Good afternoon Nave! This post is to clarify recent events that have transpired in Bakti involving the council and an individual who was previously a member.
For over a decade since the early days of Mortal Online 1, the city of Bakti has served as a trade hub, a gateway to the jungle and a home for new players to the game. It is dedicated to a peaceful city and local environment.
In Mortal Online 2, the Bakti Council was established to continue this journey. The Council was a formation of 11 member guilds. This included guilds who were new to Mortal Online as well as some who had previously played a significant role being custodian of the Bakti Keeps throughout MO1. The Council also has established relationships with guilds who may not be based in Bakti, but acknowledge our role in managing the city.
The Council determined to secure the Bakti Keep to assist in maintaining Bakti's status as a neutral trade hub. All guilds were expected to contribute in their own way to this effort.
On December 3rd, the Bakti Council members who had participated in the acquisition of Bakti Keep spoke on issues deeply concerning the Council, issues centered on a Council member and the leader of Darkblood Coven, Azaad. This Council member had previously disagreed with a council vote along with a few others to create a conglomerate guild to manage the Bakti Keep in a neutral and fair way, the vote passed 8 to 3. After this vote those who voted against it became more inactive in participation in the Council and went on to form an alliance outside of the Bakti region. During this time the Council guilds working on the keep preparations received no help, or attempt to help from these groups, nor did they join meetings held in the Bakti public discord about preparations.
After securing the keep, the guilds involved spoke about the issue and some other disturbing information we received about the actions of this group and decided to speak to Azaad directly to have him transfer ownership of the Bakti public discord to a neutral Council member the Council would choose.
When approached about this decision Azaad became antagonistic and declared that this decision was a conspiracy against him and that democracy is dead, among other such remarks. At his insistence the Council conducted a vote in the Council voting channel, stating that he would transfer the discord if it passed. The vote was 7-2 for the discord being transferred.
At this point he decided that the Council vote did not matter and stated that his own guilds council would have to vote on the issue, and stated that democracy is dead and ranted more about how this was a disrespectful decision and he was being conspired against.
Minutes after he left the channel, and spammed the entire discord server with the below message:
"ATTENTION @everyone
As a result of failed democracy, and fearmongering Darkblood Coven has been requested to step down from the server. after receiving false accusations and taking the time to Form this council. The Darkblood Coven will no longer support the Bakti Council.
All members were to convene and vote on decisions. but if The Council chooses to make decisions to remove members behind said members' backs as was done with REQ, then its purpose has failed just as it did in MO1. Those who believe their politics are correct may form a new council of their own accord!
Best of luck to all of you. and best of wishes to the civilians of Bakti!"
Another minute later the entire Bakti village discord was deleted.
In relation to the Guild Requiem (REQ), they remain a member guild of the Bakti Council, albeit with an inactive leadership team. One of the REQ leaders left REQ to join another guild who was not on the Bakti Council. The Bakti Council formed the view this player should not retain their Guild Leader status on the Council and vote 9-3 to limit their Bakti Village discord permissions and remove guild leader status.
So here it all is. The Bakti Council wishes to be transparent with issues such as this and is open to any questions.
Professor Oh
On Behalf of Bakti Council
For over a decade since the early days of Mortal Online 1, the city of Bakti has served as a trade hub, a gateway to the jungle and a home for new players to the game. It is dedicated to a peaceful city and local environment.
In Mortal Online 2, the Bakti Council was established to continue this journey. The Council was a formation of 11 member guilds. This included guilds who were new to Mortal Online as well as some who had previously played a significant role being custodian of the Bakti Keeps throughout MO1. The Council also has established relationships with guilds who may not be based in Bakti, but acknowledge our role in managing the city.
The Council determined to secure the Bakti Keep to assist in maintaining Bakti's status as a neutral trade hub. All guilds were expected to contribute in their own way to this effort.
On December 3rd, the Bakti Council members who had participated in the acquisition of Bakti Keep spoke on issues deeply concerning the Council, issues centered on a Council member and the leader of Darkblood Coven, Azaad. This Council member had previously disagreed with a council vote along with a few others to create a conglomerate guild to manage the Bakti Keep in a neutral and fair way, the vote passed 8 to 3. After this vote those who voted against it became more inactive in participation in the Council and went on to form an alliance outside of the Bakti region. During this time the Council guilds working on the keep preparations received no help, or attempt to help from these groups, nor did they join meetings held in the Bakti public discord about preparations.
After securing the keep, the guilds involved spoke about the issue and some other disturbing information we received about the actions of this group and decided to speak to Azaad directly to have him transfer ownership of the Bakti public discord to a neutral Council member the Council would choose.
When approached about this decision Azaad became antagonistic and declared that this decision was a conspiracy against him and that democracy is dead, among other such remarks. At his insistence the Council conducted a vote in the Council voting channel, stating that he would transfer the discord if it passed. The vote was 7-2 for the discord being transferred.
At this point he decided that the Council vote did not matter and stated that his own guilds council would have to vote on the issue, and stated that democracy is dead and ranted more about how this was a disrespectful decision and he was being conspired against.
Minutes after he left the channel, and spammed the entire discord server with the below message:
"ATTENTION @everyone
As a result of failed democracy, and fearmongering Darkblood Coven has been requested to step down from the server. after receiving false accusations and taking the time to Form this council. The Darkblood Coven will no longer support the Bakti Council.
All members were to convene and vote on decisions. but if The Council chooses to make decisions to remove members behind said members' backs as was done with REQ, then its purpose has failed just as it did in MO1. Those who believe their politics are correct may form a new council of their own accord!
Best of luck to all of you. and best of wishes to the civilians of Bakti!"
Another minute later the entire Bakti village discord was deleted.
In relation to the Guild Requiem (REQ), they remain a member guild of the Bakti Council, albeit with an inactive leadership team. One of the REQ leaders left REQ to join another guild who was not on the Bakti Council. The Bakti Council formed the view this player should not retain their Guild Leader status on the Council and vote 9-3 to limit their Bakti Village discord permissions and remove guild leader status.
So here it all is. The Bakti Council wishes to be transparent with issues such as this and is open to any questions.
Professor Oh
On Behalf of Bakti Council