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  1. Tashka

    Books too easy to obtain

    What are you talking about, it's better than any other dungeon in this game. The only problem with the bridge is that it's often camped from the other side but we have long ago learned how to deal with shitters who do that. You don't even need neither bow nor melee weapon to cross the bridge, or...
  2. Tashka

    Books too easy to obtain

    My answer is that it was most fun i've had in this game since the ending of honeymooon period. PvE, PvP, and big reward in the end. What's more to wish for?
  3. Tashka

    Books too easy to obtain

    It's not true. The only thing gated behind necro dungeon was ritualism and maybe a couple spells, and even those you could buy from players. The dungeon itself can be finished with 3-4 people, you may need more for PvP but hey get friends make allies, act like you're playing an MMO. It's a GOOD...
  4. Tashka

    Books too easy to obtain

    It's better than AFKing all day in your stronghold not knowing what to do because you have everything you need and occasionally fighting for nothing but fun and flex. Yes, it's so 2000. When MMOs weren't yet dumbed down to instant gratification casual shit.
  5. Tashka

    Books too easy to obtain

    I dunno what to say to you. Guess it's just different player mentality. Some want to actually work towards something and enjoy the hard earned reward, for example the reward of being one among the few players with specific skill. Well enjoy the "content", it will probably get your hooked for...
  6. Tashka

    Books too easy to obtain

    Yes. You earn the gold.
  7. Tashka

    Books too easy to obtain

    I want good spells to be earned, not given for free and with zero effort. We aren't zerg either, so nothing really was zerg gated.
  8. Tashka

    Books too easy to obtain

    No it's not. Not everything should be obtainable solo, certainly not stupidly OP skills like ritualism.
  9. Tashka

    Books too easy to obtain

    Lmao we've been camping necro boss, literally living there, afking in between spawns, fighting off other groups etc for like two weeks and finally got ritualism book a day before the patch. And now ritualism is freely available to every instant gratification shitter. I knew that they were...
  10. Tashka

    Stream summary feedback

    The worst thing about it is that reduced MM cast time is a "buff" to mages, even if it does nothing for dedicated foot mages. So they probably aren't getting compensated for the nerf. I'm beginning to feel good being human cleric. Never needed them shields. It's almost like i got buffed. Even...
  11. Tashka

    Stream summary feedback

    If you're talking abotu that zombiemancer build, don't. Zombies are too... i dunno how to say it in english... awkward? to be useful
  12. Tashka

    Stream summary feedback

    They aren't. Mages will just have to wear paper if they want to use half decent shields. I too don't like the shield meta, but taking them away without giving something equally meaningful in return is as much of a stupidity as reflect changes were.
  13. Tashka

    Stream summary feedback

    Footies will get rekt by mounted mages and tribrids in the open. I think mounted mages needed some buffs in how they perform in dungeons, not this. It should be 100%. Why do we need the RNG at all? Which means you'll have to sacrifice like 1.5 kg of armor to wear shittiest shields. It's a...
  14. Tashka

    Thank you, spiritism changes

    TBH they should've made spiritism as rare as ritualism since the very beginning, and add a way to fight ghost scouting. There were many proposed solutions for that. Like, make ghosts with trans awareness on banishable and visible from the world of living and slowed to footie speed. Ghost...
  15. Tashka

    What you should for mages instead of buffing them.

    They won't make sense even at 100 ecu. Reflect is just too good and must have for every mage or hybrid no matter the cost.
  16. Tashka

    Human Clade Rework: The Human Hybrid Problem

    Yeah it's amazing how "humans have the most skill points" when they're basically forced to spend ~100 primaries on endurance and still have less stamina than other clades, while someone like oghmir can wear heaviest armors without even putting 100 into heavy armor training.
  17. Tashka

    Human Clade Rework: The Human Hybrid Problem

    Ah yes. I don't think it works on AOE spells though. Shamanistic could be useful (reserves don't matter, we have food for that), if meditation/passive regen had a place in the current meta. Both need to be either secondary and slightly buffed, or if they're staying primary both need a huge buff...
  18. Tashka

    Flying Poll

    I don't think so. It would be a buggy mess and they know it.
  19. Tashka

    Increased Weather Immersion

    I'd like to see a rain once in a while, not just hear it. I remember they toned down rain effects to help people with lower end PC's, but maybe they could've just added a slider instead? There is also a cinematic effect many games use - having droplets "hit the camera" and slowly flow down...
  20. Tashka

    Human Clade Rework: The Human Hybrid Problem

    Ah? I hope it's an addition to the already existing effect, otherwise don't touch cleric please. It's the only human gift that is actually unique. There is no other way to increase mana regen in armor than to pick a human. Just like there is no other way to jump in combat mode than to pick an...