Banned macroing? Might aswell remove magic as well (aka please up magic skill gains)


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Was hoping to not have to make more salt threads but the game just patched.

It seems like macroing is bannable now?

But they didnt change any skill gains or reading speed of magic books.

Mental focus is a over 200 hour book. I macrod it for hours before the patch, and got to like 50. This was a couple hours of lesser heal, sleep, repeat. How is a new player supposed to actually max their magic? Killing walkers to skill it up would take forever.

My actual advice. Please just up magic skill gains. The books should read much faster. Then make xp not pain. You can spam swing an axe. You cant spam magic, you run out of mana. Please make skill gains liek 10x. Then it will be more viable to actually skill it up after reading the books.

This isnt runescape. Being not maxed isnt fun. Most players goal is to get maxed in their skill asap so they arent handicapped if they get attacked. Mages need to be able to max intelligently. Right now its really rough skill gain.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
The way I read it that macros that they past approved are still ok for use which is all non image detection macros.

If they did banned macroing then sucks to suck for everyone who got ahead and didnt have to play the game the wrong way. The wrong way being not macroing.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
The way I read it that macros that they past approved are still ok for use which is all non image detection macros.

If they did banned macroing then sucks to suck for everyone who got ahead and didnt have to play the game the wrong way. The wrong way being not macroing.
Ya they need to give more clarification. Like Macroing is dumb and shouldnt be the best way to play. but until they actually make not macroing viable, they cant ban them without screwing everyone whos not max yet.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I had a post on this, too:

I'm waiting for an answer before I begin crafting again.

Edit: imo the macros that people use, reg skill gain macros and spam macros are not really dumb. It's more like QoL for people who have been gaming for a long time.

Edit2: basically a macro that offers no real advantage to gains is what I always thought the policy was, but they def worded it in a much more serious way.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
I am VERY glad they did this. Not even upset about the time I spend making macros for leveling. This needed to happen.

But it's half the solution.

The other half of the solution is to make to make a leveling system that's actually fun. People are macroing past the leveling because spurting yourself in the face 1000x isn't fun. So that means spurting yourself in the face 1000x time probably shouldn't be how we level magic most efficiently.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Well I'll just play my veela fighter, she needs to get some love, too.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2021
My Mind
I mean, people could always just grow up a little bit and exhibit some patience.

You're not supposed to be powerful right away. Go out and Outburst people for 8, dude. Get over it. Play the game.

Stop thinking you can only exist if you're perfectly leveled, losing some edge because of some numbers during the level up process is part of the design.

You're supposed to feel great when you finally reach 100, due to how long it took and how you earned the values.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I mean, people could always just grow up a little bit and exhibit some patience.

You're not supposed to be powerful right away. Go out and Outburst people for 8, dude. Get over it. Play the game.

Stop thinking you can only exist if you're perfectly leveled, losing some edge because of some numbers during the level up process is part of the design.

You're supposed to feel great when you finally reach 100, due to how long it took and how you earned the values.

You just press R to gather rocks and trees. We, as gatherers, and trust me... I am a high tier gatherer haha... have to HOLD R over and over. It gets pretty hard after a long enough time. Same with crafting, pressing down the button, we're talking like thousands of times. There should be easier ways to do these things. Prol even the spurt thing.

I'm cool w/ gathering r off the ground because there is no other way. Yeah, it's tedious after awhile but having to just stand there and hold R for no reason or having to keep pressing and holding craft... that freaking sucks.

Edit: I bought this mouse in like 2013 to use for gathering shit like oats in MO. I have done a mind boggling amount of gathering, and back then you couldn't even hold it, you had to spam it.
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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
I had a post on this, too:

I'm waiting for an answer before I begin crafting again.

Edit: imo the macros that people use, reg skill gain macros and spam macros are not really dumb. It's more like QoL for people who have been gaming for a long time.

Edit2: basically a macro that offers no real advantage to gains is what I always thought the policy was, but they def worded it in a much more serious way.
Ya honestly a macro that u watch that just saves ur hand some pain, def should be pretty safe to use. Aka crafting macros.

I am VERY glad they did this. Not even upset about the time I spend making macros for leveling. This needed to happen.

But it's half the solution.

