I what?
Maybe that discribes why i had so bad results. because it just depends on how someone treat me from an objective perspective.
not from a subjective perspective.
Im jsut suprised about the test. results, because im generous and im maybe sometimes and asshole. But im only an asshole to some people. and even to a few friends that they realise the situation and getting better themselves. they know its not ment cruel. Im just Honest.
Im literally a walking nike advertisment my two slangs are:
Party hard.
I dont know if and how I should descripe myself, but i will try:
Negative from an objective standpoint:
- I give a fuck about any law that dont make 100% sense to me of my understanding of fairness. so basicly 95% of laws for me is shit.
- Morals dont exists in reality, neither do i have them.
- I cant dream unreal, i have just reality and I get sometimes anxious about future, I have just my goals and im never sure if they are the best option.
- I have a huge problem with being employed. literally its hell for me (but my clear mind says i need it). I was so far of in my head that i once thought of just throwing a molotov would be good idea (i gladyl never did). after that thought i realised thats maybe not the smartest idea, and i switched in estp super ego mode (and i had 10 other much "better" ideas) wich is very dangerous. so my clear mind often steps in and says "do i really want to do this?" "is this really a good idea?" and than i do nothing.
- I have no feelings about people i dont know and i dont care about them. (it depends if im fully commited to something)
- The value of a human can measured by the values he brings to others and himself. so for people that dont do anything about there missery and complaining about there missery i have 0% understanding of this, and im 100% against those people. if you cant put yourself out of the dirt or depression mind i have zero respect for you. I only give a fuck about you if youre one of my true loayal friends than its different.
- I hate people that dont accept reality or believe in god or such bullshit
- I really hate people that think this earth can be saved just by reducing CO2 (they not accept reality)
- I dont know if thats negative maybe from an objective persepctive, i have shares in nestle and all the "good" companies. because I set the priority that my life(time and money) is more worth than people i dont know in africa. now after i've written it, yeah its negative, but im totally okay with that.
- If i abandoned someone because he is disloyal or i dont like him, than the opposite of 1vs1 fair duell will happen. More like i tear you down wich the sahdiest and most tactical and practical way and i will kill you no mater what, because law is just a contruct wich protects noone in the moment.
Positive from an objective standpoint:
- Positive 24/7, Happy 24/7
- Anti Religion
- Just do it, in everything i do at anytime.
- Lives in pure Concrete Reality
- Time is worth more than any other life or human or animal on this planet
- no regrets ever, I dont regret anything ever. I never did and i never will, because why wasting my life to this nonsense. (of stuff i cant change now).
- Respect and loyality is everything
- Says you straigt in the face that you are an asshole that is just talking shit. in public or whatever doesnt matter. no social shame anytime.
- no social shame, in admitting youre a shitspitter than should be wipped form the face of the earth.
- pushing friends up, and cheer them up, sometimes help them with hard language or heavy asshole tactics, but it works.
- Have a strong sensation of Fairness. For example if someone starts unequal to others than im pissed. if its competitive envirement.
- Honest 1 vs 1 duells
- Challange accepted, (hold my beer moments)
- Money is everything, if you throw away any sentimental bullshit of an object, than you can see its true value. The only value that determines its price. money is power and much more usefull than any god or Religion bullshit.
- Time is worth more than money (Time is not equal to Money, and time is not money)
- A few selected people are more worth to me than everything and everyone else on the planet.
- If im commited to someone in the past and he trust me and he is loyal to me than im loyal to them until death.
And now MOST Important:
Freedom is number 1 of all stuff that is personaly important for me. The freedom of Choice and the Freedom of opportunity. Take away my freedom and I will take your life. (thats also why i have a huge problem with employment, and anything and anyone who tells me what i have to do.)
Man that was a fun analysis. (yeah i just choosed this word ebcause the word anal is in there xD )
Im surprised myself that im 95% ESTP-A. but im glad i am. and im happy in my life
So Anyway
Party Hard ya all.