That doesnt fix the placeholder like rep system that doesnt do anything besides remove town priest ressurection as long as you do your tasks though
We need pvp allowed zones that have some good stuff in them.
I'm gonna repeat incase someone is listening. -1 rep to say... -10-15 rep means you can't res just like 5MC would (random numbers, but just peep da ideaz), 16-50, you are local grey outside of the town, meaning ANYONE CAN ATTACK YOU in that area. Then I dunno if you somehow get below that KoS by guards?? IMO there does not need to be a KoS by guards and having people who farm your town coming to town is actually a plus if you want to GET THEM BACK. Not like people don't have blue alts anyway. I think guards should be there to deter criminal actions IN TOWN and also to prevent people running back into town right after doing criminal stuff. Otherwise... not really feeling the whole 'da guards hate u now', I could see like increased NPC prices, inability to use broker/stable/bank at certain points, NPCs just being like... SMH, but KoS by guards? THERE HE IS KILL HIM!! It seems pretty lame. I really wish that was in the players hands, player bounties would be cool, too. Could give some of your rep to someone else for da kill.
The basic flaw with the argument, that players can just guard the GY is that it doesn't account for the boredom inequality.
You basically gotta go to the GY in trash gear. There are diminishing returns. If the 'RPK' as you say are also in trash gear, then yes, grouping up with other bros and learning to play would be a smart idea. On the other hand, there are people dicking around by bank all the time, yucking it up. They say criminals can dip in and out, and that's true, but so can people who live in the town. The GY is close. There is no need to GUARD the gy. People will get killed, but in the end when the killers are expunged, everyone will feel like the dragon is defeated and be happy for awhile. To be honest, as long as the GY isn't getting hard camped, that sort of stuff might slow down progression, but it makes the game more fun for almost everyone. The only way it's not fun is when your bank bros come out and get outplayed, then it's just embarrassing haha. But it happens, too. There is like a fun slider... killers having fun, defenders having fun, new players having fun. There is almost no gain in griefing the graveyard, that's one thing you should point out. And I really think, I think Rulant mentioned being able to tag citizen for a city, then maybe they could make it so that you gain rep for say every 15-20 min you are in the GY, so that all of the bank yuckers might go yuck it up with some nubs in the GY for awhile.
Most players are focused on getting good gains. People who PK in GY are not. It's kind of like terrorism. You can't really defend against someone who is gonna strap a bomb on because it's just wild and goes against so many logical processes. In the same way, GY killers are getting very low gains and doing it just for the tears. Unless they are picking off geared people, then that's different, but then the people who PK'd the geared people have gear and are able to be looted for that gear, if they don't just run away to bank it.
Nobody wants to give these new guys FG/FG armor and a flake/emalji wep when that is NOTHING. If everyone has that level of gear, there is gonna be too much gear for GY groups to loot, they'll prol pick weps, so you can just replenish their wep and send them back out to fight. That's really the smartest option for the health of the game and growth of the pvp scene. People will get outplayed but they need to see that they are doing SOME damage, that it's POSSIBLE to kill. Not being in GY armor with a 1g 1h wep. The fact that people who are making weps can't also make some flake weps and give them or put them on broker for cheap is sadlife. Pay it forward. All you dudes bragging about the money you are rolling in, that little bit of gear means 100x (lol SV trolled me I'm gonna be saying 100x forever now) more to the new players than the cost it takes to hit craft 10 times. Most are willing to do that for the people who join their guild, but not for just joe schmoe. But hey guess what, if you gear the nubs BEFORE accepting them into your guild, you get to see who rises to the top and then recruit them. It's a smart investment
As I've said, no offense to anyone who takes it like this, but in general the MO pop is very single-minded. I've used the word DUMB, but I probably shouldn't say that. They are focused on building their guild, getting gains, recruiting, etc, and if it doesn't fall into that, they don't care. It IS kind of their fault that the GY is getting griefed. Obviously some players are gonna just fail at pvp, but then you can be like hey maybe you should try mining or try to go gather some grain to sell, etc. Pvp is not for everyone. Most people come in with names like SWORDSMANELITE, though, so I mean the least you can do is gear them a few times, give people a chance to learn under conditions that are not auto-loss and see how they fare. There is always gonna be some level of 'survival of the fittest.' Some people aren't meant for MO, but you gotta give them a fighting chance.
Edit: also on a DEEP THOUGHT ECONOMICS level, the players who gain more gold per time invested in GY will come back and buy more expensive things off broker, buy horses, go out and go other things, bring back mats to sell... it creates a loop. I remember the first time someone gave us gear in MO1, my friend (who has long since quit) and I were like awesome! Then we were like A LAKE AHA! And drowned. haha, but I mean... get the fuck off your empire building kick. There is enough time to take a little bit out and help new players. - shrug -
Edit2: I'll also never stop believing (song) that some guilds actually want new players to fail until they tag up.