My goal is to think up a more intuitive weight gain/loss system that's less aggravating, without removing the role of cooking. If there are any glaring issues I hadn't considered, we can discuss it and I'll be happy to change this original post if we can talk it out and think up solutions.
My Proposal:
*This would also have the added benefit of allowing more effects to be tied to food because most wouldn't be messing with weight, like expensive food that diminishes reserve loss rates, food that makes you gain/lose stats quicker (eat a lot of expertly-cooked meat and gain a bonus to gaining Strength for a few hours, for instance), food that gives you more protection from heat/cold for an hour, and so-on. People would have an incentive to carry around food and eat it.
My Proposal:
- Disconnect weight gain and weight loss from the reserve system.
- Instead, add visible 'weight gain' and 'weight loss' stats to food.
- Make most food lack 'weight gain' or 'weight loss' stats, allowing most food to be for reserve replenishment and other things*.
- Make specific, intuitive ingredients and food types have 'weight gain' or 'weight loss' stats.
- Butter, cream, oil, honey/sugar (if ever added), and some others could have 'weight gain' stats.
- Water, certain vegetables, certain juices, maybe even certain minerals like salt could have 'weight loss' stats.
- Certain food types could give additional weight bonuses, such as:
- Pies
- Beer
- Deep Fried Food
- Certain food types could give additional weight loss bonuses, such as:
- Decoctions
- Make weight change (particularly weight gain) much slower.
*This would also have the added benefit of allowing more effects to be tied to food because most wouldn't be messing with weight, like expensive food that diminishes reserve loss rates, food that makes you gain/lose stats quicker (eat a lot of expertly-cooked meat and gain a bonus to gaining Strength for a few hours, for instance), food that gives you more protection from heat/cold for an hour, and so-on. People would have an incentive to carry around food and eat it.