Zerg guilds killed Mortal Online 1. Will MO2 be different?


Sep 13, 2021
In regards to your question a few direct Pvp Changes have taken place. 1.) Guard Ai has been immensely improved with even better Guard Ai planned as well as Guards being able to cast Heal in the near future. 2.) Lictors can now teleport to attack criminals, you are safe even from horse griefers in the bank, who try sitting on houses to snipe, the guards will still get the bastards.

3.) Now if you go outside the gates and get fondled ;) by a passing group of mounted warriors that is where the action... the.. I meant, that is where the problems for you start. Mining is basically impossible, so best advice get only a little bit at a time. Don't plan to sit there and fill up a horse or molva full of ore. Get like 1-2 stacks and then head back.

4.) I almost forget, we have Horse armor now. Works for all mounts too btw, so helps massively with survival.

you havent ran into the griefers with bone weapons killing tames in town. dying then coming back with no rep loss and doing it again. Every town has this issue going on right now. People log in, not to pvp or play the game, but to sit in town and kill peoples tames when they shouldnt be able too.

The rep system is a joke. If you murder someone you should be red and treated like a pker. not walk back into town 2 mins later like nothing happened.


Active member
Sep 17, 2021
If you murder someone you should be red and treated like a pker. not walk back into town 2 mins later like nothing happened.
That system already exists. However, there are two problems with this. The first is people can go to risars and farm their reputation back up like it's nothing. The second is that animals are unfortunately not considered as people. Henrik has mentioned they he might give animals the same "rights" as players such that killing a pet would incur the same rep loss as killing players but that has yet to be implemented yet.
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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
Early MO we had the tools needed to fight massively outnumbered. Now it def is more of a numbers game.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
It would be very nice to have elementalism to fight zergs. Next magic school is sadly necro which doesnt help the game just some individuals. Next is staff hopefully, Which helps balance out mages but in fights but doesnt solve zergs. Really need AOEs. Also nerf pets, zergs get pets to plump of their numbers even more.
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Mar 1, 2021
Zerg guilds will always be around, just like giant nutcup alliances. Its the nature of an open world sandbox. Look at EvE, even with 40k players they managed to create uber nut cup alliances to protect their territories and interests. Thats just human nature.

At least nubes now have Haven to play in while they learn the ropes. Its better than it was in MO1.

Eve is NOTHING like MO2 in truth. EVE is basically pvp only if you want to, MO2 there is no choice.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020

We back n this.

TC: autogen resources and walls is so anti the spirit of MO if they start doing that stuff again once they build the game I am going to facepalm thru the earth.

It's national no punctuation day.
It's weird how that works really, for MO1 it was horrible, but for a less world PVE content game like LIF it was one of the only things that actually added something to the game.
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
It's weird how that works really, for MO1 it was horrible, but for a less world PVE content game like LIF it was one of the only things that actually added something to the game.
Mo 1 population got worse after they removed tc mines.

I can’t say that one caused the other but it’s definitely true


Jul 11, 2020
MO 1 population got worse when they allowed unlimited TC in the first place. All interesting places got walled off and everyone hid inside palisades
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Sep 17, 2021
MO 1 population got worse when they allowed unlimited TC in the first place. All interesting places got walled off and everyone hid inside palisades
...which encouraged big guilds to fight each other for limited resources. TC helped the game, not hurted it.


Active member
Aug 1, 2021
as i remember it , new player were targeted by griefer everywhere , zerg guild is a guild problem xd getting gangbanged freely in middle of town or getting 5 mounts killed a day with no problem for offender was the problem


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
...which encouraged big guilds to fight each other for limited resources. TC helped the game, not hurted it.
More like encouraged big guilds to ninja siege each other at 4 am so they can stare at a wall for 3 hours and shoot arrows at guards. There was hardly any "fighting" going on. Did you even play MO1 kid?
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New member
Jul 18, 2020
What's killing this kind of game is what players do with the liberty they get. Wich is kinda cool to be able to be who ever you want but in my experience, giving that much liberty to the community always puts the game in danger. You simply can't anticipate players will act with civility in general.

I think the success of the game will depend on how much the game controls your behavior.

I really hope devs deeply analyzed all this because their work so far is top notch and the game got so much potential.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
More like encouraged big guilds to ninja siege each other at 4 am so they can stare at a wall for 3 hours and shoot arrows at guards. There was hardly any "fighting" going on. Did you even play MO1 kid?
Yeah people dont join zeg guilds to fight. They join them to win or to not have to fight. Ninja seiging is what zerg guilds would do because its a win by all means nessisary type of mentality behind them.

Zerg guilds are not healthy for the game. They promote stagnation and power snowballing. Dont need to limit them but giving them more power is the wrong move


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Yeah people dont join zeg guilds to fight. They join them to win or to not have to fight. Ninja seiging is what zerg guilds would do because its a win by all means nessisary type of mentality behind them.

Zerg guilds are not healthy for the game. They promote stagnation and power snowballing. Dont need to limit them but giving them more power is the wrong move
A lot of “non Zerg guilds” have extremely large rosters they just don’t really plan things out or have a lot of volatile personalities. I think at one point in BETA wigsplitters was rocking 30+ just by themselves I can even find the video of it likely.


Active member
Sep 17, 2021
More like encouraged big guilds to ninja siege each other at 4 am so they can stare at a wall for 3 hours and shoot arrows at guards. There was hardly any "fighting" going on. Did you even play MO1 kid?
Yes I did "kid." I played more than you and flawlessed you while I was afk. Who even are you?


Active member
Feb 24, 2021
the game killed itself, we had so many issues in the game that made people not play it after trying it for 30mins and made vets rage quit, some of those issues we cant even discuss here... you know what im talking about.

zergs and alliances was just the game in fact those things made the game more interesting


New member
Sep 23, 2021
I mean more people fighting less people is a fact of lots of real historical wars. The only way to please some people would for everyone to fight in equal groups every time only wearing the starting gear/weapons. Now how fun does that sound? Honestly if you expect to go around in a small group and not run into larger groups maybe they could finally open up that arena that was planned in the first game and make it where groups of equal size can fight each other. Make there be some sort of fee to enter so everyone wouldn't just stay there doing that non-stop.
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Active member
Feb 24, 2021
I mean more people fighting less people is a fact of lots of real historical wars. The only way to please some people would for everyone to fight in equal groups every time only wearing the starting gear/weapons. Now how fun does that sound? Honestly if you expect to go around in a small group and not run into larger groups maybe they could finally open up that arena that was planned in the first game and make it where groups of equal size can fight each other. Make there be some sort of fee to enter so everyone wouldn't just stay there doing that non-stop.
sure thats actually pretty cool with the fees and all, but thats not the game :p the game is ganking or getting ganked lol less numbers, more numbers, shittier situation (fighting a boss or smth), shittier gear whatever, people complaining about zergs will always complain and cry about some random shit.
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