if boulders are going to work the same way with the siege rework. (REALLY hope not)


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Ah yeah that reminds me...I left out the addition of a family name that is linked to all your characters. Could also just be done with the surname.

That's why I emphasize the "soul" part in my suggestion. If were to say get 3 characters, I would have 3 different races. Probably 3 different clades even. It doesn't really make sense to say they are all family. Rather it makes more sense to say your character is some kind of spiritual entity that can possess mortal forms.

But it makes sense that someone with spiritualism could identify the spirit possessing a form rather than just the form itself. Ultimately this means if you gain much or a rep (good or bad) on any of your forms spiritualists will identify you by soul rather than character name. It's a pretty fun/lore-rich way to do it IMO.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Forcing interaction is bad. Encouraging interaction is good. This is part of why I love the Wurm crafting system. In Wurm Online, one character could do everything crafting-wise (aside from their enchantment system but that's a whole different can of worms). But due to the effort involved in raising skills (Mind you I hate how grindy combat skills are there but it works well for profession skills), you could not even hope to master every skill in the game.

It's MUCH more effective to have a short list of specializations and work with other people who do the same. This system encouraged interaction without forcing it. Especially on PVE servers there are hermits for whom the entire game is just doing everything for themselves and they are incredibly jack-of-all-trades. This tends to fall off more on PvP servers because it simply isn't a competitive way to play. I imagine it would fall off even more on MO2 as Wurm had terrible combat and amazing crafting so a non-crafter was rare, where this game has a lot more people who want to do a lot more combat, and a lot less crafting.


New member
Nov 8, 2020
One can run multiple steam accounts using sandboxie. As far as name "meaning something", just have one name per account, and any alts (additional purchased character slots) are tagged with that name.

I'm fortunate that I have the financial means to do it and I have one hell of a gaming rig (6800xt, 5800x,X570 mobo with 32 gig DDR4 3200).. I have two accounts and will probably purchase a third.

This will give me an advantage sure, but not one that is insurmountable if you network in a gaming community/guild.

I would prefer they add character slots.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Sandboxie won't work with Easy Anti Cheat when that gets added.

Ahhhh. Just like ArcheAge Unchained. When they totally solved the mutibox client by implementing Easy Anti-Cheat.

Oh wait, no. They just created a multi-computer meta. Where most of the top players were running the game on at least 2 systems sitting next to each other. You might think this would be an extreme outlier scenario but I knew MANY people doing it.