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  1. Tashka

    The changes required to save MO2

    OMG this. They've made the map much bigger so now you need a stronghold in every part of the map if you're planning to stay there for a while. Large guilds can afford it, but small guilds are fucked. They wouldn't be the same as strongholds, they would allow PvP, they would probably serve as PvP...
  2. Tashka

    The changes required to save MO2

    Speak for yourself. It surely is annoying when someone runs to their house and shuts the door, BUT it could be resolved with having some sort of timer that allows anyone to open a door say 30 seconds after it was closed, make anyone be able to open a door from inside, and make it impossible to...
  3. Tashka

    Ecumenical spell school (UOMAGERY)

    Magic Arrow, Reactive Armor and Teleport would be a game changer and make ecumenical much more interesting and skillful, but SV had to reinvent the wheel and make it square, so we've got what we've got - the most boring magic system in an MMO, ever. Fortunately more schools are coming.
  4. Tashka

    Noticing a trend

    No. It stops being enjoyable after the first few days. And it's never "dark souls" enjoyable or anything. It's just a quite mediocre PVE experience for an indie MMO. "1000" hours was just an expression. 4-20 hours of deep story and engaging gameplay. Yeah maybe. We don't pay subscription after...
  5. Tashka

    Noticing a trend

    Crafting is extremely shallow, and after a few months of being a crafter it's no longer as exciting PvE gets boring after 1000 hours too. I can kill a risar commander with my eyes tied, using bananas for controller. Roleplaying is really not as cool outside RP servers with established rules...
  6. Tashka

    Some balance suggestions from taming

    Again, people will just use alt accounts for that. Imagine if portal lore could only be used to farm spirit boxes. No scounting, no banishing, no sneaking on players with MP and escaping into ether. Everyone would say that it should either be made secondary or moved to professions. Taming is...
  7. Tashka

    Some balance suggestions from taming

    If taming is primary, it should gives players some incentive to have it on their main character. Like, some bonus to pets. Doesn't have to be big, just a little something. Domination doesn't have that problem (it's nice that it doesn't have *some* problem at least) since you can't transfer...
  8. Tashka

    Some balance suggestions from taming

    It only creates a P2W situation where you must basically have an alt character to cater to all your taming and training needs, or be gimped. And for many players, even buying a pet from the broker requires a blue alt. If you don't like the idea of having alts, the current system of having taming...
  9. Tashka

    Better and More Balanced PVE Suggestions (MA nerf, others boost)

    You can absolutely solo 3 bandits esp. as thursar/blain (i actually kill 2 on a dagger mage with 44 slashing armor, with just a dagger), even though vet casters can be a problem. And i cringe every time i see people farming bandits and especially risars with MA, a footfighter can clear the whole...
  10. Tashka

    Prepatch Trinkets

    I don't use them even now when i only need to recharge them. If it wasn't soulbound they would be even more useless. Like the best amulet i've found so far is +5 animal care cuprum trash, the rest had stats i just didn't want because either the skills were irrelevant, or they'd require me to...
  11. Tashka

    Some balance suggestions from taming

    I'm only trying taming now but already see major flaws in it. Apart from house pathing and pets unable to swim of course. 1. Split taming into basic version and an advanced version. Both secondary. Basic goes under domestication and 100 basic taming is an equivalent of 50 taming now. This way...
  12. Tashka

    Melee Combat

    You may have liked it but thing is that the faster the combat, the bigger the advantage low-ping player get. Say, a EU player has 20 frames to observe a swing (just numbers i've made up) and an NA player only has 10 frames. Devs speed up the combat just a little, and now an EU player has 15...
  13. Tashka

    Melee Combat

    Not if you aren't in EU. They tried it, people complained, they reverted it. They need to work on parry normalization and such before they increase combat speed. Plus, it would buff melee which is strong enough as it is and shouldn't be done unless everyone else gets a buff.
  14. Tashka

    Disable tamed pets because overpowered and unfair

    Depends on a pet. That's SV balancing problem again. Just like trinkets - no middleground, either trash or OP. I understand that pets are much harder to balance then, for example, in UO. If your terrorbird dies, you're in for a wonderful journey into jungle and after that, hours of training. Of...
  15. Tashka

    What is wrong with the magic system

    Absolutely not. I doubt there is any actual difference, but i personally feel that parrying with a dagger is easier. Maybe due to the fact that it's smaller and obscures the view juuuuuust a little less. That if you don't use shield of course, but they're not super useful in PvE anyway, so...
  16. Tashka

    Make the mage soloable

    Life steal has range of a dagger, don't think it will be used much unless they change it.
  17. Tashka

    Poleaxes - the forgotten weapon

    Two of them are so obvious that no one uses them unless they want to give a free parry to an opponent. Swords just have way more options for skillful gameplay.
  18. Tashka

    Can we undo the trinket drop nerf?

    Maybe it was too much with fishing, but i've never seen a trinket worth using from risars - in three weeks. The best i got is +16 fishing amulet. Gold are rare AF, and with that RNG on stats i imagine i could easily spend a year farming all day before i get anything worth charging. And they...
  19. Tashka

    Can we undo the trinket drop nerf?

    Let's just stop there. The problem is that they've released some content that at least gave you a reason to go out and grind, there was a lot of PvP everywhere, and then they nerfed it to the point where it doesn't matter anymore. I'm not grinding for hours to maybe get one shit amulet with...
  20. Tashka

    I'm having such a hard time with Bounty hunting

    Ever heard of interpol?