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  1. R

    +++++ A helpful solution for the community and company of Mortal Online 2 rather than a Subscription++++

    You're full of good ideas, but i do think 15€ is a little high for this game. Trading Gold for Premium (like in Albion) could be a good idea but it could also destroy the economy because you give in-game gold a real money value and with the amount of exploited/ cheated gold already in-game, i...
  2. R

    +++++ A helpful solution for the community and company of Mortal Online 2 rather than a Subscription++++

    I think the problem with a 15€ sub is that its really little bang for the buck. Spending 15€ for that amount of ressource-grinding can't be a successful strategy. Without mining-bots people will realize HOW MUCH granum you need to gather for a stack of steel and for 15€ a month Im not crafting...
  3. R


    Seems like the situation has been dealt with.
  4. R

    Why changing the weakpost chance instead of the weakspot damage would would break the fundamant design behind the Veela Dex Footfighter !

    Why should mages use those daggers? They're shit. My mage uses a Khurite Greatblade :D I think weakspot chance sounds an awful lot like crit chance and i dont think crit chance should be the one thing that defines dex-fighters. I absolutely agree that the nerf will hit the current dagger users...
  5. R

    Why changing the weakpost chance instead of the weakspot damage would would break the fundamant design behind the Veela Dex Footfighter !

    Nice ideas all around. But i kinda think that giving some weapons a dex-scaling so more weapons would be "good" for dex heavy builds, would be more fun. A 28% chance to negate armor (and therefore do about 8x to 10x dmg) makes fights a little too rng based and also only using one of four strikes...
  6. R

    Druid Build

    Tbh you don't need taming to own pets :) Just to tame them.
  7. R

    Druid Build

    its all possible but you cant cast elementalism while mounted. Ecumenical will give you heals, hitscan-spells and earthquake. You can dominate Monsters, yes but the grind is unreal for a new player. You will be passively reading books for weeks just to get your skills to 70. But for build...
  8. R

    Poor FPS, frame drops, lags, freezes Somehow the creator doesn't want his stuff posted here. This worked for me. Im not a nerd who actually knows about this stuff, but just try it and tell me if it also worked for you :)
  9. R

    Poor FPS, frame drops, lags, freezes

    There is a guide on youtube for fixing your 3d-settings. I have pretty much the same specs and can run this game on medium on a stable 60fps. Took me a while to set it up, but if i can do it, so can you :)
  10. R

    need advice with alvarian veela dex foot fighter/mounted archer action skills

    Im not a footie but I just tried it with mortal data to see what's possible. Don't waste your points in taming, it doesn't give you any "real stats" and that's what you should use your primary action points on imo. Also since your a footfighter I highly recommend at least some heavy armor...
  11. R

    Pets are ruining small scale PVP

    Im not sure if another primary would be a good "fix". I can only speak for myself but another primary for pet-damage would break my build. I already don't run taming since mounted magery is kinda necessary to get anywhere and i need an alternative to magic when it comes to damage since mana is...
  12. R

    Pets are ruining small scale PVP

    Absolutely. It's prominence shows that something is off. I'm using pets and in a fight with equal numbers on both sides they are 100% OP. And it's just because they act more like an AI- companion for solo-play than a "skill". It's like having a "Leadership-skill" and making friends with...
  13. R

    I keep hearing Henrik saying "penalities for murderers".

    There is just no point in doing anything but griefing/ RPK in this game since it's always the fastest/easiest option. Red nametags would be a great start to kick those people out of blue cities. Another problem is the "base building" part and the map-layout in general. You can't leave...
  14. R

    Is there a plan to nerf magic soon?

    You CAN'T have 3 max level Direwolves out at once... Please stop the constant exaggeration. Even with full Herding the third one is lvl 69 max. But still pets should have higher petpoint costs for lower levels or be useless until reaching max level. If you have to decide between shooting a...
  15. R

    Is there a plan to nerf magic soon?

    1. In most fights you can't just cast because it slows you down if you're not a necromancer. Equipment swap is too slow but it dowsn't only affect melee-builds. 2. Dexmages have 160mana if they are at least underweight and therefore down to about 150hp. At 115 INT T-Lash has a base damage of...
  16. R

    Is there a plan to nerf magic soon?

    Never had a foot fighter really chase me with a sword. The successful ones pull out a bow. Also as a mage Im really careful with damagespells in general. Thunderlash also does 54-68dmg at 132(!!!) Int. That's not a fast character or it's a character that can get oneshot with a bow.
  17. R

    Risen tourdogs and Direwolves need a nerf

    Yeah that's broken. 100%
  18. R

    Risen tourdogs and Direwolves need a nerf

    So ritualism pets don't cost petpoints at all?! I was hoping they'd cost more in death than in life tbh.
  19. R

    Risen tourdogs and Direwolves need a nerf

    Taur Dogs are strong in general but I think the risen Dog takes it a little too far. A max lvl taurdog has 450hp and needs 86(?)PP. It does a lot of damage but will die to fighters in a straight up fight. The thing is most people don't try to fight it but instead somehow try to outrun it. Which...
  20. R


    Red names are surely a step in the right direction. Let's just hope with TC the standing system will be revisited ( red guilds for example.. i mean we already know what to expect from certain guilds and other guilds wont get murder counts for hunting them) With the addition of player cities...