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  1. Teknique

    Brief Turn Cap Summary

    What it does and if it still exists
  2. Teknique

    C-c-c-ombo breaker!!

    In a group fight right now you can dive for someone putting you at significant risk of stamming out. If they then parry wall you, which is fairly easy to do in MO 2 relative to MO 1, you took a lot of risk for not a lot of reward. What if on the 3rd or 4th consecutive parry you got a really...
  3. Teknique

    I am the Super Legitz Man

    Yall doin way too much. Tryna bite my style steal my swag.
  4. Teknique

    A Solid Group Fight

    No fan of the turn cap, but its not intrusive in group fights and we'll take that as a minor inconvenience.
  5. Teknique

    Future Magic Nerf Blueprints

    In MO 1 it was a bit cheesy that you could like aim and have an impact on fights with your player skill. I'm confident we'll have a fix for this in the new game.
  6. Teknique

    No Reason Just Because

    Please, won't you push me for the last time Let's scream until there's nothing left So sick of playing, I don't want this anymore The thought of you's no fucking fun You want a martyr, I'll be one Because enough's enough, we're done You told me think about it, well I did Now I don't wanna feel a...
  7. Teknique

    Patwins Online New Player Tutorial Guide

    @PatWins ...I got nothing man
  8. Teknique

    A Political Message to Aegis Imperium

    Earlier in the day I decided you've outlasted your utility and no longer will be permitted to exist in the new conflux. Reason being your demonstrable inability to muzzle your yappy dog. Unfortunately for all parties involved, myself included, this rat dog creature decided to mistake my...
  9. Teknique

    General Guidance for SV and the Balance Team

    Can you please pay special attention to the dialogue that occurs between roughly the 42-44 minute mark in the above video. It appears in a noble yet misguided attempt SV has attempted to take community feedback to "improve" the game. Mind you not all feedback from all players is created equal...
  10. Teknique

    Combat Meta Changes Simultaneous Attack and Parry

    There have been a number of suggestions like increasing swing dmg for uncharged attacks, and resetting the weapon quicker "to help aggressive play". I didn't agree thinking it would make the game A) way too focused on parry fundamentals and nothing else B) way too favorable the lower your ping...
  11. Teknique

    A Bridge Too Near (Team Fight)

  12. Teknique

    Sparring With Patwins

    Freeing up some HD space
  13. Teknique

    Nuts Duel With Master Pat Windu

    @Slammington Unchained be first before its too late.
  14. Teknique

    2 Kids One Life

    Long video and first couple duels are boring, but I think you'll enjoy if you watch to the end. Thanks for the duels
  15. Teknique

    MO2 Combat System:Video (NA Player)

    Audio got corrupted for some reason. The MO 2 combat system has been a topic of debate recently now that closed alpha is seeing more players. I myself didn't like the super heavy weight of the weapons and slow attacks at first. This video shows the combat from an NA players perspective but is...
  16. Teknique

    Please Add Player Made Lore from MO 1 Into the Game

    @Henrik Nyström @Herius Please write player made lore from the first game into the actual game. Specifically Seth, Soldeus, and The Bridge Gods. Please like if you agree!
  17. Teknique

    A Little Snippet from Henrik

    We get the privilege of having a dev team that is open to communication. We were wondering what one character per acct would really look like. A concern is that a complete redesign of the skill and flagging systems will take time to make sense of and integrate with each other. I asked Henrik...