Stream summary feedback

Doom and Gloom

Active member
Mar 12, 2022
I wonder where the MA wobble is coming at, taking quite long..

The MM cast time buff is good, since it has been ridiculously long all this time, concentration should be 100% definitely, RNG interrupt is the worst design, or then the RNG needs to be removed, so let's say every third hit interrupts and that is visible somehow.

It is too bad that to get this buff now mages had to lose shields, but I doubt this will be the last iteration of these changes..


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
Foot mages were fine and fun. The main issues was tower shields on foot mages which SV dodged.

Mounted mage is so much stronger then foot mage in open world, but its less fun.
Faster then a footmage and every other class too, can straight line run while casting, can hit for 80s on players, Horse is unkillable, can lazerbeam for 70s 40 yards away for 30 mana though reflects, can lesser heal for 30s, can lesser heal horse for 50s, and do 100s to horses, and with con even if you do shoot the mounted mage they will just get off more heals then they already have before the patch.

Mounted mage is so strong but not really fun when you do 90 damage every 20 seconds. But still 90 damage is half a players health and then that player will get focused by other players, or you can hit him again after he pops one bandage and now he will be at like 30 health with no real way to counter you as a mounted mage.

Two mounted mages flamestriking the same target insta kills and it is happening in game already.

Foot mages were in a great spot before they didnt need the shield nerf. No one wears rugged garments to get a 90% mana regen. People who think they need 90% mana regen armor are the bad players who die before they run out of mana in the first place.

The devs are severely out of touch. I've already seen some foot mage mains quit and uninstall today after seeing the changes. I'm just going to switch to mounted mage and blow some kids brains out all over nave with it. I don't think SV will admit a mistake was made for months.

Well you are lying. Its still is 2x speed in mo1.

here is a video of mo1 mounted mage with 2x casting speed.

why do you lie?

I saw freehorse play mo1 the other month still 2x casting time. That video was from 2019m 4 years ago with 2x speed.

First... if two mages are flamestriking and "insta killing" any toon right now... well your toon is WEAK. Even an pure Veela has more than 170hp at fit.

If you are getting hit with a pair of 85+ hit point flame strikes first off you would have died even if it was a pair of Thursars on foot with longbows or axes. Because those, and Oghmir foot fighters hit that hard with clubs, longbows, and axes. Hell even harder if you're naked... I have seen a 190pt hit from a Thursar-Kallard with a maul made of pure messing and steel.

As for mounteds mages being over powered in open combat. WELL DUH!!!! ALL mounted characters are powerful in open field fighting, that is what they do. That is like saying a M1A2 Abrams is overpowered in flat open terrain because it can kill a target at 4.5km and the lowly infantry man cant even think about killing that tank with his rifle at that distance.


And I did not lie. When I tested the magic it was 1.5x casting to me.
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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
People asking for concentration buffs are just bad players that dont want to get punished for bad positioning and want the game to be like WOW, where you stand still and cast with out penalty. You shouldn't even need concentration, I literally didn't read it until last week and was fine because you are not supposed to be letting people hit you in the first place. Its as RNG hand me out for bad players who made a mistake.
If SV added it so there's now a % chance to cancel ur swing in melee combat if you got hit would you say thats a good change?

A mage in shit armor doesnt want to get hit, your spell being canceled has no effect on that. RNG has no place in this game. And if removing rng from mage makes it op they can nerf mage. RNG still has no place in this game.
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Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
Footies will get rekt by mounted mages and tribrids in the open. I think mounted mages needed some buffs in how they perform in dungeons, not this.

It should be 100%. Why do we need the RNG at all?

Which means you'll have to sacrifice like 1.5 kg of armor to wear shittiest shields. It's a direct nerf to footie mages.

It's like when you reduced mana regen baseline to 2kg and made it look like you're "buffing" humans. All foot mages being nerfed doesn't mean humans are getting a buff. Can you just straight BUFF humans instead of playing these silly games?

Yes. If they aren't oghmirs. Who will now have the ability to wear heaviest armors AND tower shields. Veelas and oghmirs are two S tier clades. Now veelas are getting a slight nerf but oghmirs are getting a massive buff, making them kings of the hill. Can't wait to see full steel oghmirs with tower shields.

Who the hell makes balancing decisions for this game? And when are you reverting reflect changes? There's no mention of it in the summary. You really think it's ok? Why do i see NOTHING in the summary that would compensate mages for losing their shields? Adding 10% to concentration is an insult when you're taking away their main defensive tool.

this game going to helvete

What can i say, really stupid changes. Idk whos the simpleton thats supposed to be in charge of balancing, but this is bandaid balancing, really poor quality type of shit.

I see a lot of plurality in these forums, the people that support shitty bandaid content because for them its a blessing SV delivers something, and theres the people that aknowledges whats wrong.

