We were informed a week ago that the servers can handle over 100k people


New member
Jan 5, 2022
I'm just trying to understand the current situation. We were informed that the servers were ready to handle over 100k players. What exactly is the issue, was that statement false? I find this launch to be so odd.
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Active member
May 28, 2020
Did they lie? No, but they may have exaggerated. It can probably handle 100k, balanced acrossed all sever nodes. As we all know (or should) there is not one server running MO2 (or MO1 for that matter) but a cluster of servers. I was able to log in on release but have not been able to play since and it does irritate me. They also should have had a better solution for the login servers other than expecting everyone to stay in Haven for several days, hoping that would allow a slow migration of players. I was in Haven long enough to get the basic skills from the Tutors...for all the good it did me.


Jan 4, 2022
it was lying with numbers, it could be true in some capacity, like if all haven instances were perfectly populated, and myrland was populated evenly across every node, that 100k players could exist simultaneously. but we will never know
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Nov 30, 2020
Did they lie? No, but they may have exaggerated. It can probably handle 100k, balanced acrossed all sever nodes. As we all know (or should) there is not one server running MO2 (or MO1 for that matter) but a cluster of servers. I was able to log in on release but have not been able to play since and it does irritate me. They also should have had a better solution for the login servers other than expecting everyone to stay in Haven for several days, hoping that would allow a slow migration of players. I was in Haven long enough to get the basic skills from the Tutors...for all the good it did me.
At what point does an exaggeration become a lie? It’s a rather fine line.

I suspect that there are fewer server nodes than you believe, and that their capacity is far lower than SV expected. Anecdotally, I know many people who are in less trafficked areas of the map and are still struggling to log in. Regardless, it’s stunning that SV had no quick backup plan to scale servers, given that the MO1 steam launch had similar issues. If a company makes the same critical mistake twice, it’s hard to have faith in their judgement.


New member
Jan 27, 2022
Them saying the servers can handle up to 100k players thats not based on 100k players actually logging in and playing. Thats estimation based from the data they got during stress tests. They never had as much attention as they have during this launch at any test level.

We all expect everything to be easy, oh add in queue timers, add in afk kickers, all while optimaizing the game, fixing bugs, nerfing and buffing things. And compare this to AAA like New World.

I've read countless posts on the discord from people sitting in queues for 10+ hours to 3 days in queues. Add that with the amount if players who are purposely leaving their accounts online to avoid logging out and the queues all adds to the problem. I've seen streams of friends ingame that their pcs are frame bombing in town because theres so many people afk in towns.

And now they are slowly getting haven crashes because so many people are playing in certain instances. They arent a team of hundreds like the AAA dev teams have. Theres 30 in total. Not all are coders.

Sure the game is getting bombed, and flamed all over the internet, steam and geforce now, but once the peak interest subsides a bit you will still have a brilliant game to play.

A rotating server reset would work wonders to try and spread the load around a bit. Resetting every 6 hours, would give those ingame a bit of gameplay, those in queues a chance to play the game, those afk to be kicked, it would slow down some of the major guilds progressing too quickly while not being attacked by other major guilds, and those playing in different timezones a chance to play.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
100k players yes. 5k in game, and 95k in queue(in the loading screen which is in game).

damn I was expecting a better lul from your comment in this thread, but yea anyone who took that seriously is WILING OUT.

Edit: and if you wanna talk about simple fixes, just limit people's play time so they can't camp the game. Be like you can only play up to 6 hours in a day. Delete a bunch of haven instances.

It's a legit math fail, like... I gave up math in grade school, but even I can tell when numbers were poorly extrapolated. 100k people yea ok. haha. For ONE SECOND before the whole thing crashes. If the game could handle 15k people, we'd all be in right now. Some people might be getting griefed out, but we'd be playing. And I believe they have that within their power. They met with server dudes and they were like TBH U GOT TOO MUCH HAVEN... NOT ENOUGH GAME. CHANGE IT. And Henrik is like... ohhh....!

Edit2: at brilliant game, at you'll come back because nothing is like it... you guys have to realize, this game isn't MO1. They tried to make it accessible and lollishly failed, and probably will continue to fail more. And no I'm not a hardcore pvper. They blew it. They took out a bunch of stuff, smoothed out the base game, and tried to add in systems that prevent people from being excessively PK'd because they thought that was why people quit the first one. This ain't MO1. Whether it will be a brilliant game or not is up for discussion. We shall see. A lot of us are HERE, but let's not act like this game is 'good.' Not now at least. It's not so far gone that it can't be fixed, tho.
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Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
At what point does an exaggeration become a lie? It’s a rather fine line.

U failing to mention this is not the first time this happens, i'm having a dejavu with mortal1 they said the game could handle like 40k people or so, but couldn't handle like 7k and it was broken for weeks. This time 100k is promised and not 1/10 can be in game. Theres something wrong with SV i can't begin to understand how they keep pulling this shit.
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Edmund Tetch

New member
Jan 29, 2022
The Dev's boldfaced lied to everyone about that. There is no way they can recover from this without actually sharding the server or making regional servers. This is what happens when someone cant put aside their own ego.
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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
Server nodes can hold about 1k people, as seen in the stress test. So theroretically the servers can hold that many. The problem is the congestion points that is cities, especially since 80% of the population is congregating in 3 cities which makes the actual capacity much much lower.

He should have been more upfront about that, and to think they didnt think everyone would go meduli, fabernum and tindrem on launch and that wouldn't cause problems is naive at best. Then the fact that they are up to more than 3x the expected players now is not helping but if they didnt have a plan for that then again... Naive at best.


Mar 18, 2021
Its funny how people think the problem is about server capacity. Server capacity is a very easy problem to fix for a game that works with server Clusters.

The problem is obviously a coding problem, and that is not an easy one to fix.

I remember when Albion Online first Launched, same thing happened. People had to wait hours in a queue, the devs then inverted a ton of money on server capacity because they tough that was the problem. Guess what? It was not the problem. Took them about a week to fix the actual problem...and Albion had it easier than MO2 because their Clusters are visualy separated, un like MO2 where clusters merge forming a single world.

So, atleast give the devs a month before shitting on them.
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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
Its funny how people think the problem is about server capacity. Server capacity is a very easy problem to fix for a game that works with server Clusters.

The problem is obviously a coding problem, and that is not an easy one to fix.

I remember when Albion Online first Launched, same thing happened. People had to wait hours in a queue, the devs then inverted a ton of money on server capacity because they tough that was the problem. Guess what? It was not the problem. Took them about a week to fix the actual problem...and Albion had it easier than MO2 because their Clusters are visualy separated, un like MO2 where clusters merge forming a single world.

So, atleast give the devs a month before shitting on them.
Agreed, people need to be a bit more patient, people are expecting mountains moved over night. The expectation that from a smaller dev team for them to fix queuing issues faster than the 2+ weeks that it took blizzard to do the same is laughable. But frustration is definitely warranted but people need to find something better to do with their lives than bother everyone else with their insecurities.