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  1. Rhias

    Has anyone ever had their house reimbursed from vanishing?

    I know so many people that abused the GM's in MO1. I lost my horse due to a "bug". In reality he got killed in PVP and there wasn't any bug involved. And there were many cases where the GM even revived the "bugged" horse. So probably SV just learned from the past (but yes, they should keep logs...
  2. Rhias

    Butcher Table - Skinning?

    I think most materials can be also skinned. But the for "high tier materials" the yield is reduced greatly. E.g. dense crepite, or more expensive scales such as plate scales or everything above athrporod carapace e.g. Crustance or Reptile Carapace. As a general guideline you want to butcher all...
  3. Rhias

    Mountain spider

    Oder shortbow & irgend ein Mount.
  4. Rhias

    DeathJesters vs Legion

    GF everyone!
  5. Rhias

    We need more character slots

    Not sure why people act here like nobody plays more than 1 account and try to justify the 1 character system with it. I've got 2 account. Some in my guild even got 3 or 4 accounts. My mounted-combat based character is so fucked up due to the horrible MC implementation that I just wait for a fix...
  6. Rhias

    Need non combat mounts

    Did you notice that this would make gaking even easier since most "normal" travelers will not have that skill?
  7. Rhias

    DeathJesters vs some other guilds

    GF everyone! PS: DeathJesters are recruiting. German speaking only. See video description for more details.
  8. Rhias

    Thousar Dark Knight - is this build viable?

    Saducaan Min Size and you would be able to get 85 int. :D
  9. Rhias

    Some Tindrem Sewers fights (the flagging system sucks)

    How to get 6 murdercounts in less than 20 minutes without beeing the aggressor in the fight.
  10. Rhias

    Hammer Thread

    2h twisted handle warhammer... Because good range, fast, low stamina drain, decent damage and it can dismount. All other 2h hammers are IMHO too slow and with that horrible hitboxes you end up with a lot of handle hits. Better use axes in that case. I don't use 1h weapons with shield due to...
  11. Rhias

    Necromancy spell Hell Horse invocation

    Yep, it was called death steed.
  12. Rhias

    nerf bow damage vs horses and add scribing book to libraries

    Even a Tungsteel horse armor has < 60 piercing defense. Just saying.
  13. Rhias


    They just want to help you. If you're too long not moving while fishing you will be afk-kicked... :ROFLMAO:
  14. Rhias

    Talus Confederation Actions

    No, cooldown is only for one alt to another. But between Main and one Alt you can always switch without cooldown.
  15. Rhias

    Mounted Combat sucks

    Hey, I think most have noticed that almost all Mounted Builds are MA's. I think that's only partly because their range is favorable in PVE, but also because Mounted Combat sucks. In this post I'm talking about MC with slashing/bashing weapons and NOT about spears/lances. IMHO those are the main...
  16. Rhias

    Returning to beta population numbers but with out the beta community.

    Spend today about 3 hours runnig from priest to the next horse spawn to the town just to get zerked on the way and getting fucked up by tamed terror birds that run faster than any character. I guess that's a enough "fun gameplay" for at least a month.
  17. Rhias

    Mortal Online 2 Hybrid Paladin Alvarin Veela-Build

    Age 23: Age 31: It impacts the max dex. And usually you want on all characters the max. dex (expect maybe some rare mounted cases).
  18. Rhias

    Mortal Online 2 Hybrid Paladin Alvarin Veela-Build

    No, it only has a minor impact on stamina drain. And a major impact on mana regeneration...
  19. Rhias

    Mortal Online 2 Hybrid Paladin Alvarin Veela-Build

    Only without the Age clade gift. With it the dex will be the same. Sheevra got in total 8 more attribute points then Veela. Which means 8 more int or str... But true, max dex is lower I guess that depends on how magic-focused you want to be. I have seen both: 1) Max Str, Max Dex, Max Con...
  20. Rhias

    Mortal Online 2 Hybrid Paladin Alvarin Veela-Build

    With 80+ str you can basically play any weapon, expect maybe some heavy poleaxes. Magic is mostly ranged combat, so I don't see why you would want to mix it with a bow (so 2 ranged fighting styles). Better go with a meele weapon. Edit: Bow damage scales with str and not with dex.