This game won't improve sustantially (as it needs) aslong as they keep replicating this way" of careless balancing and content development. Everything delivered is in really poor shape and terrible design. It only takes a few people to actually make an extensive conceptual analysis of the game to generate apropiate balance for the very diverse problematics (not only combat).

Currently development looks like they got a random steam noob figuring out "great ideas" on how to balance shit. Theres absolutly no criteria on balancing here, theres no direction and definitely not a plan. A plan would be to receive a cluster of real changes with every patch that generate a possitive impact in the gameplay of a diversity of people, this would require SV to aknowledge the plurality of gamestyles, but they don't.

I have nothing against Robmo, but its pretty clear since hes assumed a lot of really shitty changes have happened. This could be the symptom of giving a player, tainted by it's own predilections the ability to "condense" the opinions of the community. We could only assume this player is objective enough to deliver a good perspective of whats being argued at a fundamental level. But the reality is you can't trust one player to do such task.

Or perhaps Robmo has nothing to do with all these shitty changes and its something that casually started going on since he's got that role. But it wouldn't be fair to blame him, its obviously another problem created by SV's lack of criteria. This is not new, this happened in MO1. This imperial need to repeat the same mistakes over and over, its just sad to see such an interesting proyect to be this bad.

A plan is definitely not isolated changes added without considerations and proper impact assessment. If they actually had a professional team instead of random players and clueless devs brainstorming idiotic ideas the game would be a more successfull title, thats for sure.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
The worse thing is that MM is so strong already, and the magic reflect changes recently happened and really hurt the game. They ignored the feedback about it and went ahead and decided on the fly to buff one of the alpha meta builds that has very few weaknesses. They pretty much removed a lot of weaknesses with the reflect changes allowing healing. Before you could corrupt them but they have reflect up 24/7 now with no penalty.

They will ignore feedback and go ahead with the buff then ignore the feedback that will follow about how OP mm is now. Takes them months to admit a change was wrong. People are going to quit over how unplayble PvP will be if you are not a MM.

If SV had people that knew how to play the game then they wouldn't be making such bad game killing changes. This next patch could be as bad and pop killing at the red priest changes. IDK why they keep using the same logic they have been using in the past when it has not worked. I had a lot of hope after the necro patch but SV went back to being bad the following patches.
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Active member
Feb 2, 2022
Perhaps you should kill two birds with one stone and apply for a job with Star a consultant.
The paycheck would suck though. The main reason they do not have competent developers. Henrik will keep looking for animators forever at this pace.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
patch inc in 15min? :eek:

lol paycheck. I can't imagine you'd need full time to do it, anyway, unless you were entering code. It's THEORY THEORY THEORY.

Y'know looking at patch notes for other games, adjustments and how they turned out, you start to notice as games get more 'refined,' the adjustments they make are much more precise. I admit I haven't played too many oft-adjusted competitive games, but I do know that one tick on a slider can throw the game out of balance. 2.0 to 1.5 is a tremendous change, and the concentration change is also weird. Why give two buffs at once, then you dunno if they are both necessary?

Seems like if they want a better concentration, then that's cool. Not really but lol... it's better than faster casting. Faster casting is just dumb. I have been trying to curb my hatred for MM in these posts. From the fat intelligence debate, the fat rider debate, true dmg debate. They pretty much tick every ehhh.

I mean, yeah, the DPS debate is flawed, usually, but .5 fewer seconds to charge hmm. Give us back swing speed! Make bows fire faster too :D

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
Perhaps you should kill two birds with one stone and apply for a job with Star a consultant.
Even tho i disagree with a lot of things Tzone says hes got a much better understanding of the game than the actual game designers, im sure he would do great as a consultant. But im guessing SV prefers other type of opinions xD


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
37.76655478735988, -122.48572468757628
Even tho i disagree with a lot of things Tzone says hes got a much better understanding of the game than the actual game designers, im sure he would do great as a consultant. But im guessing SV prefers other type of opinions xD
I don't disagree with 100% of what he says, either, but the problem with taking someone's advice, even if it is expert advice, while they or their friends are still playing the game seems obvious, too.

Might as well just aggregate all advice from players, anonymise it, and salt to taste.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
First... if two mages are flamestriking and "insta killing" any toon right now... well your toon is WEAK. Even an pure Veela has more than 170hp at fit.

If you are getting hit with a pair of 85+ hit point flame strikes first off you would have died even if it was a pair of Thursars on foot with longbows or axes. Because those, and Oghmir foot fighters hit that hard with clubs, longbows, and axes. Hell even harder if you're naked... I have seen a 190pt hit from a Thursar-Kallard with a maul made of pure messing and steel.

