I tried to enjoy MO2 REALLY HARD, but I failed...


New member
Sep 8, 2021
Really, guys, I miss UO very much so I did my best to enjoy MO2, but I failed. During one week of CBT I tested all available races and builds - foot warrior, foot archer, foot/mounted mage, mounted archer, crafter, miner, crafter/miner. Here is my experience:
- Armorsmith/Weaponsmith/Miner. I managed to make some kind of handicapped hybrid with 50-75 skill points in material lore/extraction and only few types of weapon/armor available for crafting. Not enough skill points. FAIL.
- Mage. Without crowd control spells, without ability to cast while moving, without any viable spells mage is sitting paralyzed duck. Viable only in groups as support/offhealer. Mounted casting 3 times longer and interrupted by any horse maneuver. FAIL.
- Foot warrior. That's what this game about. Or want to be about. You can find some playable build and even enjoy it using...1-2 weapons out of 10+ available. Because of retarded skillcap you can not master all weapons and armors. So FAIL again. I want make and play real warrior who can use any weapon and armor. No weapon skills/perks/abilities with clunky unsynced combat didn't make me to enjoy game as well.
- Foot archer. Dead meat in solo PVE and solo PVP. Viable as support in group.
- Mounted warrior. Can do some minor damage with lances and charge, but I didn't manage to do any damage with any other weapon. 2-4 damage with spear/poleaxe from horse with mounted combat 100/100 was like a WTF for me. FAIL.
- Mounted archer. Pretty decent build with 125+ str and 125+ str bow. You can even manage to do some damage and even kill some mobs or foot players solo, lol.

Common experience I didn't enjoy as well:
- big beautiful, but absolutely dead world.
- travel for 1-2 hour from one city to another is just dumb timesink for me.
- dungeons are joke. I found 1 gold and bandages in the chest.
- "full loot" my arse! Bandits and elite bandits dropped few coins and bandages. Screw such PVE.
- my PVP experience - first prick jumped on me from back on GY when I was attacked by 3 zombies and 2 shot me. Second prick jumped on me from the back when I was mining, 2 shot me as well and killed my horse in front of city walls (hello Wicked). Fair 1vs1 doesn't exist, because every time I started 1v1 fight, some guy or two were always jumping from behind. This game is real paradise for mentally challenged sick people who are one big nothing IRL, but can prove something to themselves at least in MO. Becoming same fucked in the head prick and start killing people from the back on mobs or during mining will not make me happy. I'm not enjoying it.

Bottom line - I failed to enjoy any aspect and feature of this game. So I guess it was my final post. Cheers, guys.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2020
- dungeons are joke. I found 1 gold and bandages in the chest.
- "full loot" my arse! Bandits and elite bandits dropped few coins and bandages. Screw such PVE.
good laugh

the rest is more or less a feature due to the 1 chara system (for more MMORPG ) and missing content
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Mar 1, 2021
Really, guys, I miss UO very much so I did my best to enjoy MO2, but I failed. During one week of CBT I tested all available races and builds - foot warrior, foot archer, foot/mounted mage, mounted archer, crafter, miner, crafter/miner. Here is my experience:
- Armorsmith/Weaponsmith/Miner. I managed to make some kind of handicapped hybrid with 50-75 skill points in material lore/extraction and only few types of weapon/armor available for crafting. Not enough skill points. FAIL.
- Mage. Without crowd control spells, without ability to cast while moving, without any viable spells mage is sitting paralyzed duck. Viable only in groups as support/offhealer. Mounted casting 3 times longer and interrupted by any horse maneuver. FAIL.
- Foot warrior. That's what this game about. Or want to be about. You can find some playable build and even enjoy it using...1-2 weapons out of 10+ available. Because of retarded skillcap you can not master all weapons and armors. So FAIL again. I want make and play real warrior who can use any weapon and armor. No weapon skills/perks/abilities with clunky unsynced combat didn't make me to enjoy game as well.
- Foot archer. Dead meat in solo PVE and solo PVP. Viable as support in group.
- Mounted warrior. Can do some minor damage with lances and charge, but I didn't manage to do any damage with any other weapon. 2-4 damage with spear/poleaxe from horse with mounted combat 100/100 was like a WTF for me. FAIL.
- Mounted archer. Pretty decent build with 125+ str and 125+ str bow. You can even manage to do some damage and even kill some mobs or foot players solo, lol.

