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  1. R

    Newbie start.

    Id always recommend just trying out different weapons to see which one you like best. I for example like axes with a shield, lots of people like a mace, some love their spears. In terms of raw strength it depends more on your trinket roll than on your weapon, at least thats my experience. (edit...
  2. R

    Another implementation to help new players continue playing.

    Essentially a good idea, but most "new players" still arent able to really defend themselves after 45hours. If they're mages, they might have finally finished their builds :D I actually think the best thing that could happen to new players would be Arenas in noob cities. They'd be better...
  3. R

    I just watched some of Henrik's stream, are you serious with "Thursar buffs" being just adamant toggle?

    Exactly. At first just remove the negatives from the clades because you dont wanna level up to unlock a negative effect. I think if HA would be a little less strong Thursars damage-bonus could potentially shine through. Also a little more damage in general, why not..lances need to be fixed...
  4. R

    I just watched some of Henrik's stream, are you serious with "Thursar buffs" being just adamant toggle?

    The thing is that Thursars should not be brought on even footing with Oghmirs by buffing them coz everything else will be shit in comparison. Tower Shields need to just go completely because of how shields work. Hiding your whole frame from damage is nothing that can possibly be balanced. TTK...
  5. R

    I just watched some of Henrik's stream, are you serious with "Thursar buffs" being just adamant toggle?

    Compared to Oghmirs everything needs a buff. At this point I don't understand why SV isnt just nerfing Oghmirs sustainability. TTK is much too high anyway. Clades that give negatives need to go tho... It's a level up mechanic after all.
  6. R

    Selective Realism : Why Always Archery?

    No i say its not a class because you only need 200-400 primary points for it to be viable. But of course I agree. Bows should scale with Dex and pure Archers should be a thing.
  7. R

    Current state of footfighting meta, a focus on Oghmirs and Thursars

    First off all, nerfing Alvarin HP would do nothing for Thursars unless you wanna be able to one-shot short dex-mages with a bow. You're still not gonna catch them. The pigeon holed human build refusing to reroll as a sheevra is also no problem imo. Humans are tankier than Alvarin, can wear...
  8. R

    Selective Realism : Why Always Archery?

    Well there are a few very rare materials for light armor, but they really arent worth it :D Making your mage armor with Ganoid scales and Bloodsilk doesnt give enough reward for the price and effort to farm it aince its gonna be shitty cloth armor anyway. I absolutely agree on the problem with...
  9. R

    Selective Realism : Why Always Archery?

    As it should be. It should be melee first. Heavy Armor i disagree, i think even pure melee builds could be a little more diverse. I think Archery is actually kinda okay as it is. Pure Archers are king on horseback and do a lot of damage against anything thats not heavy armor already. Magic is...
  10. R

    Simple and 100% effective suggestions

    Kranesh is honestly not a good example for red life being too hard, because its just red players making each others life hard and then complaining about it. How come that the market is empty? Maybe because you'll get slapped when you want to put something on there? Or get ganked when you wanna...
  11. R

    Selective Realism : Why Always Archery?

    "So you think giving archers the capacity to fight someone in armor would lead to everyone becoming an archer?!" No. Almost everyone in Plate Armor can and will use a bow already. Ranged attacks arent equal. Thunderlash (which is the most flamed ecu spell) has a maximum ( not effective) range...
  12. R

    Current state of footfighting meta, a focus on Oghmirs and Thursars

    Yes I am 100% with you. When Towershields and Oghmirs are put in line, we can see and then discuss everything else :)
  13. R

    Current state of footfighting meta, a focus on Oghmirs and Thursars

    Of course a 158cm mage is hard to hit. But most of the time you'll get ambushed. And in an ambush situation losing at least 2/3 of your hp in the first second is just too much imo. And the other problem with archery vs. mage is due to the fact, that every footie worth a damn has a bow. That...
  14. R

    Mortal 2 Combat meta and abilities @Henrik

    I think you're almost spot on. The only thing i struggle with is the term "MMO combat". I think most MMOs being tab target is because of technical limitations and ping problems when going on a "massive" scale. MO2s greatest issue is ping. The "one server" policy makes it impossible to base...
  15. R

    Anyone have any info on this?

    Well.. now SV should have the name of one of those lowlifes. Lets see if anything happens. I honestly doubt it
  16. R

    Current state of footfighting meta, a focus on Oghmirs and Thursars

    I know you're right, it's just sad tbh. The game is a incoherent mess. If you want a hardcore PvP game, you dont make people grind for HOURS to get a stack of steel or wood(i have 2 stacks of steel in MohKi, 3 in Vadda, 2 in Morin Khur, so i should know) because you would want them to regear and...
  17. R

    Current state of footfighting meta, a focus on Oghmirs and Thursars

    Towershield balance is overall just dumb. They balanced everything around heavy armor and towershields. Now if you don't use a TShield as a mage, Bows outright destroy you with almost no counterplay (especially out in the open.. and NO, the jiggle doesn't work on everyone since you'd have to...
  18. R

    Fab. since UE5?

    I dont think it's easily fixed with the ingame graphics setting. For me it seems like maybe a lot of assets are using really similar colors (or its the same assets over and over again) which leads to individual assets being harder to identify in the picture. Also there seems to be a lot of...
  19. R

    Mortal Exodus:

    SV is really something. " Guys, like you all know we are too incompetent/understaffed to get our game to work. So here's the idea: Lets make a second game, because Im sure we will rise up to the challenge...and i also found cheap assets, so lets go!" The amount of dumb stuff going on at SV is...
  20. R

    From an HC gamer but a casual MO2 player

    Most likely for RMT xD