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  1. Tashka

    Faster Than Steel; Movement speed & Its relation to Armor and playstyles

    That would really be waaay too much. Like, combat speed difference between oghmir and veela is what, around 30 ups? That's a lot already. 5 points for every kg above 8? Some people are willing to go lean over stout or skinny over lean for that or even less than that. I'm not really a fan of...
  2. Tashka

    Anyone else hate that change to magic reflect ? it changes the small scale and large battles completely and this in a bad way !

    I'd say it still is. A small scale fight can end quickly, and every second matters, so spurting people isn't worth it.
  3. Tashka

    Murderers Should Get Permadeath

    Everything here serves the only purpose of fueling PvP. You trade to PvP. You place houses near contested areas. "Millions" of crafting options are there to fuel PvP. Immersive combat is here for PvP. Bosses drop loot that you use for PvP. You argument is invalid. It doesn't. PvE is obviously...
  4. Tashka

    Mages: Ecumenical Changes

    Great suggestions. Also, it should be so that only one protective spell can be active at a time. I think it's ok 'cus it requires black opal so you won't seeing whole groups running with it all the time like it's happening now with spell reflect.
  5. Tashka

    Shields: Armor Weight changes + Rant about mages (again.)

    The most hillarious comment i've heard today after wiping another group was: "that mage was so bad... he was casting spells" I think it sums up the entire mage gameplay nicely.
  6. Tashka

    Murderers Should Get Permadeath

    There are no PvE players. If you want to be a PvE player, there are other games for that. The game shouldn't be changed to accomodate people who can't read a description on steam page. Why are we still having these conversations?
  7. Tashka

    Gear up Bench

    That would be great but... we don't even have basic chests that work properly. And they also randomly eat your items.
  8. Tashka

    Make your own parry sound a bit different

    The situation: both you and your opponent have swings charged. You decide to pull it off, hit and immediately parry. So you release your swing. What the game shows you: the enemy plays "got hit" animation and sound, a fraction of a second later you hear parry sound. What you think has happened...
  9. Tashka

    magic reflect changes. do you like it?

    Someone made a great suggestion in discord to make reflect a skill check. I say it needs to be rng (i know people hate rng but reflect would be useless on footies otherwise) based on psyche. It would buff psyche as a side effect, and psyche really needs a buff.
  10. Tashka

    Murderers Should Get Permadeath

    We literally got attacked by a group of people in necro dungeon and from that fight alone i received two MCs. Some places are ghost towns as it is, people who like PvP just avoid living in towns and prefer living off their strongholds. For a sizeable group, not being allowed into towns isn't...
  11. Tashka

    Armor weight from shields poll

    It would be perfect, however we all know how SV works. They'll add weight to shields and just promise that they'll add cool defensive spells to compensate for that... someday... and mages will have to "adapt" again, i.e. be screwed for months if not years to come. So i'd prefer them to just not...
  12. Tashka

    Murder Count Fix and bounties

    You can have MC and still drop blue bags. Timer is fine.
  13. Tashka

    magic reflect changes. do you like it?

    People who say "just spurt" seem to not understand how magic works. A footie who needs a heal, purify, or reflect will try to help mages by at least ensuring they have LOS on them, not moving erratically etc. But offensive magic is opportunistic by nature. Tlash charges for over 3 seconds, by...
  14. Tashka

    magic reflect changes. do you like it?

    I'm amazed that they aren't changing it. Robmo says the new reflect stays, Henrik ignores all questions regarding reflect, like wtf is happening? Keeping reflect as it is now is one of the most idiotic decisions that SV made, it competes in stupidity with the decision that GMs will not remove...
  15. Tashka

    Armor weight from shields poll

    Sure, as long as balance comes first.
  16. Tashka

    Armor weight from shields poll

    Taking shields from mages would be another slap in the face of every mage player. And i don't think SV will compensate for it, at least not anytime soon. They'll probably implement the change and then respond to all complaints with "yes we know we f###d the balance but no worries, we have...
  17. Tashka

    Armor weight from shields poll

    Both remove stam penalty and make additional weight from shields not affect mana regen.
  18. Tashka

    Balance STEEL!?

    Improving steel would mean improving cronite and oghmium to match, i really don't want footies to be buffed and mages and hybrids to be two/three shots. Give steel more weakspot maybe (even then, why buff alvarins?), but not raw damage.
  19. Tashka

    Area denial spells should be targeted on ground

    Necromancy gave us two tactical area denial spells: miasma and cloud of ashes. They are quite good, but their tactical possibilities are limited since you need to still cast them on a player. No player in a place you want to cast that cloud, no cloud. Now AoE spells like auw surge are ok, if you...
  20. Tashka

    Balance STEEL!?

    It's not "better", it's just people taking more damage from footies so they need to be healed more. Hardly a buff to mages. Mages would die faster to footies. I call that a nerf. But hey people say that reflect changes was a buff to mages 'cuz it made reflect stronger.