So we had three balanced playstles. Look at the chart I started this topic with. Does that buff fat mages? Barely. Does it buff dex mages? A little. Does it nerf hybrids? Ooooooh yeah. Big time. So when you take three fairly balanced playstyles, all fairly useful, all fairly balanced, and then you take a massive steaming dump on one of them, that's how you kill a build.
The only thing we needed (and still kind of do) was a buff to dex mages. Particularly in the 100 INT range. The only thing we got was a nerf to hybrids.
Dude this argument is so pointless at the current state of the game that I really really hope SV dev team doesnt spend a minute more trying to please a minority of sweater MO1 vets tryhards.
Magic is still lacking magic schools, jewelry, domination, fat mages have to be seen in their context and their footspeed reduced, with breeding, horses and lykiatiors and MC on the game, half of footfight skills (which affect hybrids) are not even working properly or are pointless to spend primary points in, also the same with some magic skills like concentration which doesnt even work as intended, armor sets and weapons still missing (which hybrids could benefit from), etc
When all that is on the game then we can sit down and discuss al the different playstyles a mage has.
Right now there is no point to compare them and prepatch hybrid had no room on MO2 build balance.
I really couldnt care less if veela 50 int lovers are crying and tindreme hybrid are not the same, I dont really give a shit, it's different game, different footfighter builds, different hybrids builds.
You wanted a build which could outrun everybody, nuke, jump around, 30 less hp? who cares, you can heal yourself or outrun him or do a endless parry match, less stamina? who cares I still outrun you lmao, 10% damage bonus? who cares 10% is bullshit anyway when using bis weapons, so.. ye, you have to get over it and go on.