I tried to enjoy MO2 REALLY HARD, but I failed...


Sep 13, 2021
Yes, full loot PVP areas or ranked arenas near each town could attract much more players than full loot PVP world MO2 having now which repels 99% of potential customers.
For the last 3 days I was watching bored patrols of KotO and other guilds near every GY looking for criminals or PKs. People have absolutely nothing to do that's why world will become pointless blodbath in a very short time. Nah, we've seen it all in MO1. Don't want even start talking about it.
Koto doesnt kill crimminals, they attack anyone who isnt in their guild. Theyre a noob zerg group.
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Well-known member
May 29, 2020
I do think the game needs to be fleshed out, and that quick badly, because I remember SV saying somewhere a while back that they intend to make every plant and natural object in the game world gatherable. So far, only a small portion of that can be gathered.

The world as it is right now feels quite empty, it is only the presence of thousands of players (based on the numbers from the previous stress test) that make it lively and lived in. We need birds, stray and vermin creatures in town, npc civilians (non-traders), and if possible insect life. Bees, ants, beetles, etc.

SV still has about a month and a half to try and flesh out the game before persistent launch, so hopefully they can fill that void between now and then.
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Sep 13, 2021
I do think the game needs to be fleshed out, and that quick badly, because I remember SV saying somewhere a while back that they intend to make every plant and natural object in the game world gatherable. So far, only a small portion of that can be gathered.

The world as it is right now feels quite empty, it is only the presence of thousands of players (based on the numbers from the previous stress test) that make it lively and lived in.

SV still has about a month and a half to try and flesh out the game before persistent launch, so hopefully they can fill that void between now and then.
yeah uh no. There needs to be about a years worth of work to make the game worth a 15 a month sub


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
37.76655478735988, -122.48572468757628
a casual invite to group function with a group chat, his reply was that this is not something that will feature.
* * *
MASSIVE amounts of fun content and inclusivity that would occur with the ability to form a casual group by invite, will now not occur.
Features of Formed Casual Groups?

VOIP: Group-ONLY chats with VOIP (plus text, which isn't useful at all times) are possible through Discord and any other VOIP-capable client for gaming comms that individuals can trust others (and themselves) enough to use.

  • @Henrik Nyström is consistent so far in not adding that kind of group-only VOIP function to the game client (as far as I know). I'd have to ask him, review all his Twitch streams and Discord answers, or ask @Spexnat if more has ever been said or written about that to be sure.

TEXT: Guilds (with their need of tools for Territory Control) had, and I think still have text channels in the game? And that was possibly a giant concesson to the general principle of not having a "World Chat". As was the Schola Pipio / HELP Chat, not destined to be permanent for the players in them-- even temporarily, they've been known to attract, have, and cause problems, partly because they are or were a "World Chat".

Yells (which attract attention and ruin stealth) are freely avaiable.
Local 'aloud' speech has range limits, but works if you're close.
Whispers could travel across the world, but only between two, one at a time. And you might have to be a 'friend' of the other communicant.

  • Don't wonder if I miss the complicated text channel chat systems in EQ, WoW, and Shadowbane; be assured I do. Not really enough to ask for them here, though, where they'd be on top of guild chat, and multiple simultaneous VOIP channels. (And IRC, in the first years of MO.)
What Else?:

Loot: sharing is up to trust, both in and out of guilds. If it's not your loot, according to the game client (which favours guild brothers looting each other), there might be negative consequences for picking it up. If it's not your loot according to another player, there's PvP etc.

Credit: There is no 'pool of Experience' to share. The credit for kills that counted toward titles went to the person who had done the most damage -OR- the one who delivered the last blow, and I don't recall which.

Faction: How it works in MO2 is pretty much a mystery to me, unless it is exactly as it was in MO1, where the system seemed to languish in disuse.

I can't think of a follow-up to being invited to join a group (through a game function) that would accomplish something under these constranints, except maybe giving access to a text chat that might be limited by distance, if that could be made to work. But maybe that's enough for the benefits you mentioned.

