New Guy with Some Questions


New member
Aug 8, 2022
Hello MO II community.

Some backstory real quick. I'm a dad with 3 kids with the youngest being 2. I work full time and my free time isn't what it used to be.

I've been gaming for a while and did pvp back in Ultima Online and other games in the past. The last real open world pvp centric game I played was Darkfall and I had spent some serious time in it and of course EVE online before it became offline character building.

1. How time consuming is this game life? Can a casual be successful and help out enough for guilds and communities to rely on?

2. What time frame are we looking at to become combat effective for pve and maybe some pvp?

3. How much more difficult is it to do an archer mage or a hybrid compared to doing a ground pounder melee?

4. Taming is useful? Like creature handler from the SWG of old? Or does one avoid it like Hello Kitty online?

5. Is the in game world filled with mindless gankers and zergs ? Or is PVP smarter than that? Helpful folks or stab you in the eye and take your 3 silver?

Thanks everyone.



Well-known member
May 29, 2020
Welcome to MO2 and hope you enjoy your stay with us.

1. I am somewhat in the same boat as you, most days I get an hour or two to play, so I would consider myself as a casual who also happens to play solo. It really depends on the guild, some don't require members to be on for very long, while others will be the opposite or anything in between.

2. It doesn't take long to grind up your action skills as you will be using them quite often. Profession skills, on the hand, will be quite grindy especially when you're near the skill level ceiling.

3. It depends on your playstyle, me personally I can't imagine playing without a few of the very basic Ecumenical spells like Spurt and Lesser Healing. They're like the bread and butter of my combat toolset along with my spear and shield.

4. Taming isn't just useful, it's almost mandatory if you don't want to spend money buying your own mount (also mandatory given the size of the game world and the lack of instant fast travel like in UO) or ask another player to tame it for you.

5. You will meet the occasional player bandit who will either demand that you type /droploot (self-explanatory) or kill you outright and then take your stuff.

But you will also meet some who will riddle your horse with arrows and then end up having a friendly chat with you before leaving without killing or taking your stuff. Or those who demand you /droploot and then leave without taking anything even if you have valuable loot.

Most of the time though, 9 times out of 10 the people you meet just want to be left alone to mind their own business. Even when you meet them in dangerously lawless places like dungeons and the wilderness, they will put away their weapon to appear harmless, glance at you briefly and then be on their way.

I remember one time a mounted player armed to the teeth met me twice in the middle of nowhere in the plains and just looked at me for a brief moment and then rode off. He could've easily killed me right there and then but didn't.
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New member
Aug 8, 2022
Thank you so much for your reply FGC. It is tough having a brood and enjoying the gaming aspect AND make sure your significant other is still happy. I know with EVE and Darkfall, they were very demanding for time, mostly because of travelling. I have seen in this game from videos and articles that travelling is just as stressful and long.

Don't leave the station without expecting to lose your ship.

I have to figure out what to play as before I start, but I wanted to know if it was possible to enjoy a game with only an hour or less some days and maybe 3-4 hours other days while maintaining that delicate balance.

Melee, archery, magic. Mounted combat, dismounted combat. Harvesting and crafting. Lots to do for sure. Lot's to think about.

I didn't see anything other than losing loot, but is there a negative to being merc'd ? I mean killed.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
1. How time consuming is this game life? Can a casual be successful and help out enough for guilds and communities to rely on?

2. What time frame are we looking at to become combat effective for pve and maybe some pvp?

3. How much more difficult is it to do an archer mage or a hybrid compared to doing a ground pounder melee?

4. Taming is useful? Like creature handler from the SWG of old? Or does one avoid it like Hello Kitty online?

5. Is the in game world filled with mindless gankers and zergs ? Or is PVP smarter than that? Helpful folks or stab you in the eye and take your 3 silver?
1. No fast travel, huge map, i like it this way but it's quite anti-casual.

2. Depends, i've seen people going from complete noob to pro tournament material in 2 weeks, and also people who still couldn't beat a bandit after 2k hours. Generally 500 hours is usually enough to become somewhat competent.

3. Archer is what you do when you feel like playing dark souls with bananas for a controller. Mage okayish if it's not your first (and only) character. Melee is the way to go. If you still want magic, alvarin hybrid (heavy armor, no mana regen) is part of the meta.

4. Taming is annoying and time consuming and can be OP. Also, everyone will hate you for being a tamer. Generally you don't want to be a tamer on your first character.

5. Yes.


New member
Aug 8, 2022
Wait, what do you mean people will hate a tamer? So is it like SWG? Or is this just taming a horse?


