If it gets removed the people who are doing this are just going to build a strong hold near said dungeons and run back on a horse and do the same thing.
Even if the stronghold will be right next the dungeon, you can AT LEAST banish the spirit and have a few minutes to enjoy farming a dungeon without the annoying guy. But you can only place so many strongholds next to a dungeon, most dungeons don't have a place for a stronghold nearby actually. Plus, at least they wouldn't be able to give murdercounts. Dungeons are cancer now because of the priests, if you want to play them the way it was intended by the devs. Some asshole who thinks he is "clever" and "outsmarting the design" can completely ruin your day while being naked and remaining blue.
Only took 6 months to change something that even a new player could tell you shouldn't exist. Maybe by 2040 we can have a playable game if 1 change is made every 6 months, excited.