Search results

  1. Teknique

    Search And Arrest Warrants

    Currently red guilds can raid towns fairly easily but towns can not raid red guilds for the most part, due to indestructible strongholds and fighting on their home turf. Solution: - You may become a deputy of a certain town with a certain cooldown 24-48 - Password system removed, only guilds...
  2. Teknique

    Does Anybody Know the Hwhereabouts of Lord Hades Blackflame

    Does anyone know the whereabouts of Lord Hades Blackflame? If you lurk in the shadows then reveal thyself. Oh Dark wizard we beseech you return unto our community. Consider thyself summoned to mortal online 2 oh deliverer of justice. Obscure yourself not from Nave. With Love. No curses please
  3. Teknique

    Completely Human Generated PVP Feedback

    Mortal Online 2 PvP Meta Feedback: As an engaged player, I wanted to share my thoughts on the current PvP meta. While I enjoy the thrill of competition, I believe some balance adjustments are needed. Daggers: - Deal excessive damage, making them overpowered in close combat. - Attack too...
  4. Teknique

    New Open World Game from Hello Games

    I saw this ad and didn’t think much until I saw it was being developed by hello games the creator of no mans sky. While I doubt it’ll be a direct genre competitor with mortal online, this will be something to keep on the radar.
  5. Teknique

    Even The Music Got Nerfed???

    Who remembers this banger as you got out to sausage lake area, knowing just across the tree line lies a mounted combat ready to hit you for 182 dmg.
  6. Teknique

    Will Mortal Online 2 Survive The Next 2 Years

    Hello, Wanted to share some thoughts on Mortal Online 2. I see Mortal Online 2 is on track to be on life support similar to MO1. I actually feel the situation is even slightly worse than the first game. The 24 hr peak at the time of writing is 1712 players. If we divide 1712 by 6 to represent...
  7. Teknique

    Balancing notes for if the game was actually fun

    Changes: - Added a primary skill hamstringing which gives a 30% chance to dismount on melee attack (foot only) - taking damage while riding third speed has a 50% chance of dropping to first gear -spears have a 100% chance of slowing mounts to first speed for 3 seconds when dealing above 25...
  8. Teknique

    Does MO2 Have Any Classes

    One thing I would disagree with most mo 1 vets on is that every class but footfighter op. in mo 2 we have ff, mage/tamer/mc/ma/mm in mo 1 these classes could actually stand alone and be viable. In mo 1 all of these classes were stronger than foot fighter and they’ve been nerfed into the...
  9. Teknique

    1vX suggestions

    - consecutive hits increase damage dealt by double (on the same target) on the third hit - When your target dies gain 50% stamina - increase movement speed
  10. Teknique

    What is the Status of VII

    What is the current status of the guild VII? Is Qiksilver still related to it or are there currently two groups of VII, one former and one loyalist?
  11. Teknique

    A Tale of Two pings

    Having access to both of these pings due to the horrible routing that I have by default now. I can say for absolutely certain that ping materially effects your ability to play the game and be competitive.
  12. Teknique

    Mounted Online 1 vs Mounted Online 2

    Which mounted online version is worse. I'm actually thinking Mounted Online 2 is worse since 99% of players are running MA. I guess its what, the standardized horses, mounted combat being dog water? MC's used to beat MA I think that needs to come back.
  13. Teknique

    Bad Player Typing in Help Chat

    Like just why?
  14. Teknique

    Certain Alvarin Clades and Fall Damage Unacceptable.

    Hello, i've attempted to engage the devs directly on this topic with no success. Since the fall damage changes, armor weight matters little and it does not scale with the HP of the character. Meaning that previously a low armor weight veela was good at falling regardless of HP pool. Currently...
  15. Teknique

    Fatmages Kinda Underpowered Plz Buff

    I don't know if making them MA food again is good, but neither is this
  16. Teknique

    Are the ecumenical animations underwhelming poll

    Please respond based on the aesthetics/visuals. Not if the school seems complete or balanced or what not
  17. Teknique

    Where was Drest and Levia at

    The false god Levia and their false profit Drest AKA cerqo abandon the Harbingers of Levia in their time of need against The Dark Lord.
  18. Teknique

    Morin Khur in Flames Pt 1

    War! Teknique III accursed of the Dark God Denny, and Bearer of the Mark of Kallus whos ancestors conquered the khurite capital of Morin Khur some 100 years ago. Now fights on the very same streets where his father would have played with the other children growing up. The Barbarians from...
  19. Teknique

    Oghmirs Indisputably Broken

    And I love it
  20. Teknique

    Beta Patch Notes Discussion

    Added: Added updated version of Meduli. Added updated version of Fabernum. Added Meduli fountain. Added attack sounds to bears, wolfs and razorbacks. Added visual representation to most of the resource materials in crafting. Added more tooltips to character creation & paperdoll. Added Pet...