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Wait, what do you mean people will hate a tamer? So is it like SWG? Or is this just taming a horse?
I admit i never played SWG, it's more like Ultima, but pets can't be ressurected.
People (especially elitist vets) hate tamers because they're seen as no-skill 1-button playstyle build.


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
I suggest you to find a guild to have some help at the beginnin, especialy If you are a casual player.


Jan 29, 2022
Hello MO II community.

Some backstory real quick. I'm a dad with 3 kids with the youngest being 2. I work full time and my free time isn't what it used to be.

I've been gaming for a while and did pvp back in Ultima Online and other games in the past. The last real open world pvp centric game I played was Darkfall and I had spent some serious time in it and of course EVE online before it became offline character building.

1. How time consuming is this game life? Can a casual be successful and help out enough for guilds and communities to rely on?

2. What time frame are we looking at to become combat effective for pve and maybe some pvp?

3. How much more difficult is it to do an archer mage or a hybrid compared to doing a ground pounder melee?

4. Taming is useful? Like creature handler from the SWG of old? Or does one avoid it like Hello Kitty online?

5. Is the in game world filled with mindless gankers and zergs ? Or is PVP smarter than that? Helpful folks or stab you in the eye and take your 3 silver?

Thanks everyone.


You have some great questions and I had similar thoughts when I started MO2. The flaw in your thinking however is that MO2 is a polished and functional game when in many respects it’s simply isn’t.

There isn’t hardly anything you can do in an hour other than crafting a few things or perhaps some quick farming depending on what city you are located in. There isn’t much you can bring to a guild either other than as another fighter or healer….in terms of gold/resources vets and established guilds have more than you will ever likely achieve. I’ve had times where just a pvp run has lasted 3 hours and involved all of 3 “fights” which was 20+ vs 2, not my idea of fun. The map is simply way to big for such a small player population and small amount of actual content.

Doesn‘t take long to be effective in pve unless your a pure mage. PvP you may never be effective; depends on your build and ping. If your ping is high your at a severe disadvantage for any pvp encounter and likely will be half dead before you evwn know what hit you.

Going hybrid route is easier in that you can try and have more skills. It takes longer and more gold to learn everything though and in the end your still crap compared to most builds. MO2 is all about melee, anything else is really an afterthought design wise.

Taming is great for horses but as a build it’s up to you. Do you like spending countless hours leveling a pet to lose it due to a bug or for it to get zerged down in less than a min. Your call.

The world is mostly full of nothing unless brush pigs and wolves excite you. In 500 some hours of playtime I think I was attacked maybe 5 times. People in game, especially guild wise are helpful.

I guess it just depends what your looking for. If you want to explore a new game and learn different mechanics MO2 can keep you entertained for awhile. If you want meaningful pvp and a deeper game beyond just farming then MO2 isn’t it imho and isn’t worth the time investment given all the bugs, incomplete features, and game design flaws


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
Thank you so much for your reply FGC. It is tough having a brood and enjoying the gaming aspect AND make sure your significant other is still happy. I know with EVE and Darkfall, they were very demanding for time, mostly because of travelling. I have seen in this game from videos and articles that travelling is just as stressful and long.

Don't leave the station without expecting to lose your ship.

I have to figure out what to play as before I start, but I wanted to know if it was possible to enjoy a game with only an hour or less some days and maybe 3-4 hours other days while maintaining that delicate balance.

Melee, archery, magic. Mounted combat, dismounted combat. Harvesting and crafting. Lots to do for sure. Lot's to think about.

I didn't see anything other than losing loot, but is there a negative to being merc'd ? I mean killed.
Make sure your movement and riding skills are high enough as you will be travelling back and forth, even if you're just doing some crafting in town. Keep in mind that carried weight plays a huge role in your movement speed, too much weight and your horse throws you off or simply refuses to move.

Yes, you can enjoy the brief hour or two of playtime provided you have a clear goal in mind that you're working towards. It goes without saying that setting goals and having a clear objective to focus on will be the key to having fun in this game. Otherwise, you will very quickly get bored and end up quitting.

Getting killed means you drop all your carried and equipped items (except for a few things like your cape, starter sword, torch and spellbook. You will also lose reserves which are like stat fatigue, and grow hungrier. If not taken care of, you will lose weight which in turn will impact your attributes and in-game appearance.


New member
Aug 8, 2022
I made a character last night. Planning was very tough. It seems there are essential skills that everyone needs and then active skills for what you want to do and not enough skill points.

I asked in Help chat (is that local to Haven or for whole server?) About the elf night vision and they said it did not work. That seems odd since it is a mandatory clade thing to take.