Common experience I didn't enjoy as well:
- big beautiful, but absolutely dead world.
- travel for 1-2 hour from one city to another is just dumb timesink for me.
- dungeons are joke. I found 1 gold and bandages in the chest.
- "full loot" my arse! Bandits and elite bandits dropped few coins and bandages. Screw such PVE.
- my PVP experience - first prick jumped on me from back on GY when I was attacked by 3 zombies and 2 shot me. Second prick jumped on me from the back when I was mining, 2 shot me as well and killed my horse in front of city walls (hello Wicked). Fair 1vs1 doesn't exist, because every time I started 1v1 fight, some guy or two were always jumping from behind. This game is real paradise for mentally challenged sick people who are one big nothing IRL, but can prove something to themselves at least in MO. Becoming same fucked in the head prick and start killing people from the back on mobs or during mining will not make me happy. I'm not enjoying it.

Bottom line - I failed to enjoy any aspect and feature of this game. So I guess it was my final post. Cheers, guys.

I apologise about the MO2 simps that live here, they are delusional on the most part. I personally think some of your points and to a person that wants this game to work, are very valid. I bang my head against the wall (the wall of simps) that seemingly do not understand and detrimentally, that this game could very well, if not will, fail and if Starvault does not switch mindset from making a game that fulfils the devs and simps dream, to making a game that actually is playable to the majority and not a select minority.

Cutting and pasting the gameplay from what was, is and will always be a failed game MO1, will only bring about failure regardless of how much make up you put on it.

In English Critical studies there is the theory of the Ideal reader. This alludes to the principal that every author has an ideal reader in mind, that is - the perfect reader of the text. It is applicable to any form of art including game design, although this may be the first time it has ever been applied. Here is the twist, this Ideal reader/game-player that an author creates in their mind, DOES NOT EXIST in reality. It is also renownedly difficult for an artist to understand this principal and to some extent 'let go' of their creation. Those artists that dont, often end up ruined.

It is unquestionable that this game has potential and in a numerical sense, more readily to a PVE audience than a pvp one. I would suggest (debatable of course) a split of around 70/30 in the industry, where 70% are more pve orientated than the 30% pvp. This needs to be reflected and implemented whatever your split percentages are calculated to be, as such by mine only around 30% of the landscape would be full PVP.

Many alternatives do exist that enable pvp to those that want to do it, yet not bothering those that dont - arenas - battlegrounds - Inter guild war declarations - SOME regions full pvp - all sorts of BETTER options. To not understand this and still run with the 'dream' over a more populated and successful production, is verging on financial suicide if not obsessive mental dysfunction. Pleasing the FEW over the MAJORITY does not make any sense, the few that harp on about MO1 'back in the day' may I hasten to add, also STOPPED playing MO1 years ago. Ever asked WHY ?

So many permutations of problematic are activated in orientating a game to just sandbox pvp. The idea that you want a contemporary UO because you enjoyed it back in the day is childish - back in the day there were very few mmo's to compete against it and in this day and age, UO would last maybe about a week.

If Starvault starts listening to the RIGHT voices they just might be onto a winner.
1 - Full open world sandbox PVP - nice dream.
2 - MMO sand box PVE with SOME pvp for those that want it, full loot drop PVP (see above) - NOW your talking.

In the inimitable words of Rudyard Kipling -
If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;

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May 22, 2021
I could write an essay responding to all this but I wont, instead I will say this:

Your experience is valid, but flawed. the game isn't done yet, and a lot of components are missing. the "mage" as you call it only has 2 schools available, and ecumenical spells is a school intended for hybrids, not full on mages, that's why you load the spell before you cast it.

The game is not about ground fighters (unlike many believe), but group combat.

This is not a solo game, unless you are an off-shot hunter in the wilds. I suggest joining an experienced guild and try again.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Common experience I didn't enjoy as well:
- big beautiful, but absolutely dead world.
- travel for 1-2 hour from one city to another is just dumb timesink for me.
- dungeons are joke. I found 1 gold and bandages in the chest.
- "full loot" my arse! Bandits and elite bandits dropped few coins and bandages. Screw such PVE.
- my PVP experience - first prick jumped on me from back on GY when I was attacked by 3 zombies and 2 shot me. Second prick jumped on me from the back when I was mining, 2 shot me as well and killed my horse in front of city walls (hello Wicked). Fair 1vs1 doesn't exist, because every time I started 1v1 fight, some guy or two were always jumping from behind. This game is real paradise for mentally challenged sick people who are one big nothing IRL, but can prove something to themselves at least in MO. Becoming same fucked in the head prick and start killing people from the back on mobs or during mining will not make me happy. I'm not enjoying it.

