LOL look at this passive aggression from someone who lost to me in pvp.Not to poke fun but I seen you fight and again not to be rude you still have a TON to learn about pvp and how it works. Yes pets are strong and there are builds to deal with them and could use some balancing. But as you should know magic is just as strong. Try when you die to learn from your experiences and adjust your build accordingly for the playstyle you want to achieve. I would find a competent guild and pick their brains and find a place in the world of Mortal. Mortal is a hardcore game and you will die a TON before you die LESS is up to you to choose how to fight in the world of mortal and conquer your enemies.
I'm one of the most hated players in the game, and the reason is because i am good at outsmarting brainless guilds who try to win by numbers; and they can't stand it. They go feral because they lose to one person on a foot archer.
Oh, and I'm the best archer on the game, beyond all else.
I've beaten entire guilds on my own with a piece of wood and some string; so sit down and know your place.
This idiot probably thinks i don't know all the easy builds, and doesn't understand i purposely use more limited builds to challenge myself, because it'd be too easy for me otherwise; and i still win even despite that. Not everyone is so shameless that they can feel good about winning with all the easiest stuff.
I'm better than you, so stop this little passive aggressive flex. Oh, and just stop being passive aggressive generally, just be direct like me. You're scared people will see you as a bad person for speaking what you really think directly, so you're really just a coward, trying to have your cake and eat it; scared people will not like you but also seething so bad you need to try and insult me. It is such weak behavior.
You probably used youtube to come up with your build, like 99% of the people who roleplay being good at the game, then delude yourself into thinking you're knowledgable because you cheese someone with the easy stuff LOL. The worst players play on the easiest difficulty. That is obvious. We all know the easy builds, we all have youtube.. Hello?? Some just aren't shameless enough to use them.
To the real players, it is about HOW you win, not just winning. Some people just set the bar low for themselves, reward themselves for winning on easymode. Truly pathetic. If you think all that matters is just winning, you're one of these people. If winning is all that matters, then there is no shame in playing on easymode, right? The perfect cope mentality.
You are just naive if you think i have something to learn from someone nobody has even heard of. You don't become famous in the game for being bad at it. No.. People are bothered by me because i excel at what i do; which is why you're here with your sad little passive aggressive post and i'm here laughing at you.
You know me, and i don't know you. That says it all.
Oh, and before you say "I never lost to you blah blah!!"; why are you so mad then? And don't be so stupid as to try and suggest you're just giving advice. Most obvious passive aggression ever; you're seething. Just take the L and stop trying to take your revenge on the forums, it is so petty. You'll lose here too anyway, so save yourself some time and effort.
So your argument is : magic is just as broken as pets?
A good pet is a homing missile tank with massive range, and will completely ruin and outrun anything without armor on with one button. Meanwhile, the person who fired the pet is free to act however they choose. They can even use that broken magic you were talking about.
If a tamer was just a pet, it'd be fine. Where a tamer becomes broken is when it is hybridized. It is when you can have a massive tank inescapable pet AND be your own class on top of that too. That is the problem.
You're the one not understanding specifically what is broken about pets. The good ones don't take enough investment to get, and so you can be some other broken build with an armored bear.
A pet can equal a whole player, currently. Meaning those that use them can be two in one. They can be the mage you say is broken AND a tamer with an armored bear.
You're just one of these players who used youtube, found a broken easy build, and now you defend it because it has allowed someone as bad as you to have an easy time. I literally addressed people like you in the original post. You don't want to lose your easymode, and so you will selfishly spoil the game to preserve it.
If a tamer was JUST a tamer, that'd be fine. But they're not, are they? So either you make it a bigger investment, or you nerf pets. Take your pick.
Again, very obvious evidence that correlates to pets being broken, aside from it just being evident on the face of it : nearly everyone is running around with pet bears in armor now. Ah yes, humans tend to gravitate towards what is bad and difficult in games.. Get real please.
Lastly, if you adjust your build to every failure, you're not adapting your brain. Sometimes it isn't the build. I get it, you want to excuse your failings, so you blame the build, change it. You're not bad! Your build just sucks, right? It can't be you.
The sheer cope.
You can adapt your build, or you can adapt how you play. If you adapt your build, and give up on it, blame that for your failings, you're robbing yourself of personal growth as a player. People said the foot archer wasn't a build, but here we are, with guilds furious at me because i can bully them from draw distance. Why is that the case? Because i didn't blame the build.
Now yes, changing your build MAY require learning how to use whatever you've added, but it is nowhere near comparable to keeping the limitations of your build and adapting only via your mind. It takes real creativity, mastery and understanding to overcome the weaknesses of a build that has very obvious limitations in certain areas; you know.. Skill?
If we all blame the build, where do we all end up? With the same easymode build as everyone else (which is currently pet based). The same boring path of least resistance build that takes no real brainpower to use. Compensating for your failure as a player with a broken build; then telling yourself that you're now a good player; when the sad reality is you just turned the easy difficulty on without really growing as a player at all. Just blending in with the mass of other players who can't find fault with themselves, and so can't grow.
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