The Overpowered/Underpowered Weapons/Gear/Materials/Pets Thread

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
I want to start with the 1 handed Swords.
They still consume way too much stamina. The problem is that there is no difference in stamina consumption whether a player is using a 1h weapon with a shield or without.

The game should detect if a player use a 1 h weapon with a shield, without and if a player only use a shield without a weapon.

1h without a shield should have low stamina drain while running with a drawn weapon, Shield without weapon should have low stamina drain when blocking and Weapon + shield should have higher stam consumption.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
2 h Katana should deal as much damage with piercing attacks as with slashing attacks. The damage compared to the 2h Greatblades is underpowered.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021

CUPRUM armor should be pretty decent and way better than any of the animats, it should just be stupid heavy, same w/ messing. Now bleck, yknow... I can kinda dig that. Still it should be pretty good imo. It's metal! If you are a craftsman, you'd think you could make good armor out of it.

The rate that you can farm mats from mobs v how fast you can farm mats from mining is much different and I think the balance is off.


Needs to be adjusted for the new game. Eat your shit reality, give us weapons that can do dmg on a mount lol. It's not easy to pop someone with a mount on MC. You should be rewarded, or at least have a chance to hold a wep that, while it might be valuable, would yield a rewarding hit. Dudes should never be thinking they can tank your hit. The way they nerfed horse tankiness, I dunno if MC is ever gonna be dominant again, but I do advocate for a much higher threshold of what you can hold OR they can waste time and design a whole line of 1 handed weapons for MC.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020

CUPRUM armor should be pretty decent and way better than any of the animats, it should just be stupid heavy, same w/ messing. Now bleck, yknow... I can kinda dig that. Still it should be pretty good imo. It's metal! If you are a craftsman, you'd think you could make good armor out of it.

The rate that you can farm mats from mobs v how fast you can farm mats from mining is much different and I think the balance is off.


Needs to be adjusted for the new game. Eat your shit reality, give us weapons that can do dmg on a mount lol. It's not easy to pop someone with a mount on MC. You should be rewarded, or at least have a chance to hold a wep that, while it might be valuable, would yield a rewarding hit. Dudes should never be thinking they can tank your hit. The way they nerfed horse tankiness, I dunno if MC is ever gonna be dominant again, but I do advocate for a much higher threshold of what you can hold OR they can waste time and design a whole line of 1 handed weapons for MC.

i agree ! Some animal Materials are too strong compared to steel. They can defence wise be compared to steel and Messing, which should not be the case.
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Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021

CUPRUM armor should be pretty decent and way better than any of the animats, it should just be stupid heavy, same w/ messing. Now bleck, yknow... I can kinda dig that. Still it should be pretty good imo. It's metal! If you are a craftsman, you'd think you could make good armor out of it.

The rate that you can farm mats from mobs v how fast you can farm mats from mining is much different and I think the balance is off.


Needs to be adjusted for the new game. Eat your shit reality, give us weapons that can do dmg on a mount lol. It's not easy to pop someone with a mount on MC. You should be rewarded, or at least have a chance to hold a wep that, while it might be valuable, would yield a rewarding hit. Dudes should never be thinking they can tank your hit. The way they nerfed horse tankiness, I dunno if MC is ever gonna be dominant again, but I do advocate for a much higher threshold of what you can hold OR they can waste time and design a whole line of 1 handed weapons for MC.
Cuprum armor was never a thing in MO1, i think its understandable it was just too heavy and not that good material. Understandable since its a cheap non efficient metal for armor. Messing on the other side was way better than cuprum and something similar in weight.
Messing armor needs more balance, to make something in-between scales and better quality metals.

Thing is, not everything has to be usable for armor while whats already is usable makes a fair spectrum of materials that are good for armors.

I do consider the general gap between higher cost/efficiency materials for weapons and armor are somewhat acceptable, i do believe some materials require more balance, definitely.
I never liked the role many materials had in mortal, balance wise. I think in MO2 theres a higher bet, for a bigger diversity of materials and meta avaiable configurations.