Bottom line - I failed to enjoy any aspect and feature of this game. So I guess it was my final post. Cheers, guys.

Dont want to make excuses for StarVault here.
For the world, I find a lot of people. I am in the minority but I think its small. Im always running into people are certain grindspots. Or passing other players on the road. To get to other towns is not that time consuming if you ghost over ther or even get a horse.

But they want to have all the mobs that have geardrop them. But are working on making it balanced.

Dungeons need work, the Risars dungeon dont have their chest yet either. But the way the chest work is taht with every serve restart they are empty. Over time they gain stuff in them. Some chest that have not been looted in a while might have 5 gold and rare mats. The chest you found was probably already looted.

Yeah you went to either vadda or meduli and got griefed. Come to fabernum. It is being kept safe for newbs rightnow.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
37.76655478735988, -122.48572468757628
If Starvault starts listening to the RIGHT voices they just might be onto a winner.
1 - Full open world sandbox PVP - nice dream.
2 - MMO sand box PVE with SOME for those that want it, full loot drop PVP (see above) NOW your talking.
I may not be your perfect reader. No-one is.

When I first heard this kind of very familiar-- right down to the (paraphrased) 'start listening to the right voices'-- framing and narrative, I had deep concerns. Dire warnings to and predictions about Star Vault, based on various compromises with Henrik's Visions which were not made and weighing the desires of majorities vs those of minorities and finding Mortal Online wanting in the fulfillment of both was a common pastime. It flooded the forums. Sometimes there were forum slides... every kind of shenanigan and trollery, really, along with genuine 'played experiences' being shared.

You might have been there?

At times I pointed out what I believed to be their errors, or amplified the worthwhile feedback from those who it seemed understood the problems that Star Vault were creating or about to create for themselves, with mixed results. They did make mistakes that had consequences.. They very much later took some of the suggestions made months or years earlier. The pace was depressing to many.

But then years passed, and the Mortal Apocalypse still had not come. It hasn't come yet, despite what I think were some folks best efforts to 'immanentise the Eschaton'. I wonder why the project hasn't died. I wonder if the new MO can ever tempt me to play; it hasn't, yet. I am curious to see if Star Vault can pull this off; I have my doubts though they do not echo yours. I also have no grudge; I wish Star Vault luck and will be quite glad to see a viable number of players who are still willing to play it enjoy this game-- along with newcomers, of course. Everyone who's played MO 1 and 2 already will probably have to be outnumbered by quite a bit by people who've never tried it yet, in order for the population target to be met. I'm staying tuned.

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New member
Sep 2, 2021
Partially right. The game isn’t in a great state.

Some of the design is just fundamentally un enjoyable. An example is the path from MK take15-20mins to run and it’s a bottleneck to a city that will get camped. How many people will quit after there first venture out? I get realism but this is a game.

We need meaningful pvp content which needs houses and keeps for launch. Right now pvpers will just grief people outside of towns on their second accounts which most nerds will have. I really hope they are keeping this a secret and it will be in for launch.

The world is massive and there is only one? extra town.

I feel like the devs have a good vision but the execution is poor. There is a disconnect between what the majority of the players want and what’s happening. Bugs since MO1 that aren’t fixed etc. Also the graphics and AI are nowhere near next gen or groundbreaking. The devs seem quite delusional in that aspect.

I will play and do hope the game is fun however.
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New member
Mar 29, 2021
Being so passive agressive with all the "mentally challenged nobodies irl who kill people in games to feel validation" talk kind of makes you look pathetic, OP. Seriously, you only got killed like two times and already act like a man child, it almost invalidates all the possibly helpful input written above.


New member
Sep 8, 2021
Being so passive agressive with all the "mentally challenged nobodies irl who kill people in games to feel validation" talk kind of makes you look pathetic, OP. Seriously, you only got killed like two times and already act like a man child, it almost invalidates all the possibly helpful input written above.

