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  1. Tashka

    Trinket market overflooded, let us smash trinkets.

    They did what? I thought they're going to buff it.
  2. Tashka

    Release precast spell on LMB

    I think it's obvious. If you don't have weapon drawn, LMB should be releasing pre-cast spells.
  3. Tashka

    Trinkets % not working properly?

    Same with 7% def. Tried all combinations - big damage, small damage, heavy armor, light armor, no armor. No difference at all.
  4. Tashka

    Remove blue priest from dungeons

    Even if the stronghold will be right next the dungeon, you can AT LEAST banish the spirit and have a few minutes to enjoy farming a dungeon without the annoying guy. But you can only place so many strongholds next to a dungeon, most dungeons don't have a place for a stronghold nearby actually...
  5. Tashka

    this game needs balance ?

    Not sure where you've got this idea. There's a call to nerf veela in another thread.
  6. Tashka

    this game needs balance ?

    - They didn't sync their attacks - They didn't keep pressure on an oghmir Plus they weren't exactly owned, they merely didn't win. Plus, if it was two oghmirs vs a veela, a veela wouldn't even have to do any fighting to survive - just press one button and flee.
  7. Tashka

    A complilation of long-standing bugs and things that don't make any sense

    Some critical bugs in this game aren't being fixed for months. It's like SV doesn't know they exist, so let's remind them. Feel free to post additions. Melee Invisible weapons Missing animation frames Magic Every spell have approx. 0.5 seconds added to their charge time because the...
  8. Tashka

    Remove blue priest from dungeons

    I'd say there should be a bank and an equerry near every red priest. The map got bigger since MO1 and the design needs to account for that. We can't all have 10 accounts with a house in every corner of the map. And yeah equerries near dungeons would be great.
  9. Tashka

    Disable tamed pets because overpowered and unfair

    Mages would still be countered by TBirds simply by being faster and having no stamina.
  10. Tashka

    House chests

    OK this is gonna be some rant. Thing is, the last update managed to make house chests WORSE and MORE BUGGED than they were before. Now if you have 7000 of an item in your inventory and 7000 in house chest and you click right button on that stack in the chest, you have 3000 moved to your...
  11. Tashka

    Road map

    Eve is a finished game, they can afford that. In MO2 however, the focus is too shifted towards future and not enough to the present. It is evident by things like trinkets that give points in thievery or animism despite they aren't even in game, or by how animism is present in skills window, or...
  12. Tashka

    Increase Combat Delete Timer

    Looks like he killed the veela in the end.
  13. Tashka

    Can We Give Horses More Stamina?

    I'm ok with horses' stamina, but being a 100% footie i lose a horse in almost every pvp encounter, even those that i win. It really sucks when you're hauling 5 stacks of whatever and then lose your horse after a PvP that you've won, and the closest horse spawn in miles away and you may not even...
  14. Tashka

    losing weight ...

    With new potions you lose weight very fast.
  15. Tashka

    Melee feedback explained

    You get counter reduced when you get hit while riposting (doing that fast attack after parry). It reduces the damage you receive. The delay is small and if you time it right you can swing almost immediately after being parried. Depends on a situation and comes with experience. Generally swing...
  16. Tashka

    Increase item limit in strongholds/keeps

    Seriously, a medium house can hold 800 items and a T3 stronghold 1200? It's less than two small houses! Just two people can fill up the available space easily. With such limitation, a stronghold is basically an expensive house for one person with added benefit of having a priest there. And...
  17. Tashka

    Disable tamed pets because overpowered and unfair

    With what? It has over 500 hp and i only have so much mana (let's just assume that the pet doesn't kill me while i'm charging a second tlash).
  18. Tashka

    Racial/Clade balance... What is up with this Henrik?

    Which would only hurt dex mages and it's not like they're OP.
  19. Tashka

    Disable tamed pets because overpowered and unfair

    I don't see how it matters how many points you spend on it. Most PvP encounters in this game are at least partially about skill. As a foot mage i can deal with other mages, with MAs, with footies, basically everyone, it's not easy because i suck and mages suck in general but doable. WTF can i do...
  20. Tashka

    So let me get this right...

    Even omitting the fact that no FPS player can beat a camera that doesn't allow him to look back 180 degrees where the opponent is, it's still much easier with a bow which gives you the time to aim and you can choose the precise time to shoot. It's not hitscan but it doesn't really matter with a...