-- So I've tried to think this through keeping in mind what's essential, or useful, or popular.

PS: Mumble VOIP is better than Discord, (and-- for text relay-- so is IRC) but no-one uses Mumble anymore. The best that few use < what's popular. Any VOIP for a coördinated group is better outside of a game; in-game VOIP crashes when the game does. Indempendent clients mostly don't unless your computer does.
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Active member
Sep 15, 2020
I agree that the world feels empty currently and needs way more spawners and mobs. The dungeons are obviously not complete yet though. Also chests probably won't be rewarding till lockpicking it put back into the game. My advice for OP would just be wait 6month to 1 year and try again, compared to MO1 this game is missing many things for exploration content, PvE content, and PvP content(hotspots/TC). It will eventually be there though trust. World size will only get worse though, they made first continent way too big sadly it sucks traveling.

For Sure

Active member
Jun 25, 2021
I mean your take on combat is so skewed its unreal. I can't argue that the games just utter trash, but to say mounted archers and mc aren't good lol. They are the meta. That's why I don't even touch the game, because the company doesn't know how to balance.


New member
Mar 29, 2021
I guess you are one of them, Mr. Adult boy, lol.
You just got called out on your cringeworthy big boy talk and reinforced it by making the laziest attempt to mouth back. Case closed.

- "This game is real paradise for mentally challenged sick people who are one big nothing IRL, but can prove something to themselves at least in MO. Becoming same fucked in the head prick and start killing people from the back on mobs or during mining" - (c) VYM

Seriously though, are you twelve?
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Sep 13, 2021
I mean your take on combat is so skewed its unreal. I can't argue that the games just utter trash, but to say mounted archers and mc aren't good lol. They are the meta. That's why I don't even touch the game, because the company doesn't know how to balance.
balance doesnt matter to them, hence why they only want a server based in london. Most NA players will be MAs and Mages. The ground fighting is very skewed to the EU players.


Sep 13, 2021
You just got called out on your cringeworthy big boy talk and reinforced it by making the laziest attempt to mouth back. Case closed.

- "This game is real paradise for mentally challenged sick people who are one big nothing IRL, but can prove something to themselves at least in MO. Becoming same fucked in the head prick and start killing people from the back on mobs or during mining" - (c) VYM

Seriously though, are you twelve?
if it wasnt true, youd have ignored him. Instead you got upset and called him names. So his opinion seems to be true.


Aug 14, 2020
cause boats aint in yet.
I don't think SV implemented the water in a way that's even compatible for boats in the future. What's going to happen when you sail over that waterfall lookin mess near Sarducca bridge.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
37.76655478735988, -122.48572468757628
You just got called out on your cringeworthy big boy talk and reinforced it by making the laziest attempt to mouth back. Case closed.

- "This game is real paradise for mentally challenged sick people who are one big nothing IRL, but can prove something to themselves at least in MO. Becoming same fucked in the head prick and start killing people from the back on mobs or during mining" - (c) VYM

Seriously though, are you twelve?
Seriously, he cannot be 12. He was playing MO1 Forum Warrior in 2010 or so.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I like many stuff about the game.

But here is a little tale of my personal story about the ghosting problem

The Ghosting Problem MO1:
In mortal you had to ghost back everytime you die, no home priest. So endless time waste to get home again.

The Ghosting Problem MO2:
YOu have a home priest now.

Porblem in both. Guildmate XY say Hey ther eis pvp in Baki in the enxt 10mins. Than you can't be there. Because evne ghosting takes ages.
Than I suggested since a decade that instand ghosting would be a good idea. To remove the massive nosnesne timesink.

But here comes the problem. In my mind I often thoguht this is the only most logic solution to get rid of the time sink.

After I spoke with henrik about that.
Henrik Explained: The game is region based. Your home region for example.
Than you are not supposed to be there at the other city and switching town like your underpants. That is not the intentional design of the game.
Henrik want to push the idea of Locals. that some players really feeling home in an area. And than sometimes going on adventures and travels.