Mounted combat is a joke, it requires quite a few things to make it viable.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Cuprum armor was never a thing in MO1, i think its understandable it was just too heavy and not that good material. Understandable since its a cheap non efficient metal for armor. Messing on the other side was way better than cuprum and something similar in weight.
Messing armor needs more balance, to make something in-between scales and better quality metals.

Thing is, not everything has to be usable for armor while whats already is usable makes a fair spectrum of materials that are good for armors.

I do consider the general gap between higher cost/efficiency materials for weapons and armor are somewhat acceptable, i do believe some materials require more balance, definitely.
I never liked the role many materials had in mortal, balance wise. I think in MO2 theres a higher bet, for a bigger diversity of materials and meta avaiable configurations.

Mounted combat is a joke, it requires quite a few things to make it viable.

i meant messing armor ! i wrote Cuprum by mistake.
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Rugged Garmet Armor have way to low Durability. It is a problem, because it breaks so fast, which stuns you.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
"Eat your shit reality, give us weapons that can do dmg on a mount lol. It's not easy to pop someone with a mount on MC. You should be rewarded, or at least have a chance to hold a wep that, while it might be valuable, would yield a rewarding hit."

MC was OP in MO1. I like that it is not so strong anymore. The raw Str rings buffed MC, becuase you can now use a bigger variaty of weapons.
I personally think MC need a Buff and a Nerf at the same time.

The Buff should be to be able to make an Overhead pierce attack with the Spear, so you can have the option to make 2 different attacks.
Lances should deal some chip damage.

Now to the nerf
If you get dismounted your horse should run away 200 meters, so you are forced to fight on foot and can´t mount again in a split of 2 seconds.

We need a field on the ground that prevent horses from crossing a specific line.
Throwing crow's feet spikes could be an option or Cloud of ashes could have a horse stopping function.

How to balance MC vs MA

To balance MC vs Mounted Archer we need throwing Javelins, so an MC or Footfighter have a 1 time chance to dismount an MC with a throwing Javelin under certain Conditions.

If you throw a weapon you should be forced to pick it up again. The Conditions for a dismount should be different for the used materials.
Flakestone could have a 10 % CHance to dismount if horse drops under 60 % health, Steel could have a 20 % dismount chance if you hit the head and if the horse is under 60 % health. Tungsteel could have a 80 % chance.

I'm not concerned here with the numbers I mentioned. These are just fictitious numbers. My point is that both the horse's hitpoints and the material used when the horse hits the head should play a role in the dosmount mechanic.

Then an MC would have the unique chance to dismount an MA.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Warhammer need a buff ! Could get some piercing damage !
That would make sense as this one counts under Spiked Heads and has a spike on the front of the weapon!


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Metal armors shouldn't be much stronger than animal materials armors. Medium armors are already rarely used, and they can't be made of metals. Cuprum could probably use a buff, but steel and above are already insanely strong.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Metal armors shouldn't be much stronger than animal materials armors. Medium armors are already rarely used, and they can't be made of metals. Cuprum could probably use a buff, but steel and above are already insanely strong.

i agree that Steel is very strong Material for Armors. Some Carapace Materials like Pansar Carapace, Heavy and Reptile carapace could get a small nerf, becuase they are much cheeper then steel.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
i agree that Steel is very strong Material for Armors. Some Carapace Materials like Pansar Carapace, Heavy and Reptile carapace could get a small nerf, becuase they are much cheeper then steel.

yea this is more what I'm basing on, I heard from someone that Henrik was basing the game off steel (?)

Also, re:trinkets, yeah... lol, but I'd rather not balance the game off trinkz. I think MC needs an actual mounted charge. You can catch people, you know. Predict, cut them off, but you need to be faster OR you need to be able to tank a lot of arrows. The Java thing is not something I can get behind because it's another ranged, the key to balancing MC is to make it able to get in on people if you play it right.

BTW Cuprum armor is ass, was ass in MO1. We know this. I just used it as an example of how metal is. Cup merc plate is 30 kg and worse than arthropod carp. - straight face - Considering the rate at which such things can be acquired... I def don't wanna make cup armor ever a thing, but messing was kinda? Chest n leggz?

