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  1. Tashka

    Horse Archer Meta

    Did it all the time before i realized risars exist. Yeah it can be hard for an alvarin when you get aggroed by 3 bandits, but for thursars/oghmirs it's an easy ride. And yeah your bow probably costs x100 less than all the arrows you waste.
  2. Tashka

    Horse Archer Meta

    No you don't. I can never stop laughing when i see an MA clearing bandits/risars. Whoever told newbies it's a good idea must be a master troll.
  3. Tashka

    Buff alchemy herbs spawn

    Well Toxai sea dew was always a meme. It's easier to just make a ride to Meduli and bring the sea dew from there.
  4. Tashka

    Buff alchemy herbs spawn

    Making a potion worth using is harder now than a full steel armour set. People gather sea dew or salvia and just vendor them for "starter gold". Alchemy is in even tougher place now than it was in beta when selling potions was almost a charity move. Buff spawns, nerf vendor sell prices, or make...
  5. Tashka

    Horse Archer Meta

    I don't see how 300pts polearms or inability to main daggers would make anyone want to be an archer. If you make daggers secondary, people will start coming to you with a request of "i want to be an assassin" and you'll have to send them to a generic mellee build with a generic dagger sidearm.
  6. Tashka

    Horse Archer Meta

    Dunno why would you want to ruin so many playstyles over a non-issue of mounted archers.
  7. Tashka

    Housing chests are incredibly bugged

    I know it should be a bug report ingame and i already made a few but this thing is so hillarious it deserves it's own thread. - You can't drag items to another cell in your "main" (the one that comes with the house) chest - When you place 5g chests, items stored in the "main" chest get...
  8. Tashka

    Please Change "Weak Spot Chance" To Armor Penetration

    I wouldn't mind buffing the weakspot chance across the board while reducing the armor pen, and maybe make it more determenistic, kinda like path of exile's crit. I love seeing those (Weak Spot) messages. Can't imagine my life without them.
  9. Tashka

    Solution for Reds(Murderers)

    Hell no. It's a sandbox game not a set of ACTIVITIES. Hellgates are cool in albion. The problem is that everytime i went there i wished that the rest of the game wouldn't stand in the way, like there would be a lobby of some kind and i could just jump into action right from the login screen...
  10. Tashka

    Why does SV hate PvPers?

    "Wolves" put resources into the economy as well. There's nothing special about "sheep" except they want to do the same things "wolves" do, but in a safer environment.
  11. Tashka

    Why does SV hate PvPers?

    This is a terrible analogy that gets repeated over and over. The "sheep" don't do anything the wolves can't or won't do. Wolves do PvE, they participate in the economy and sometimes they do RP as well. So no the "sheep" are not necessary for a working ecosystem. They are only here for the numbers.
  12. Tashka

    Armored Horses take way too much damage

    Try something better than bone?
  13. Tashka

    Criminals need to have actual punishments for playing as criminals.

    Well from realism perspective, you're in a world where 1) The only thing that is punished is murder, and there are no laws to punish people doing stuff that makes you want to kill them. One reason for why most people throughout history didn't just kill eachother was that they could bring their...
  14. Tashka

    Revert Horse Flag

    I'm amazed that you still care about MC
  15. Tashka


    Wat killing a few nakeds isn't enough to earn respect of FELLOW MURDERERS? Unthinkable!
  16. Tashka

    Horse Archer Meta

    If you can escape and evade without MA vs someone with MA then why would anyone take MA at all? That's exactly what people take MA for in the first place. If they nerf MA to this point then the large part of PvP in this game becomes almost consensual. Foot archers already have a massive...
  17. Tashka

    Horse Archer Meta

    Nerfing damage won't do anything, as long as MA can do 1 damage versus a horse it will be a meta. You need MA to initiate combat and dismount your opponents, that's why most footies have it, not because it's strong or something. Until there's a way to travel around the world on foot that doesn't...
  18. Tashka

    Red Priest changes

    I get what you're saying but i don't get why. The candy isn't made of shit, it just got worse, like they removed the fructoise to expand their customer base with fructoise-intolerant people, and it was the prime ingredient. I still like it and think it's the best on the market but can't i just...
  19. Tashka

    Red Priest changes

    No you've been saying that we can work around the INCREDIBLY STUPID system and then we will not be punished for PvP in a PvP game, but we're too lazy/dumb/whatever to do that. Obviously there isn't such thing as "GvG" in this game (which is evident by the lack of proper wardec mechanics) that...
  20. Tashka

    Red Priest changes

    The way you protecting an obviously broken system is really something. Guess i can also just duel in towns, get plenty of PvP and not get MCs.