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  1. Tashka

    Multiple month delays on necro now feature cuts!?

    Because it does. When there are no deadlines, nothing gets done.
  2. Tashka

    Multiple month delays on necro now feature cuts!?

    I can't believe "i'm a dev" is actually used in a whiteknight post.
  3. Tashka

    Multiple month delays on necro now feature cuts!?

    Everyone's a dev these days. Or a project manager at least.
  4. Tashka

    Multiple month delays on necro now feature cuts!?

    Yeah ditch the 2 months of progress becouse some people aren't interested, big brain right here.
  5. Tashka

    Worried about Tower Shields that they could ruin the catchup mechanics (how should we catch an Alvarin with a towershield on his back) ?

    They will most likely weight more and drain more stamina when blocking. Shields aren't that much of a problem, on melee it limits you to 1 hand weapons and drains a lot of stamina, on a mage it helps with the lack of defenses, but it's no like you hit them for 0.
  6. Tashka

    What kind of gambling games would you like to see in Mortal Online 2 ?

    Russian roulette. You lose and your account gets deleted. Then you can ask every new recruit to play it and then you'll have a guild full of real men with real balls.
  7. Tashka

    pets ressurecting

    That's a choice. Most people don't wear steel armor at a minimum. You don't need it just as you don't need tungsteel horse armor lmao. If it happens so that you don't have steel sets you can just take one of those carapace armors your crafter produces at industrial scale and still be competitive...
  8. Tashka

    pets ressurecting

    Says someone who's always on horse and loses maybe a dirt cheap reptile carapace set and a steel sword on death. But yeah, no, ressurectable pets is too much.
  9. Tashka

    mage improvement

    It doesn't have to be like that. Again, in Crowfall, each class plays entirely differently but there's barely any rock-paper-skissors. In Mortal, the trinity would fuck over solo players and take away the fun of it, and most players play solo a lot anyway. Imagine it's a "skill based game" but...
  10. Tashka

    mage improvement

    I hate rock-paper-skissors in games like this. You don't always run in big groups and it sucks when you meet a hard counter to your class in a supposedly skill-based game. I really believe every "class" should be able to 1v1 vs every other class, maybe performing a little better vs some classes...
  11. Tashka

    Necromancy Primaries

    Humans have nothing to do with it. You sacrifice mana regen anyway.
  12. Tashka

    Nerf Veela

    Because pipe is kingier.
  13. Tashka

    Do you want the game to wipe?

    Wipe yes, smaller map no. Apart from just the fact that i don't feel that the map is a problem at least right now, they would have to spend too much time on it.
  14. Tashka

    Will Herding / Animal etc care affect ritual pets ?

    I think yes. Can't imagine people would go for necro pets without animal care.
  15. Tashka

    I'm having such a hard time with Bounty hunting

    Should it also have an instakill button too to save you the trouble?
  16. Tashka

    Necromancy Primaries

    What are you on? I'm a lean veela sitting on 160 hp. And by the description of your build you must be lean 10 str (so good luck with them daggers) sheevra who also sacrificed a ton of constitution to reach the 100 psyche. So very low hp and very low stamina, so whoever it is you're escaping when...
  17. Tashka

    Necromancy Primaries

    You can use a dagger with 0 points in daggers. They're bad not because you spend 100 points on daggers, they're bad because you need full taming to be competitive. A veela FF would run you down and kill you before you can say Vas Flam. Also good luck parrying after you drop blocking. Many noobs...
  18. Tashka

    Necromancy Primaries

    Just let's suppose you don't have a pet, because tamers are indeed powerful and it wasn't about tamers. Anything can be strong with a pet. A foot archer which is usually considered to be a meme build can be strong with a pet. You being strong with a pet says nothing about magic. It's good if...
  19. Tashka

    Necromancy Primaries

    That's why it's mounted. Anyway by hybrid i mean a full melee build who just makes some sacrifices like no MA and maybe slighter lower STR to have magic. Not someone in paper armor but with a melee weapon.
  20. Tashka

    Necromancy Primaries

    Let's just stop there. It's only awesome because it has pets. Staying out of range of melee and shooting lasers sounds cool until you realize the long ass cast time of the MP and the fact that it can be countered by any tree or rock - most of the time by simple zigzagging actually. And at that...