Is that. 'Forcibly stopped'? It is common knowledge what happened to your Guild. The fact that you are still on here attempting to muddy the water on what actually happened is quite funny.
It seems you are unable to offer counter argument for any of my points either. Your previous post was obviously utter diatribe.
Because even in my short time being apart of the Mortal Online community I learned you are one of many who push and perpetuate things that are fabricated and untrue.
People only raise a hand to my guild ingame simply because we were the best and we made sure to let everyone know we were. If I recall we had sixteen guilds in total working against us with a hilarious farce of persecuting players for malicious activity which we never observed inside of our community on multiple instances in which we watched footage, read and looked over screen shots, and spoke to members countless times both publicly and privately whilst cross examining them from others perspectives.
Since you're to scared to mention the word, no, I still don't believe anyone who played in or with my community was cheating or utilizing some third party source or application to gain an advantage.
I've been well informed of the previous games dealings with how staff have been player-based and how things weren't entirely fair for the playerbase in certain circumstances. Sure we are told there are no longer player staff but I find this highly unlikely and stand firm that what my guild experienced was simply a decision Star Vault had made to induce positive public relations.
What makes more sense. Ban a few players who are supposedly cheating, or let them play and have entire guilds and alliances vehemently swearing up and down they are on a daily basis without much proof other then some very poorly cherry picked clips of the game demonstrating how it can not function 100% of the time (i.e. The game exudes a player or mechanic malfunctioning or not appearing to be working as intended.)
I think I've grasped enough information from those I played with and the community as a whole to very soundly say every action Star Vault takes is not black and white.
But, I know you don't care. You just wish to try and push around some non-existent weight in a game with failing visions and try to prod at a group that outskilled you and outsmarted you even with incredibly horrible odds from a number stand point. I still believe even with your guild holding all of this history in the previous game and as a functioning community outside of it, you will be overlooked. Where as my group solidified itself to the point you won't ever forget about it.