I know this topic has already been discussed on the forum, but I want to offer a specific solution.
Why players want 2+ character slots:
-to play in different styles (melee, pet master, mage etc.);
- expand the opportunity of crafts;
- to choose your own core build (new players);
Why developers don't want to make 2+ char slots:
- strengthening the value of reputation of any singe character;
- to create more social interactions (as can’t craft and harvest everything by yourself);
- exclude characters for bad goals (char for PK, in guild spies etc.);
How to make 2+ char slots taking into account the arguments of the developers:
- make surname of a characters unique for any single account (all characters have the same surname - it is easy to identify a certain player);
- all chars on account have shared in game reputation and faction standings (if any character PK players, all of his other chars on the same account will lose reputation);
- all chars on the same account have shared in game banks (this will leave the logistics actual);
- lower the maximum profession skill points to 1100 (many points will overlap on all characters, like all chars may have Mammalia, Animal Materials, Butchery Appliances, etc., so it won’t be “1100*char slots points”, it will be much less;
What do you think about it?
Why players want 2+ character slots:
-to play in different styles (melee, pet master, mage etc.);
- expand the opportunity of crafts;
- to choose your own core build (new players);
Why developers don't want to make 2+ char slots:
- strengthening the value of reputation of any singe character;
- to create more social interactions (as can’t craft and harvest everything by yourself);
- exclude characters for bad goals (char for PK, in guild spies etc.);
How to make 2+ char slots taking into account the arguments of the developers:
- make surname of a characters unique for any single account (all characters have the same surname - it is easy to identify a certain player);
- all chars on account have shared in game reputation and faction standings (if any character PK players, all of his other chars on the same account will lose reputation);
- all chars on the same account have shared in game banks (this will leave the logistics actual);
- lower the maximum profession skill points to 1100 (many points will overlap on all characters, like all chars may have Mammalia, Animal Materials, Butchery Appliances, etc., so it won’t be “1100*char slots points”, it will be much less;
What do you think about it?