Messing is never gonna be worth that much despite using sab powder. It's always gonna be tied to cup, but yeah, I def would like to see metal armors better. I dunno...

not believing the hype that turtle shells make a better set than a mat you can use to make hammers that break thru walls. I know EVERYTHING ISN'T EQUAL, but it's still wack.

Metal armors shouldn't be much stronger than animal materials armors. Medium armors are already rarely used, and they can't be made of metals. Cuprum could probably use a buff, but steel and above are already insanely strong.

The problem is that it's so easy to get major stacks. Now there isn't even a 60 sec butcher gate. If you set out to make a set of cuprum armor and a set of heavy carapace armor, you'd likely be able to make the HC much faster.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
The problem is that it's so easy to get major stacks.
Same can be said about iron silk vs guard fur or something, or plate scales vs ganoid. But iron silk is a luxury, people still use it and will only use more when TC comes. The problems is that we don't much to fight over, the stakes are usually not much higher than to loot or to be looted, and you don't want your best items on you in these circumstances.
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Active member
Aug 13, 2020
The other lower end of metals like pig iron, grain steel are basically worse than rocks and dog teeth, but why tho? lol. Bron also is hardly better than cuprum and it only has better weapon results in full blunt dmg weapons like hammers, in maces its the same dmg but heavier.

2h hammers get the warhammer for a lighter option, but the lightest 2h axe is still pretty heavy and uses quite a bit of material, also is lacking in power since the greataxe is basically the same speed as the others in steel, but has much lower damage, why not add a 2h handaxe like you could make in mo1?

all one handeds use stam like youre a toddler trying to wield an irl sledgehammer, but wielding a much heavier 2h are like a toy in comparison. a personal gripe about shields is that they use 10% of your stam each block always, they benefit mages much more than fighters actively fighting.
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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
i agree ! Some animal Materials are too strong compared to steel. They can defence wise be compared to steel and Messing, which should not be the case.

Copper is a pretty soft metal in reality... and well pretty bad for any armor. I actually think a turtles shell is harder than copper.

And messing is Brass... Brass is bad at any form of armor. It is pretty brittle.

Also... You are aware that there are animal materials in the real world that are stronger than metal? Silk... can stop arrows, and was even used in early bullet proof vests.

Armadillo shells can stop a .22cal round and were impervious to most arrows.

Rhino hides can resist most knife cuts and even arrows even some lower caliber gun rounds.

I am not saying that everything is accurate but sometimes things in fantasy are based in reality. There is a reason why many cultures used bone and leather armor well into the 1800s.


Active member
Aug 13, 2020
i forgot to mention, wood also got nerfed really hard for no reason to the point its just bow and shield filler, no use in handles and cant make funny armor with it anymore either.

armor also feels too balanced across the board with the protection gap being quite narrow regardless of materials, the most wide armor gap might be using silk liners with the plate armors, but its not that bad of a difference.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
2 h Katana should deal as much damage with piercing attacks as with slashing attacks. The damage compared to the 2h Greatblades is underpowered.

17 damage on a steel plate with Alvarin is like really bad damage ! 10-11 Hits to kill someone depending on its class is totally underderpowered. Nobody is using the Katana ! Piercing Damage is even much less ! The Thursar instead can kill you with 2-3 strikes with his polearm or axe !
The Greatblade is dealing over 40 damage ! This compared to 17 damage make the Katana kinda unplayable underpowered against steel and pansar carapace Armors and noone use medium armor these days. Most Hybrids go heavy Paladin because mercenary Plate is so much better compared to light and medium armor ! This is why the Katana is total out of balance. Yes you can attack faster, but you cant win vs a player of the same skill level using a greatblade, if he only have to hit you 4-5 times and you have to hit him 11 times ! 7-8 would be the maximum to make this weapon useable ! Damage should be arround 30 damage compared to the greatblade dealing 47 ! The piercing Damage need to be buffed. The Katana is a piercing weapon ! Should deal minimum as much damage with a thrust attack as blunt and slashing combined !

There is nearly no benefit over a 1 h sword ! Damage and weight is nearly the same !
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