With instand ghosting you destroy the idea of locals and of regions.

And after he explained that I realised I was mad 10years about that specific feature because I didn't simply know what the intention was.

And now to why am I posting it here.
Here many people dotn udnerstand the resoning behind some stuff like for expample the skill system or that you can't use 10weapon types at once.
Or the 1char system. because they didn't get what the intention of that is.

Anyway. Party Hard to all xD

Just play the game and enjoy, nothing is a time sink. See everything ingame more as an offer and not as a must.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
37.76655478735988, -122.48572468757628
I don't think SV implemented the water in a way that's even compatible for boats in the future.
I don't know what way water is in a game that's compatible for boats, but if those witless devs at Aventurine can manage it for Darkfall, maybe it's not that hard.
What's going to happen when you sail over that waterfall lookin mess near Sarducca bridge.
Hm. Start at 6:12


Mar 1, 2021
I agree that the world feels empty currently and needs way more spawners and mobs. The dungeons are obviously not complete yet though. Also chests probably won't be rewarding till lockpicking it put back into the game. My advice for OP would just be wait 6month to 1 year and try again, compared to MO1 this game is missing many things for exploration content, PvE content, and PvP content(hotspots/TC). It will eventually be there though trust. World size will only get worse though, they made first continent way too big sadly it sucks traveling.

Flying mounts with no ability for combat whist flying + ltd carry weight would solve this. I can see it now maybe a potion or magic skill 'transmutation' that you feed or cast onto your horse/mount which turns it into a flying horse/mount for maybe 24 hours. Flying mounts would also pretty much make the whole world accessible to pve'ers. One implementation and the game becomes 100 times more accessible to MANY players. Its a no brainer.
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New member
Mar 29, 2021
if it wasnt true, youd have ignored him. Instead you got upset and called him names. So his opinion seems to be true.

Well, this thread is nothing new. People have been familiar with MO problems for years and it all has been discussed numerous times.

Thats's why I'm not even reading it. I only responded to the part i subjectively decided to be most interesting and will move on with my life now.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2020
Porblem in both. Guildmate XY say Hey ther eis pvp in Baki in the enxt 10mins. Than you can't be there. Because evne ghosting takes ages.
Than I suggested since a decade that instand ghosting would be a good idea. To remove the massive nosnesne timesink.

Henrik Explained: The game is region based. Your home region for example.
Than you are not supposed to be there at the other city and switching town like your underpants. That is not the intentional design of the game.

I think this captures it well. Travel is a time sink, and it's intended to be, to keep the game regional and add immersion (you can't be everywhere at once, so you have to rely more on others).

I will say I have been experimenting with spirit portals, and I think they offer a neat half-step for people who want to specialize in that way. Ie, if you are a spiritist and your friends want to prioritize working with you/taking advantage of that and just take Ether Lore/Portals, then let's say your guild says "We are in the Steppes and need support" or "We are going to ride out to this dungeon and want more party members", as long as they carry an extra set of basic gear in their pet bags, you can be in Tindrem, grab a spirit box, all your friends bank everything, you all jump in the portal, ghost mode to where they are (including using the spiritism speed boost), create an ether portal and all jump out.

Or alternately, if you're the spiritist, tell your friends with Ether Lore to suicide, run to you, you'll make a portal (or even Rez if they don't have ether lore) and they pop out, then give them the gear.

Kind of clunky, but also in theme and allows for sidestepping the slowness of travel a bit in a creative way.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
37.76655478735988, -122.48572468757628
if it wasnt true, youd have ignored him. Instead you got upset and called him names. So his opinion seems to be true.
Balderdash & poppycock.

People don't like hearing LIES. Doesn't make lies true. You must have some truly terrible beliefs if anger from a second party is all it takes to make you believe lies, slander, and pitches for snake oil.