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Supplicia canum
"The supplicia canum ("punishment of the dogs") was an annual sacrifice of ancient Roman religion in which live dogs were suspended from a furca ("fork") or cross (crux) and paraded... a late source places it on August 3"... Well, you Tindremenes know what to do.
MODS: while u sleep they spam. Don't let the forum fall into disarray! MY SPECIAL PLACE.
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I don't keep track of exactly how many accounts they create over time just so spam, but... o_O
Yeah, it's kind of an anti censorship comment, like... you can do that, but you let spam slip? It's a constant problem, but having someone look it over would be cool. There are long periods of time where the mod cats are away. I don't feel as safe then.
Be warm, enjoy the season, lift your head,
Exquisite in the pulse of tainted blood,
That shivering glory not to be despised.

Take your delight in momentariness,
Walk between dark and dark — a shining space
With the grave’s narrowness, though not its peace.

~ Robert Graves ~ (Wikiquote of the Day)
Mounted Combat is trash
I know the solution! Add the ability to use a fucking shield! /s
Anarchy is the crucible of evil. Only through law and order can the heights of accomplishment and possibility be achieved. The Emperor, in his wisdom, delivers that law and order, and we mortals are the enactors of that divine future.
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Anarchy is the natural order of affairs, which is oxymoronic in statement however chaos and order are simply two sides of the same coin. The natural order is one in which might makes right, even the order of law is for the mighty to mete out their rule to the meek.

No clearer is this exemplified than on the battlefield or in watching predators and prey conduct their bloodsport in nature.
When a bird help feed or defend a unrelated bird, maybe even of a different species, no law dictate that behaviour nor does the unfamiliar passing bird gain any advantage by its actions. Some creatures posses an inherent altuistic approach to others. The vigilante for example, often risk everything to defend the weak. Even when we have no real sympathy for them. No law dictate this, its simply the right thing to do.
Evil isn't the real threat to the world. Ignorance is just as destructive as evil, maybe more so and it's much more common. What we really need is a crusade against ignorance.
”Every realm needs good, for without good, evil will have no opposition and eventually tear itself apart from within.”
—Serverus Sultan of Nobles
MO1 is only free to try. You cant play without full primary points.
we shud all have 1 month tho, right, unless they started it when we purchased haha.
Yeah, it's kind if like Wurm Online. F2P forever as long as you don't mind your skills capped at 20/100. It's essentially just a free trial without the pressure of having to make the decision within a time limit. Pisses me off when people act like that model is "pay to win". It's pay-to-play with a very generous low-pressure trial system.
Mounted Combat is the most neglected class
The issue is they're afraid to make MC a powerful role because:

A. Everyone needs mounts to cross the map and that throws off mounted balance.
B. The counters to it currently in-place wouldn't be sufficient if it didn't suck against footies.

So mounted combat needs to be a patch of it's own brought in alongside other features that make it balanced.
Mounted Combat is the most neglected class
I disagree @ Kae. MC is necessary for balance. MC doesn't become more powerful w/ more people like MA does. MC is more of a smallscale roam, ideally, and yea they mop people up, but so what? What they need ABSOLUTELY is a low dismount threshold for people without balance.