As for mounteds mages being over powered in open combat. WELL DUH!!!! ALL mounted characters are powerful in open field fighting, that is what they do. That is like saying a M1A2 Abrams is overpowered in flat open terrain because it can kill a target at 4.5km and the lowly infantry man cant even think about killing that tank with his rifle at that distance.


And I did not lie. When I tested the magic it was 1.5x casting to me.
I just posted a video of 2x cast time in mo1. You are lying.

MM is unkillable with no counter and highest burst damage in game. When you group fight and there are multiple mms your mounted gest 2 or three shot. All it takes is two mm to focus one mount and its dead.

Reflect does not reflect mental projectile, and it does extra damage to horses. What is a player supposed to do put 100 pyche onto a horse?

Most mounted have a annoying time trying to land hits on foot fighters. Armor mitigates ma damage same against mc. And you can parry mc.

MM is not parryable, they ignore armor, they are hitscan so it easy to land, and do 80s to 90s on players.
Unkillable mounts that can heal through long bow which is the deterent footies use against mounted.
MM does everything a MC and MA do but better and with far less skill.

You have no argument. If you couldnt make the lowest skilled class work then you will still be bad with the buffs.
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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
I just posted a video of 2x cast time in mo1. You are lying.

MM is unkillable with no counter and highest burst damage in game. When you group fight and there are multiple mms your mounted gest 2 or three shot. All it takes is two mm to focus one mount and its dead.

Reflect does not reflect mental projectile, and it does extra damage to horses. What is a player supposed to do put 100 pyche onto a horse?

Most mounted have a annoying time trying to land hits on foot fighters. Armor mitigates ma damage same against mc. And you can parry mc.

MM is not parryable, they ignore armor, they are hitscan so it easy to land, and do 80s to 90s on players.
Unkillable mounts that can heal through long bow which is the deterent footies use against mounted.
MM does everything a MC and MA do but better and with far less skill.

You have no argument. If you couldnt make the lowest skilled class work then you will still be bad with the buffs.

You have the tact of a brick. You should work on that.

I am going to say this one more time. To me when I tested it, it was 1.5x. I did not take a stop watch or a frame counter. I also was on a free account mage at that time. Which has ZERO effect on the casting speed.

But all you want to say is "LIER LIER PANTS ON FIRE!!!!" And if that is the extent of your argument I am done here.

Mounts will have attributes on their own eventually. They had them in MO1. Some mounts had higher psy than others. But you know everything so you should already know that.
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
The worst thing about it is that reduced MM cast time is a "buff" to mages, even if it does nothing for dedicated foot mages. So they probably aren't getting compensated for the nerf.

I'm beginning to feel good being human cleric. Never needed them shields. It's almost like i got buffed. Even though i wasn't, i just wasn't nerfed.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
You have the tact of a brick. You should work on that.

I am going to say this one more time. To me when I tested it, it was 1.5x. I did not take a stop watch or a frame counter. I also was on a free account mage at that time. Which has ZERO effect on the casting speed.

But all you want to say is "LIER LIER PANTS ON FIRE!!!!" And if that is the extent of your argument I am done here.

Mounts will have attributes on their own eventually. They had them in MO1. Some mounts had higher psy than others. But you know everything so you should already know that.
Hey I was fair, just, and courteous even after you straight up lied about it to further your argument. Now you are sperging out after getting caught lying. At this point its not you just misrepresenting something its purposeful and malicious.

People get mad when I just disagree with them while showing why I think Im right all the time. Most of you people are just mad because you cant stand debate in the first place.

MM is strong, No one on the test team plays mage, and the PvPers prob dont play are are just ignored. SV needs some PvPers as testers but they refuse from certain guilds while the guilds they let in leak a lot of stuff already and use that knowledge to exploit.
Foot mages were fine, the shield added gameplay to the mage besides only kiting. MM was very strong before reflect, became completly broken after it removed the corrupt counter to mm as they can mr their horses while healing them. MR allowing healing just broke mounted PvP so hard. Then they buffed a already alpha build even more.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
SV needs some PvPers as testers but they refuse from certain guilds while the guilds they let in leak a lot of stuff already and use that knowledge to exploit.

You gotta put some of that on the community tho, to be real. In happy fun land their test team would be good, honest players who wanted the game to be the best it could possibly be. You can say some people from x guild fit that, but in game politics might shit if they took the wrong person.

I guess it's obvious being a member of the test team is a priv, but really they should just open a test server. I like video evidence. haha. You can always create a situation, but sustained video evidence, if it keeps playing out similarly, is pretty hard to argue against.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Ok this is the most unposlished patch and its supposed to be a polish patch?

IDK why they released this patch. Im happy for all the exploit fixed but damn its so laggy in some spots, and some serious bugs that brick certain builds.

Games in some spots has the most horrible stuttering. Some people cant even play right now.