Started thinking about this some more and may have found a route of which SV is taking.
So for the action based skills like woodcutting, mining, thieving, and fishing, ( i probably forgot something ) could be turned into just actions. No more needing to level up things like those anymore. Once you learn how to do any of those actions, we would unlock actions like MO1 but they aren't needed to be skilled anymore. I agree that its odd not to see them in the skill list. Though it makes sense, you can teach a man to fish and he will be full for years, give him a fish and he'll eat for a night. I think they are trying to teach us and let us learn everything else as we go through things.
If they go the route of learning it being enough to use it ( "it" referring to skills mentioned above ) would follow more suite to how crafting works. We all can craft something once get learn anything about it, i feel this is what they are doing with these skills to save points. I always thought it was weird having woodcutting as a skill to level because of the fact we are taught by a tutor on how to do it. Which i think is just like reading a book but they didn't skill you up at all. Instead of skilling up in those areas, i feel they are leaving them out for a different way to go about gathering and thievery.