Also my skill gains were fast. I think I got to 80 with athletics or sprint or something. Cooking to 20 just by burning water. I was expecting skills to be slow to gain.

I did go human with 100 dex and 100 int, 200cm height and 60 strength. Right now I think ranged is in my future, but I may delete the character as I am not ready to commit to going through the hassle of getting another account.

I did look at the tamer, a fun video with a 1 button OP and the bears were having some fun. But there are a lot of skill points required.

Also looked at mage and on the fence about it. Seems to be a lot of spells, but watching videos it was hard to see how some missed their marks when slung. Almost seemed random.

Archery looked the same but consistent hits .

In Haven there was a giant standing next to a NPC who was the Dominate Trainer? That looked interesting and I was told necromancy was in game with the Help channel. Maybe mage has some merit?

Thank you all again for your feedback. I only got about an hour in last night, but popping my head in the tutorial area seems to be good for my limited time now.


New member
Aug 8, 2022
So to run this by everyone who reads the forums, I came up with an elf mage/ archer / with a little bit of advanced taming for horses or maybe a small pet to help with offense.

My two questions are this. I played a couple of hours last night (turned into a very rough morning for work) and did a lot after remaking my human into an alvarin archer / tamer with just a little magic to help with healing.

I of course am using MortalData to help map things out. But when I did a big white bear as a pet, then added a horse... I don't have enough pet points and that was with maxing out all the skills (beyond the 1100 too) and still was short by 43 points. How does one have a violent pet and a mount without losing them?

I found when I was taming piglets I would lose one after about 5 minutes. Even though I fed them, I suspect I did not have enough pet points.

Also, I am going to post the build (not sure what the ettiquette is here) but please be brutally honest with some constructive feedback. I know I can adjust some things in game, but I wanted to go Alvarin for the speed. I want to get out of dodge if things get a little hairy. The amount of armor and how that works, I am still figuring out, but speed is defense and offense.

I am trying to go mostly magic, with possible necromancy and some archery to make the most out of my resources. Unless I should forget about it and just go magic. I am good with that too. If that is the case, should I just go human for the flexibility?

Than you again for your support and honesty. Every bit helps. And I look forward to taking this knowledge and paying it forward. Like the guy who asked in /help channel where to get arrows in Haven. I told him exactly where. I felt pretty good.

*Edit, took link out based on a faux pas , sorry.*
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Jan 29, 2022
One of the problems with MO2 is that how things are presented on paper is completely different in actual gameplay/reality. I’ll let others answer you questions in detail but in short, you can’t have a max pet and a max horse even with advanced creature control, good luck in getting a white bear, archery is mostly only good for pve and killing mounts, good luck in getting necromancy anytime soon, and humans are great in allowing you flexibility to try different things but aren’t actually good at doing anything other than as a crafting alt due to the high number of points.


New member
Aug 10, 2022
You sound a lot like me, an UO vet chasing the dragon but now adulting hardcore. I only started this game too and I'm having a ton of fun playing in the sandbox. I'm very purposefully not reading too much about mechanics or spoiling the game because I just want to be part of it.

In an hour you might get one boar killed. But it's fun to track and kill the boar while watching your back. Just expect to be poor and don't expect to do/see everything and you'll have fun.


Active member
Mar 29, 2021
well its like this,
-any build that is not Foot fighter or Mage or Mounted Archer its considered a meme build and guild that are focused on pvp will not take on
-if you wana pve I can say Mounted Archer its the best at not get hit and do slow steady dmg, if you have a offensive pet its a bonus
-animals that run away from you are a pain in the ass if you are playing on foot

If your in heaven, you havent considered pet speeds so I will tell you up front, if you are traveling long distances there are only 3 pets that can keep up with a horse in 3rd speed, its Terror Bird, Coguar and Razorback, from all 3 Terror Bird its your bread and butter but olso its the slowest of all 3 and its easy target because it big so in pvp it will be the 1st thing enemy will kill

I olso play a meme build with pets and all i can say its fun and you need to use Terror Birds most of the time the rest of the pets like bears, turtels and crabs are used situational, you dont need skill points of a skill to be 100 to be useful, you need to train zoology in profesions for a specific pet to use less pet points, with manegment skill in profesions you can stabel 10 pets unless you like to have only 5.

You dont know about trinkets so i can tell you can equip amulets that can give you skill points you want but the higer ones are expensive
here is guide

here is a guide about pets, and taming skills

Good Luck,

PS: Playes will hate on you for not using a meta build there are 2 exampels above me 🤣 :coffee:, because they like salve monkeys with no brains playing in their zerg