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  1. F

    Mortal 2 Combat meta and abilities @Henrik

    I disagree; Rust and Dayz are extremely popular. There are 9x more active players in Rust then there are in New world. While not traditional MMO's their demographics will be compatible with MO2/EVE/Albion/OSRS and many of those players come from that background, many of players from Rust have...
  2. F

    Mortal 2 Combat meta and abilities @Henrik

    Just gonna drop this here @ 23:48 timestamp. It's probably been discussed before (the video) but I want to remind everyone that the MMORPG demographic has a very poor reception on the combat in MO2, we can watch the twitch chat nearly unanimously agree with both narrators, and that twitch chat...
  3. F

    Free month ends January 7th

    You're wrong about safe zones. Mortal has never had more then 2000 players interested in playing it at any given time. Games like EVE, Albion and OSRS have 6 figure sub counts. NPC guards around NPC settlements are a good addition for the average MMO player. It may not be good for the average...
  4. F

    Free month ends January 7th

    I didn't start my free month until late December. When my sub ends I won't be able to sub, even if I wanted to. Because the only payment processor available is xsolla.
  5. F

    Free month ends January 7th

    I will reluctantly sub, as long as the payment processor isn't xsolla. They should defiantly offer subs through Steam though, even if those subs are higher price to offset the fee. SV is one of the few devs actively producing a full loot MMO. The alternative is that they are financially...
  6. F

    Krampus event loot log.

    first unique found: Krampus painting
  7. F

    Krampus event loot log.

    I got a late start on the Krampus event but i've enjoyed it. Here are my results after 11k bags. I deleted all silver from gem sales to not contaminate the silver count and my bank started empty. Also deleted cuprum flux/recharge polish silver trinkets/cuprum trinkets. The event is strangely...
  8. F

    Mortal 2 Combat meta and abilities @Henrik

    Actually pretty accurate observations. The majority of the high population Survival games are FPS with the exception of Dark&darker(first person viewpoint) and Vrising(medium population) and one could argue that Dark is not really a survival game, its an extraction game. But thats why I said...
  9. F

    Mortal 2 Combat meta and abilities @Henrik

    Yea I agree with you more content is always good but I just don't know how many players are making it that far? I feel like most players that quit make it to around sewer level of content before they quit. The game flows terribly for solo players, especially novice solo players. Something like...
  10. F

    Mortal 2 Combat meta and abilities @Henrik

    If the current rule-set was 5% as successful as Albion this thread wouldn't of been posted. But its not. Henrik is looking at player retention and asking how it can be improved. I believe the combat meta is a big part of the player retention issue. I believe it doesn't resonate with the player...
  11. F

    Mortal 2 Combat meta and abilities @Henrik

    I was watching a Slasher stream and saw Henrik pop in, I would love for Henrik to engage on these forums as often as engages in twitch streams. While you were in stream I saw multiple complaints about the combat meta, from both viewers and slasher himself. Slashers chief complaint is the...
  12. F

    Guess its a goodbye

    Guards near starter areas/NPC settlements are a good idea. Guild guards are a bad idea. The game needs more content, a less defensive combat meta, and less time gates on traveling to engage in content; Distant Horses, lack of public wilderness respawn points/banks are the main offenders. The...
  13. F

    Roadmap Features Ranked by Category

    I Agree strongly with OP's assessment. my ranking is an exact match with exception to a low opinion on thievery. I will only add that we need to also make a priority the current time gates in this game. Right now the meta revolves around building a structure near a POI and contesting that POI...
  14. F

    GM actions invalidate hundreds of hours of legitimate work

    I usually don't read your posts because they're too long and you have a tendency to ramble but you made a good accurate observation and presented it well this time. Nice job. Consensus fixes everything with time. Either there's not enough money to keep a project afloat and it goes down...
  15. F

    It's the end of October! (Subscription Thread)

    As the games population dwindles I find more and more of the same scenario playing out day after day; Either no players or at all or a very large group of players. The quality of the game has taken a nose dive for me Post-TC and it wasn't that great Pre-TC, though noticeably better. The other...
  16. F

    Notes on the New Player Experience

    OSRS is 21 years old and has 150k players logged in at the moment, I dont think age or graphics is as important as you make it out to be. If your game is good and you keep updating it then people will play it. If your game is worse then its competitors, people will leave and play something else...
  17. F

    Notes on the New Player Experience

    I really dislike people using UO as a reference point, because the game is still around and it only gets 5k players per day. I understand it was a good game, but no one wants to play it any longer, we should be looking at what people want to play "right now", not what people used to play. OSRS...
  18. F

    Promised content

    I don't think Henrik can reconcile with this unless the current player base becomes very assertive about it. I also don't even know if they can code the necessary changes in Unreal Engine. All the successful full-loot MMO's were proprietary engines(except albion) with granular control mechanisms...
  19. F

    Promised content

    There are over 300k players playing full loot PVP MMO's right now at this very moment. They just aren't playing this one. And it's because Mortal 2 plays poorly solo and to a lesser extent the learning curve. But even if you reach the end of the learning curve the game still plays poorly solo.
  20. F

    Promised content

    Do you honestly believe any of that would give Mortal 2 mass appeal? You understand that for a MMO to exist, for it to survive it does need mass appeal. There is no compromising here, It is actually in the name itself; "Mass"ively Multiplayer online game. You need to focus on the basics first...