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  1. Teknique

    Welcome Home

    big shouts to Fab Mafia you guys are pretty good. Thanks to Olloch for giving me the sword.
  2. Teknique

    EL Cartel Vs Dread Quick Skirmish

    Wish the fight was a bit longer but enjoy.
  3. Teknique

    Sub 200ms Reaction Time

    Playing any video game at this speed is something I have to actively think about and something that I struggle with greatly to keep up mechanics at the same time. That said, with the turn cap does anybody feel that they are able to play successfully at speeds like this at the moment? This is...
  4. Teknique

    The Dreams I have

  5. Teknique

    Group Fighting with Spears Pretty OP

    People been memeing really hard about sword OP when they are really not good group fighting weapons. Please stop the memes. If swords are good at 1v1s then let them be good at something.
  6. Teknique

    Respawn Wars

    Please enjoy some terribly unfun zerg combat where everyone respawns with armor and 100% HP. Hopefully the 100% hp respawn makes it into the main game to keep it super zerg friendly. 11/10
  7. Teknique

    How Psycho are Mortals Thought this test was one of the best psychopathy tests out there. When I wrapped up my degree I argued that these tests only measure honesty, because only an honest person could admit that they lie to get ahead or have faults.
  8. Teknique

    What's Wrong with Tek?

    How Mortal Online 2 content needs to be edited in the dark age of the Malmo empire of Sweden hunting down force sensitives with their dreaded nerf bat. But we must carry on for theHandsome Young Men of the world who simply can't bear existence without my content.
  9. Teknique

    Twitch Skill vs Tactical Skill

    I've heard from more than one person that twitch skill should not be the primary factor in an mmorpg. I would like to invite my forum colleague @Kaemik who suggests that a reduction of twitch skill allows for players with more tactical skill to shine to comment. I will argue that Twitch skill...
  10. Teknique

    Saving World Favorite Russian from Capitalist Quad Zerg to Make Benefit Mortal Online 2

    Uploaded some footage yesterday of me playing pretty bad, a little better segment here to make benefit glorious federation of Skif for Mortal Online 2.
  11. Teknique

    2vX Clip Kinda

    Tyguy and I get separated from our group and are forced to fight 2vX for a short period of time. Nothing too special I made a lot of mistakes and our opponents didn't do a great job under the circumstances.
  12. Teknique

    To the Enemies of TruthShower the Foundling

    I've been quested to protect this foundling and deliver him unto the calx. UDL, you can walk away now unless you want to be UDeLeted This is the way IDK how to embed so just click the twitch link
  13. Teknique

    Poll: Do You Like The New Combat

    Now that the combat has been out for a little while, how do you all feel? Please leave a written response if you feel the poll doesn't cover your opinions.
  14. Teknique

    Can You Aim Trade Now?

    Its been asked can you aim trade against an opponent? I dueled who was on to find out. I think the answer is yes, the average player that you run into now won't be furry with swing queuing and instant parry recoveries anymore. Will you be able to beat a top 10 duelist with just the left click...
  15. Teknique

    Ridiculous .90 Patch Team Fight

    Gatsu sword is real
  16. Teknique

    Please Provide Post .73 Patch Combat Feedback

    Obviously this is but the first step in a changed combat system so no expectations for it to be perfect and its also been out for less than a day so perhaps there's stuff I/we are overlooking. Thoughts: A) Combat is overall slower due to swings hanging in the air longer, making it much more...
  17. Teknique

    Exact Reasons why MO Died and What Not to do Moving Forward

    Hey all, almost everybody here already knows these things, thankfully so do the devs now too seemingly, but I just wanted to recap exactly what I feel was the cause of the decline in MO. This is one of the few times that I will please asks the vets of the community to like this thread to show...
  18. Teknique

    Post Patch Duels

    Anyone else feel like the 1.5 second block delay vs 1 Second from the patch before this feels clunky? @leech
  19. Teknique

    Do the Swing Arcs Follow any Logic?

    can somebody explain this to me? What are these damage values, and are these considered accels? as an aside please get rid of the linear scaling of dmg and go back to breakpoint system.
  20. Teknique

    Little Clip