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  1. F

    The Return Of Red Names Confirmed

    The only full loot games that have any population are the ones that have solo and casual friendly mechanics/game code- OSRS/EVE/ALBION You are full of delusion if you think you can alienate the biggest market share and have a successful game, I don't care what vision you had or have, you simply...
  2. F

    Tandem riding with alt account.

    Rider can still dismount and it will auto dismount the alt then press 1 key or can just dismount the alt and press 1 key. The core issue isn't alts or tandem riding. The core issue is PETS. Neither of the other 2 factors are oppressive by themselves but pets are and together with the other 2...
  3. F

    Tandem riding with alt account.

    Cool story bro Didn't read GOOD FIGHT man, GOOD FIGHT! see below
  4. F

    Tandem riding with alt account.

    Atrophy does 0 damage and the debuff will last until I can unsheathe my weapon provided I could even cast the spell in the first place while being interrupted by the pet. How about you just let me skill into primary's that make me nearly immune to pet damage but take increased damage from...
  5. F

    Tandem riding with alt account.

    The main problem is there is no counter to pets. I can hard counter a thursar with a skeletal mage. in an open field the thursar would have 0 chance if winning without pet or ally assistance. You can counter that skeletal mage with a Veela foot fighter who will eventually catch that mage with...
  6. F

    I keep hearing Henrik saying "penalities for murderers".

    Standings are not penalties: Strongholds exists. Alt accounts exist. Thats the point of this thread. Remove the standing system. It only hurts players without either a alt account or a stronghold. The current system just guarantees that a veteran player who is flagging always gets the first hit...
  7. F

    I keep hearing Henrik saying "penalities for murderers".

    d At a bare minimum a visual indicator is necessary for players with 5+ MC. The current criminal system penalizes and disproportionately effects most specifically new players or small guilds who are too new or too poor to have strongholds. Because they are forced to live in NPC cities they can...
  8. F

    I keep hearing Henrik saying "penalities for murderers".

    To further elaborate lets go over a few examples of how the current "criminal flagging system" caters and provides unfair advantages to flagging players. For the purpose of this example I won't use the term "blue" or "red" players because everyone in mortal is blue, I will use the term "flagging...
  9. F

    I keep hearing Henrik saying "penalities for murderers".

    In more then one stream recently Henrik has brought this up but I feel like he's just grifting or something. There is no way that it hasn't been brought up before that murderers can masquerade as blue until they want to attack. A murderer is blue until he attacks someone and that allows him to...
  10. F

    Is there a plan to nerf magic soon?

    You don't want to end up in a stagnate game. Evolving combat metas and changing balances are what keeps games fresh. It's an ongoing thing. Albion and Eve are constantly balancing and introducing new viable builds. Steamcharts are up every month since Starvault started releasing mage patches...