I guess you are one of them, Mr. Adult boy, lol.
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New member
Sep 8, 2021
Yes, full loot PVP areas or ranked arenas near each town could attract much more players than full loot PVP world MO2 having now which repels 99% of potential customers.
For the last 3 days I was watching bored patrols of KotO and other guilds near every GY looking for criminals or PKs. People have absolutely nothing to do that's why world will become pointless blodbath in a very short time. Nah, we've seen it all in MO1. Don't want even start talking about it.
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New member
Sep 12, 2021
At the moment the game is just massive unbalanced, empty and unfortunately some core mechanics
have not been thought through and are not enjoyable on the long term.

I really like the core idea of full lot PvP and the world, armors etc - graphic in general looks great.
It just needs some well thought changes and some more content to be succesful.
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Active member
Aug 7, 2020
I could write an essay responding to all this but I wont, instead I will say this:

Your experience is valid, but flawed. the game isn't done yet, and a lot of components are missing. the "mage" as you call it only has 2 schools available, and ecumenical spells is a school intended for hybrids, not full on mages, that's why you load the spell before you cast it.

The game is not about ground fighters (unlike many believe), but group combat.

This is not a solo game, unless you are an off-shot hunter in the wilds. I suggest joining an experienced guild and try again.
Actually his experience isn't flawed at all. "Planned Content" isn't content of today. If Bethesda, Bungie, Blizzard, Activision, or any other big company were to pull a Star Vault and half ass on the content there would be hell to pay, players would rise up, dick the companies down, and the developers would be forced to fix their content, or make their next game better. That's been the story every time a big company has promised and failed their communities. That's why feedback like this is so important, the game literally has nothing to offer, a Troll that drops Iron Fur, and a few mobs spread out in a MMO is a joke. I did a poll recently where the majority of votes, players wanted more Monsters in the game. That's very fair telling that the game is lacking in so many aspects and even worse they want to release this half baked game in October. Rest assured the OP will be the 1st among many to try the game and quit after a week. Foot Fighter is the weakest class, the end game armor and weapons take forever to obtain, and you often get attacked from behind making it take even longer. The game guild locks you, forcing you to play in a guild if you want to enjoy high end content you can't be solo.
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Active member
Aug 7, 2020
At the moment the game is just massive unbalanced, empty and unfortunately some core mechanics
have not been thought through and are not enjoyable on the long term.

I really like the core idea of full lot PvP and the world, armors etc - graphic in general looks great.
It just needs some well thought changes and some more content to be succesful.
It just needs a LOT of things. That's the problem these Devs want to release this game in October. It's doomed to fail. This game effectively has less to offer then Mo1 did. If Mo1 failed why would a fresh player base bank on the idea of "Waiting For Content" because they say this game will have more then Mo1 did? But right now has less then Mo1 did. Is Mo1 failed and had more, then MO2 will fail just the same.
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Mar 1, 2021
This is not a solo game, unless you are an off-shot hunter in the wilds. I suggest joining an experienced guild and try again.
I hear this all the time from guild players, BUT may I remind you all that many many many people that play in guilds get so sick of the politics and in house 'problems' they either leave the game or just sit around doing solo play and/or casual 'looking for group' play. Anyone who has played MMO's for any length of time knows this. The reality of guild play is again far from the delusional 'dream' of every wannabe guild leader. Guild play can be hell on earth and everyone knows this. In MO2 and according to you and many others like you, what alternative is there if your not happy with guild play but to leave the game.

The idea that an mmo player base can be split between group and solo players is so flawed it is ridiculous. Guild players often do content alone and solo players need to and often enjoy some group content. There is no real pure solo player and/or pure group player per se. Yes there are those that prefer to not join guilds and stay free and there are those that prefer to belong to a group/guild (usually for a time) - BUT this does not mean they dont do a bit of the other, pretty much every player does BOTH.

I asked Henrik if they were going to add a casual invite to group function with a group chat, his reply was that this is not something that will feature. I wanted to explain to him that IMO, in denying this feature MASSIVE amounts of fun content and inclusivity that would occur with the ability to form a casual group by invite, will now not occur.

Anyway it is what it is and it will be what it will be. I keep my fingers crossed that the vision of Starvault is beyond my imagination and when persistence comes the additional content they have in mind to implement or soon after, will have me saying, 'They were right all along they were right all along my bad.' I really do, but im dubious to say the least that this will be the case.
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Am i the only one gettibg tired of „potential“ and „its coming“ statements...

But yeah everybodys points are invalid, boats soon... they have the „Potential“ to fix everything. Critique not allowed cause boats aint in yet.