That is one of the reason a more distributed start would have been better, but even the cities are not builld for big player numbers. They are like Skyrim villages.
I do agree with your other point that no one should expect them to fix this fast. Even though I don´t understand the purpose of the stress tests if not to prepare solutions that could be applied in this situation.
Yup. If they should get any criticism its for the absolute disaster that is the poor planning of how the cities will play out with a large population. Heck even with the improved banks they are horrible. And that is just gameplay design and excluding the planning that must have been missed for the back-end.
They needed to scale things up and make more cities viable and make sure they could have spread out the population, but seeing as they for some reason still wanted a short release window, that is probably the main thing that is the problem why that didnt happen. Still their fault.
On top the queue system should have already been much further in development before release and is definitely another criticism that is absolutely valid and they should be strongly admonished for whiffing it so badly.
Most of the criticism they receive is valid, its the entitlement and demand of them to literally throw the entire game under the bus for quick band aid fixes that is not. I've mostly seen 2 kinds of people shitting all over the forums, ingame chat and steam forums. Either they demand stupid short term solutions that create massive problems, like booting up multiple servers or they are patientless dumb asses that expect fixes to take minutes. While simultaneously coming from games like WoW classic and new world. Apparently its fine for AAA mmo games to be absolutely broken for weeks if not months. And in the case of new world, delayed for years. But if Mortal online has any launch issue its literally such an unconceivable slight that it constitutes brigading, creating new steam accounts to brigade further. Like in the case of a certain individual.
I don't exactly know how anyone could go through the process of: AWESOME GAME I WANT TO PLAY > Launch issue > BURN IT DOWN BURN IT ALL DOWN