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  1. Xunila

    Flying Poll

    I think they mentioned flying dragons for very very very few players as rare drops or events. Probabyl in the far future after boats.
  2. Xunila

    Change the Door access system.

    In MO1 the owner entered co-owners to a list at the house sign. Owner and co-owners had been able to create keys. And together with F2P door opener characters the key system had no real meaning.
  3. Xunila

    Change the Door access system.

    In MO1 nobody really used the keys. Go to house, create a new key, open house and then destroy the key after leaving the house.
  4. Xunila

    Meduli Post office

    Toxai has a veredari, too.
  5. Xunila

    Meduli Post office

    Do you think StarVault wouldn't know the locations of the veredaris? Maybe the AI in MO2 already has their own life and secrets.
  6. Xunila

    Meduli Post office

    I used the veredari in MK yesterday and missed his colleague in Bakti about one hour later.
  7. Xunila

    Care bear titles

    The sator title came into the game after I stopped my five weeks jungle tour with hundreds of killed sators. Bad luck.
  8. Xunila

    Make Jungle Camp into a True Lawless Town Before Release!

    I agree, it's the job of the players to add useful stuff in the JC area. But we need vendors for player houses, not only the stable guy. And players should open their houses all the time to allow free access.
  9. Xunila

    Alchemy - Vials and Alchemy Table UI

    Kegs and something like the combine skill from MO1 are really needed in MO2! Everybody should be able to fill small amounts from a keg with up 1000 PU into vials witgh 15 or 40 PU. Recently I crafted 20 vials for a guild mate who got problems to put all of them into the bank. Why can't I simply...
  10. Xunila

    Pets in Necro Dungeon

    Be happy that the necro dungeon is for most play styles and not restricted to mages only! Tames and beast masters can't go deep inside with their pet, But there could be other dungeons designed especially for archers or for foot fighters or even for beast masters. Why has EVERY dungeon to be...
  11. Xunila

    How to solve problem with 2+ character slots on one account?

    In MO1 we had four characters on one account and f2p accounts with one character slot. This ended up in a huge number of characters over time to abuse the guild level system (T1 = 10 guild members, T2 = 25, T3 = 50, T4 = 100, ... values may be not exact). As a long term MO1 player (since early...
  12. Xunila

    What the point of MO2 "reputation" system?

    The system could become important when we get NPCs who require a good or very good reputation. Like the Tindrem cathedral which could be open for players with good reputation only.
  13. Xunila

    Mega Patch Notes Discussion (2/2)

    Riding is smoother than before. At least this fix is working: Riding up and down the MK stairs now works without problems. Horses are no longer moving to the left or to the right.
  14. Xunila

    Mega Patch Notes Discussion (2/2)

    Funny: Some Tindremic guards are spawning next to the MK bridge on both sides of the city. Several loot bags around from players with bad standing at Tindrem.
  15. Xunila

    Do you want the game to wipe?

    Don't ask for a smaller map. With new continents the map will be bigger than today. See MO1 with Myrland and Sarducaa. Sarducaa has even been bigger then Myrland.
  16. Xunila

    Bug: Bank slots

    This is a really funny issue. I noticed this "bug" some weeks after release. And this "bug" is well known for many years in MO1!
  17. Xunila

    Disable tamed pets because overpowered and unfair

    I can't wait for the discussions about overpowered necromancy pets.
  18. Xunila

    remove TRINKETS, add in Siege/Donk/Molva/Lyk:

    Don't underestimate the number of players! With averaged 750 players online during week days and a little bit more during weekend you can't count this as the number of active players because nobody plays 24/7. With 3/7 one would get about 5k or 6k players. But I can agree to most other points...
  19. Xunila

    Road map

    But let them fix the most important bugs before! Why should one build a house when chests and workbenches become invisible? And many other bugs kicking players from the game.
  20. Xunila

    Why are all of my stats stuck at (99%)?

    Did you check your weight? More weight means more HP and less weight means less HP. Every kg counts.