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  1. barcode

    A way for pet owners to resurrect their pet

    a big difference between pets and materials like steel is that you can farm up a fuckload of steel and stockpile it, making it available when needed to regear quickly and go fight again. you might even get some from your dead enemies and make use of it immediately in battle whereas pets dont...
  2. barcode

    Weak Spot Spears:

    sometime in mo1, sv decided weakspots on spears were too powerful and removed it. now it only exists on the nubby vendor spear -barcode
  3. barcode

    Slarti's List of Bad Guys

    easy 20g for any of these people to put their own head in cod. bounties dont work the way you think they do -barcode
  4. barcode

    dominated pets

    i assume the op means remove the -20 cc point penalty for multiple dominated pets, not unlimited pet points -barcode
  5. barcode

    Got stuck in a house because of loading glitch

    its an idiotic bug. sv should have the default state of the house (and indeed any assets) be with the door closed, and once the assets load in, you can see if its open. same goes for keep walls, the default should be for them to be fully constructed until your client gets data from the server...
  6. barcode

    Emty Camping Chests

    was this soon after a server reboot? chests are emptied at reboot for whatever reason -barcode
  7. barcode

    Broker Sales History / Log

    i'd settle for a simple note with the coin saying what sold -barcode
  8. barcode

    Flux farm “non exploit”?

    that is my current understanding of it, yes -barcode
  9. barcode

    Flux farm “non exploit”?

    workbenches do not become more valuable when more people use them. you put in x amount of mats, you get y product every time. if you kill people using the appliances, you get to loot their materials/items. for spirit farming, you from with 1 person you get x percent chance for y drops. farm with...
  10. barcode

    Flux farm “non exploit”?

    this removes any competition, its more profitable (multiplicably more) to cooperate in the group farm than to farm it for yourself. this is more or less the antithesis of MO. that is to mean, if you were to chase off the others and try to control the spawn locations yourself (or with a guild)...
  11. barcode

    Flux farm “non exploit”?

    the bug/exploit should be fixed. full stop. it breaks so much and makes it impossible for sv to add any future items to spiritist encounters. i dont know what if anything sv does to evaluate the economy and determine if its 'healthy' or not. If the added quantity of fluxes can somehow be...
  12. barcode

    Flux farm “non exploit”?

    thats right, may as well farm the shit out of it, we got the permission slip. maybe eventually sv will get the memo -barcode
  13. barcode

    I'm having such a hard time with Bounty hunting

    perhaps there should be some kind of consolation prize if you use a bird within x many meters and y many minutes of where/when your bounty has logged out, to show that you made a good faith effort to attempt to find them. a refund for the contract or something? not sure what could be done for...
  14. barcode

    Game exits to title screen

    a poor network connection can have this effect as well. it would be nice if the game gave some feedback as to why it was disconnecting, so if it *is* network trouble (or whatever else can cause this), the user can attempt to fix it. -barcode
  15. barcode

    MO Dreamin'

    i'm willing to guess that their server code is a pile of junk. maybe its because it was written back when they had no idea what they were doing pre-mo1 release. maybe its because they inherited the code from whatever atlas project epic china was developing and maybe the codebase for that was...
  16. barcode

    A portion of the broker tax should be moved to on fill instead of order creation

    this has been brought up before, there should be a small deposit you make when listing an item. if it sells, you pay the tax and get the deposit back. if it doesn't sell, you lose the deposit. The idea (in my mind) is to make the barrier to selling as low as possible so more people are willing...
  17. barcode

    Anyone else ever get bugged out stats staying at (99%)?

    pretty sure you can safely ignore it. its likely part of how sv has no idea how to sanitize whatever floating point implementation they've got -barcode
  18. barcode

    OpenSesame - House PWs Stray MO from its Roots

    yes, perhaps i left it ambiguous but i meant that when someone used their password their *character* would /say it in local chat -barcode
  19. barcode

    OpenSesame - House PWs Stray MO from its Roots

    what if passwords had to be spoken, like in local chat (or perhaps a bit less far ranging but if you were hidden near the house you could possibly overhear) -barcode
  20. barcode

    Where's the "full" in this full-loot-pvp-game?

    yes it certainly smells of poor coding on the server side. they mentioned before how the pickables (think seadew or cavolo, where the 'actor' is removed when the item is picked) were taking up a lot of server resources which seemed odd to me since the server isnt really doing much with them but...