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  1. Tashka

    Balance STEEL!?

    You said it yourself Magic armor is trash as it is, and khurite armor is rarely used, and it's only getting used less as more people move to steel sets.
  2. Tashka

    Balance STEEL!?

    "buff footies" "nerf medium armor" "nerf mages" Just what this game needs. Diminishing returns is ok. It's not like steel is rare, any guild that is not straight from haven can afford to always have steel weapons, even if they PvP all day and suck at it. Hell some can afford wearing steel...
  3. Tashka

    The Overpowered/Underpowered Weapons/Gear/Materials/Pets Thread

    130 dex gives you the most speed. I agree skinny needs a buff but it should be a buff everyone can benefit from, not just alvarins. Like, make it less squishy? Maalite spears are crazy good and crazy fast, if they could weakspot they would be op. Also the weakspot curve you proposed looks like...
  4. Tashka

    magic reflect changes. do you like it?

    Well there's really very little counter to 2 dex mages vs anything non-alvarin, and even alvarins have tough time. It's not like 1 vs 2 melee, they'll just harass you to death wether you try to kill them (you try to kill one and get damaged by other) or flee (both just outburst/corrupt you to...
  5. Tashka

    The Overpowered/Underpowered Weapons/Gear/Materials/Pets Thread

    And it shouldn't. Spear is meta weapon as it is, it's only slightly lagging behind swords. Veela footfighter is meta build as it is. We don't want lean veela footfighters running around weakspotting people with spears. I tried lean veela dagger build before, it wasn't strong and certainly wasn't...
  6. Tashka

    magic reflect changes. do you like it?

    Which was always major bs. Footies just got used to fighting other footies and everything that isn't a footie becomes overpowered and unfair because it breaks their parryspin loop. It's easy to counter a mage, any mage, dex, fat, mounted, any. Two mages vs 1 footie is indeed strong, but it's a...
  7. Tashka

    New Guy with Some Questions

    I admit i never played SWG, it's more like Ultima, but pets can't be ressurected. People (especially elitist vets) hate tamers because they're seen as no-skill 1-button playstyle build.
  8. Tashka

    New Guy with Some Questions

    1. No fast travel, huge map, i like it this way but it's quite anti-casual. 2. Depends, i've seen people going from complete noob to pro tournament material in 2 weeks, and also people who still couldn't beat a bandit after 2k hours. Generally 500 hours is usually enough to become somewhat...
  9. Tashka

    Different Chests with different access rights ! (Quality of life improvement)

    That's part of the game. Keep valuable items in house chests, only allow trusted people in SH.
  10. Tashka

    Mage Buffs

    Or just rever reflect to pre-patch. In most games mages have ways to avoid melee with dashes, teleports, paralysis, minefields, magic armor, unarmed blocking and whatnot. Here, it's either you're alvarin, or you rely on allies which isn't always an option and doesn't work that well in small...
  11. Tashka

    Murder Count Fix and bounties

    It's because most people are murderers and can't report each other. The timer is fine.
  12. Tashka

    Make tactician toggleable

    Let us drag it to action bar to toggle it on/off, we don't want it on during group training within a guild, thank you.
  13. Tashka

    magic reflect changes. do you like it?

    Well it's not all bad, we've got necro after all. Now we can blind ourselves, damage ourselves while healing enemies, disrupt our own mana or stamina regen, it really opens a world of possibilities for mages.
  14. Tashka

    Fix Humans

    Well i don't like being mounted, literally none of my characters since beta even had swift riding. Plus, it kinda would feel like a waste of cleric clade - your armor doesn't matter much if you're on horse, your horse's armor does. Plus, 138 int fat mage does MM better anyway.
  15. Tashka

    Pets in Necro Dungeon

    Cool so when additional character slots?
  16. Tashka

    magic reflect changes. do you like it?

    Let's see what this change has achieved: - It nerfed offensive mage playstyle in small scale. JuSt SpUrT takes 2-3 seconds per enemy, and you lose some (very little, but still) hp to reflect. 2-3 seconds sometimes can decide the outcome of a small scale encounter. - It nerfed offensive mages in...
  17. Tashka

    Fix Humans

    I'm trying sarduccan cleric now and my experience so far is meh. I have 140 mana and decent regen with heaviest ranger armor, but can't really utilize it in small scale. Before necro you could at least cast a single offensive spell (maybe two if you're lucky) right in the start of an encounter...
  18. Tashka

    The Overpowered/Underpowered Weapons/Gear/Materials/Pets Thread

    Same can be said about iron silk vs guard fur or something, or plate scales vs ganoid. But iron silk is a luxury, people still use it and will only use more when TC comes. The problems is that we don't much to fight over, the stakes are usually not much higher than to loot or to be looted, and...
  19. Tashka

    The Overpowered/Underpowered Weapons/Gear/Materials/Pets Thread

    Metal armors shouldn't be much stronger than animal materials armors. Medium armors are already rarely used, and they can't be made of metals. Cuprum could probably use a buff, but steel and above are already insanely strong.