Being a high skill crafter doesn't feel special in this game. As someone who usually enjoys crafting in sandbox MMO's, it's a nice feeling being your guild's go to guy when they need something in particular. In this game, when a guildmate asks if someone can make a bow, 5-10 people pipe up that they're 100 in all the bow crafting skills already within 2 days of playing game. And these people aren't even spending every second in the game working toward that goal, it's just a side thing they did for a few hours while doing other stuff.
The lack of variation in crafted items also makes things pretty unexciting for the crafter. If there's 0 difference between me crafting an item and another player crafting the same item with same mats, what's even the point in me wanting to do it. If there was some kind of variation, or a chance you could get a special +1 version with better stats, that'd be cool. I don't think the non-implemented Legendary crafting is enough to make it rewarding. Visually different is kinda cool, but actually being superior with better stats would go a long way to "oh wow look at this awesome thing I just made!". Having some, even slight, uncertainty when crafting would be amazing when you're eager to see what the result of the craft is. @Henrik Nyström @Sebastian Persson
The lack of variation in crafted items also makes things pretty unexciting for the crafter. If there's 0 difference between me crafting an item and another player crafting the same item with same mats, what's even the point in me wanting to do it. If there was some kind of variation, or a chance you could get a special +1 version with better stats, that'd be cool. I don't think the non-implemented Legendary crafting is enough to make it rewarding. Visually different is kinda cool, but actually being superior with better stats would go a long way to "oh wow look at this awesome thing I just made!". Having some, even slight, uncertainty when crafting would be amazing when you're eager to see what the result of the craft is. @Henrik Nyström @Sebastian Persson