The other half of the solution is to make to make a leveling system that's actually fun. People are macroing past the leveling because spurting yourself in the face 1000x isn't fun. So that means spurting yourself in the face 1000x time probably shouldn't be how we level magic most efficiently.
Yes the issue is that SV keeps implementing HALF everything. which just makes everything worse. Never Add half of something, you just end up with garbage. But if this came with a much more fun leveling alternative, that would have been great.

I mean, people could always just grow up a little bit and exhibit some patience.

You're not supposed to be powerful right away. Go out and Outburst people for 8, dude. Get over it. Play the game.

Stop thinking you can only exist if you're perfectly leveled, losing some edge because of some numbers during the level up process is part of the design.

You're supposed to feel great when you finally reach 100, due to how long it took and how you earned the values.
This is an open pvp game. I'm not attacking the guy who's trying to kill my ass for 8 outbursts that blast my mana because it uses way more mana because I'm not max. So I cant really play the game until I'm max. And SV keeps making it harder to be max. This isnt runescape. Theres no Wilderness levels making it so a max guy in ogh cant slam my unfinished characters ass. People need to have not gimped characters in an open pvp game. And making it take longer to skill up just hurts everyone whos not max yet.

Also farming walkers for hours on end isnt fun and shouldnt be SV's goal for gameplay. Theres a difference between promoting people doing stuff, and making the game more tedious than it needs to be.


Active member
Mar 23, 2021
This is something I've been warning about for months, no one paid attention, so here we all are with our digital dicks in our hands
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
This is something I've been warning about for months, no one paid attention, so here we all are with our digital dicks in our hands

I definitely warned about this as well back when attribute leveling first came out. I think it was slower back then so we were macro punching vendors to get it up. But then I also warned about how confusing character creation is for newbs and that got ignored too. :p


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
37.76655478735988, -122.48572468757628
This is something I've been warning about for months, no one paid attention, so here we all are with our digital dicks in our hands
Speak for yourself.

But RSI is not a joke, so by design it should be avoidable.

@Ninogan always said "Just go out and play; the experience is worth more than waiting for the skills to build", so naturally I also agree with what @Nefnate said. But in many ways, ATK-and-non-image-recognition macros are good for the games.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
I mean, people could always just grow up a little bit and exhibit some patience.

You're not supposed to be powerful right away. Go out and Outburst people for 8, dude. Get over it. Play the game.

Stop thinking you can only exist if you're perfectly leveled, losing some edge because of some numbers during the level up process is part of the design.

You're supposed to feel great when you finally reach 100, due to how long it took and how you earned the values.

There is always going to be some small level of disparity between most efficient leveling method and most fun leveling method. Provided it is a SMALL disparity I'm personally going to go with fun, even in a competitive setting. I'm also going to go with fun in a non-competitive setting like a single-player game where the only person I hurt by optimizing the fun out of the game is me.

When it's a LARGE disparity though, and I'm going to be competing with people who use the most efficient leveling methods, I'm going to to take the most efficient path that won't get me banned. In beta I macroed strength, combat manueving, dexterity, and spears all to max in less than 2 hours with 3 inputs to swap the vendor spears when they broke. That's a large disparity vs. how long it would take leveling all those just playing the game. Especially when you consider while it took nearly 2 hours. It took 5-10 minutes of my actual time. 10-15 if you include writing the incredibly simple macro I used.

That's why I think we need ways to make leveling more fun and take away the ability for people to get that large disparity by macroing. Us decent folk aren't going to be doing it anymore. I know the circles I run in are already editing their new player progression advice to no longer include it. But there are a few groups I'm fairly sure will continue. Their ability to gain much by doing so needs to be taken away because not all of them (or even most of them) are likely to get caught.

Accounting for the competitive nature of this game and making the fun way a competitive way is just good game design. Write now, i feel the current systems are poorly designed.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Speak for yourself.

But RSI is not a joke, so by design it should be avoidable.

@Ninogan always said "Just go out and play; the experience is worth more than waiting for the skills to build", so naturally I also agree with what @Nefnate said. But in many ways, ATK-and-non-image-recognition macros are good for the games.

esp rsi on your DICK. Bring it back w/ me.


Active member
Nov 15, 2020
i want my skill get as slow as possible lucky im not ceo i would make you all dota 2 suffer


Active member
Nov 15, 2020
how about an idea with one book per server every 3 month and the only way to replicate it to skill scibe and copy it. private book buisness. u would cry if im ceo