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  1. Tashka

    Is there a plan to nerf magic soon?

    People say "spells are hitscan and therefore require no skill" yet majority of footies can't parry even though it's literally just seeing what your opponent is doing and moving your mouse in the appropriate general direction. Dude... animal care is 100 points, CC is another 100 points. Sure you...
  2. Tashka

    Magic: Target cast, self cast, draw weapon and move to cancel - make it stop!

    You can use feint key to cancel a spell now, drawing out weapons isn't needed, and not sure how i feel about precasting necro spells even if it's only 3 seconds. I agree with the rest though. Self cast buton should simply change target of the charging spell to self. It's such an obvious thing...
  3. Tashka

    A pretty bad developed System: Necromantic Rituals

    The answer to all your questions is probably: "it would be a balancing nightmare and SV are terrible at balancing as it is".
  4. Tashka

    can some of the end game content be made solo friendly.

    Honestly with the loot most bosses drop they should be soloable. Or just buff the loot.
  5. Tashka

    Allow wearing a shield on your back in combat mode

    A 6kg door is already OP, no problem wearing that + mostly steel for an oghmir. It would be another massive buff to oghmirs, we CERTAINLY don't need that. TBH i'm mostly worried being a human cleric, if they'll let footies use doors with 2h weapons even the little melee capability i have would...
  6. Tashka

    Allow wearing a shield on your back in combat mode

    Eeehm as if oghmirs in steel with door shields aren't bad enough, you want them to also be swinging 2h swords at the same time.
  7. Tashka

    Stop INTING ME

    It's not a first game. In MO2, shields on mages were part of an established balance. It wasn't OP and it worked. SV decided to simply break that balance.
  8. Tashka

    Stop INTING ME

    That's basically what most footies think - mages should do nothing but heal them and unable to even defend themselves. Aaaaand please give us mage resist armor 'cuz we don't feel like sacrificing anything for psyche (yet we still call mages OP), also reflect changes were good. Since 90% of the...
  9. Tashka

    Mage Changes poll

    Shield changes just needed to be accompanied by increasing mana regen baseline back to 4kg. It would be ok then. Reflect must be reverted lmao, why is there still any doubt? (yet Robmo confirmed today that it stays). MM must be reverted but mages need more ways to fight MA in the *near* future.
  10. Tashka

    Stop INTING ME

    Because alvarin is already the best and basically the only clade for a foot mage (it's also either best or a solid choice for any build in the game, no other clade enjoys as much versatility). Why buff the already strong clade? If alvarins were to be buffed for magic, SV would just consider that...
  11. Tashka

    Stop INTING ME

    Reverting mana regen baseline to 4kg would be fine after the shield changes. But for some reason they just nerfed foot mages and did nothing to compensate. But buffing alvarins specifically in any way is a big no. Also it's funny how they tried to end the mage shield meta and ended up with an...
  12. Tashka

    Anyone else hate that change to magic reflect ? it changes the small scale and large battles completely and this in a bad way !

    I asked Robmo and he said it stays, maybe someday they'll rework it but it's not a priority. I know.
  13. Tashka

    Magic: Compendium of Magical Changes

    That would completely kill hybrid builds.
  14. Tashka

    Books too easy to obtain

    That's not true. We're relatively small. We allied with another relatively small guild, still we were six people when we got the book. Big guilds don't like the odds. You need to somehow make 20+ people camp the dungeon for days, and then either only one of them gets to read it, or you'll have...
  15. Tashka

    Books too easy to obtain

    It maybe an illusion but i prefer more freedom in my sandboxes. It's a pvp sandbox, bigger groups will and should have an advantage. That said, there is a diversity in playstyles. You just have to accept your limitations if you are solo or in small group. Hell most of my playtime i was in...
  16. Tashka

    Books too easy to obtain

    Both guilds and solos can do almost everything. You can solo in this game just fine, it's not like you must have rituals to do anything. Some argue it's "content" and feel left out, and yeah it's probably gonna be interesting for some people to play with different ritualism combos for a while...
  17. Tashka

    Books too easy to obtain

    Doesn't have to be a huge guild. Contact other guilds, join forces and kill the shitters. Zergs have plenty of haters so shouldn't be much of a problem. Nobody does that. Nobody even tries to. Better to wait for SV to solve all their problems.
  18. Tashka

    Books too easy to obtain

    Seriously? It's a sandbox game, it's in your power to prevent groups from camping whatever it is they're camping.
  19. Tashka

    Books too easy to obtain

    Well we're all still here, so it must be good. I think it's a good content. It was even better in the beginning when you had to figure out how to open the door, how to cross the spikes, how to cross the bridge, how to move through the lab etc. The boss is easy but one mistake can wipe your...